Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 11, 1967, Image 13

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    OVER-ALL GRAND CHAMPION day, in the Hereford division of the
HEREFORD. This stretchy Summer Pennsylvania Livestock Show, at the
Yearling went all the way to the top Farm Show Building. Sam Wylie,
for J. K, Mast, Morgantown, (left) Tues- (right) was the showman. L. F. Photo
H. M. Stauffer Stevens Feed Mill, Inc.
& Sons, Inc. Stevens
DO IT!. . .
the spot. Ask us what’s new for fall
farrowing. Ask us when we’re going to
have something to put faster gains on
fall litters... something to keep them
healthy through autumn weather...
something to get pigs to market sooner.
Then let us tell you about our brand-new
FARROWING... five powerful new feeds
that give you the ideal combination for
competing in the pork business.
Another fine product of The Quaker Oats Company.
-‘-■v-'- - *~ ' >
Horold H. Good
Terre Hill
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, November 11,1967—-
Farm-City Week Creates
Better Rural-Urban Unity
University Park It is ex
tremely difficult to see the im
portance of agriculture through
the glass of a well-stocked sup
ermarket window, the director
of the Cooperative Extension
Service at The Pennsylvania
State University declared today.
Thomas H. Patton said,
“There has never been a time
when it was more important for
those outside agriculture to un
derstand and visualize the com
plex nature of this industry and
the problems it faces in the
years ahead.”
The Penn State official, com
menting on the statewide ob
servance of Farm-City Week
scheduled Nov. 17-23, said he
believes the rural-urban activi
ties being planned in most Com
monwealth counties will “invari
ably lead to a better under
Be $»5 Plant
Wiser Krizer
Are you-getting the most from your corn yields?
If not try the corn that has proven to be outstand
ing in yield and performance.
Order your Krizer Hybrid Seed Corn Today.
Call or write EUGENE G. HOOVER
Lititz, R 3, 569-0756
standing and friendly exchange
of viewpoints between farmer
and city dweller.” This year’s
theme is “Farm-City-Partners
for Better Living.”
As suburbia continues to
spread out into the countryside,
the relationship between city
folks and farmers becomes in
creasingly important, Patton
emphasized. It is then that these
groups find themselves “neigh
bors” with common problems
of land use, water supply, com
munity facilities, and taxation.
“Planning boards, water and
sewer authorities, school boards,
and other public agencies are
turning to a more regional ap
proach to solve their problems.
This requires cooperation and
understanding of a much high
(Continued on Page 20)