Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 1967, Image 17
New Feeder Steers Need Special Care » bought feed- SS J3KSA? in"SS er cattle, chances are good that summertime when the truck they have been under consider- has to set In the hot sun. Be able stress for several days, sure the truck exhaust fumes Calves need special care to don’t seep into the bed. keep them from coming down Pasture Helps... with disease andi get them off Many feeders prefer to put to a good start, says Dr. Rob- new cattle in a well-fenced ert Hammond, Extension vet- grass pasture for a week or erinarian at the University of two before putting them in the Maryland. feed lot. But if you do this, be If you bought healthy, alert sure they have shade and plen cattle, only a small amount of ty of water. And (be sure the preparation should be necessa- pasture is small enough that ry to get them settled in their you can see all the calves ev new home. ery day. Remember, some calves may If the cattle go directly into umrmmurn YOU’RE AHEAD with a\\ FLAMELESS ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER ' Take the work out of washday with a flameless electric clothes dryer. You’ll have no more heavy baskets to lug.-Or lines to string. Or whipping, tearing winds or sudden, soaking rains to face. Instead, you dry everything snugly Indoors, electrically. And, right now, you.can save $7.50 by taking along this gift certificate when you visit your electric appliance dealer. He’ll deduct $7.50 from the price of any electric clothes dryer you buy. The offer is good on any flameless electric clothes dryer purchased between October 16 and November 11, 1967, inclusive. <^^^3 ennsylvania Power & Light Com II ~ GIFT CERTIFICATE jijj »\ WORTH $7.50 S SM* on your purchase of a FLAMELESS Electric Clothes Dryer from your favorite Electric Appliance Retailer §||js pg ; between OCTOBER 16 and NOVEMBER 11, 19671 , MM For Customer UsM For Retailer Usei MM. ‘MM STORE NAME ——. MM »— ADDRESS ||| fHH PPSL CUSTOMER NO. . DATE OF SALE |||| (From your electric service bill) MAKE — —r wjffjw THIS OFFER 18 OPEN ONLY TO CUSTOMERS SERVED DIRECTLY BY PP&L! PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY have been on the road for sev eral days. Load them gently into the truck and avoid over crowding, However, cattle ride better if they are reasonably While at your appliance dealer, enter PP&L’s drawing for a 6-day vacation for two in Puerto Rico. You’ll fly Pan American and stay at the Hotel Intercontinental Ponce. Nothing to buy! Enter as often as you like! Complete rules on entry blank in your dealer’s store . Contest ends Saturday, Nov. 11, so enter now. This Certificate Worth $7.50 When You Buy A Flameless Electric Clothes Dryer the feed lot, it should be ready before they arrive. Have it cleaned and bedded. Look for and remove sharp nails and loose boards that could injure nervous calves. Move them as little as possible for the first ten days or so. Look them over several times a day, but do it quietly and keep the dog away. Check for Disease... Look for signs of disease dur ing the first few days. Be alert for animals that stand apart from the herd and appear to be listless. Coughing or shal low, rapid breathing may indi cate pneumonia. Carefully and quietly separate questionable animals and have them exam ined by your veterinarian. Watch for Shipping Fever... Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 4,1967 — There is no sure way to pre vent cattle from coming down with the complex of diseases known as shipping fever. How ever, the length of time an an imal is sick and the amount of weight loss are directly related to stress. Veterinarians use shipping fever serum, antibio tics and sulfonamides for treatment, but good care helps speed recovery. Scours May Mean Trouble... Most new feeder calves will show some signs of diarrhea, but this is usually from excite ment and probably nothing to worry about if the cattle are alert and active. However, if scours last more than about four days, and the cattle run a slight fever, it is - v «_ , r f £ a good idea to ask your local veterinarian to check them. Check for Parasites... After cattle have been in the feedlot for about 10 days, check them for both internal and external parasites. Collect a few teaspoonsful of fresh manure from the drop pings of 10 animals. Put this material in a small jar and take it to your veterinarian for microscopic examination. By a simple laboratory proced ure, he can tell what type and how many worms are in your cattle. Clean, dry surroundings will help in keeping your cat tle from picking up new in festations. Lice and ticks cause cattle to do a lot of rubbing and scratching. They make cattle unthrifty and give them a rag ged appearance. Check the calves for external parasites and spray or “pour on” in secticides before cold weather to help your cattle use feed ef ficiently. Check with your vet erinarian or county agent for the materials to use. Other Problems... Ringworm, an unsightly skin disease, can usually be avoided by giving your feeder cattle enough room and keeping the pen clean, dry and well light ed. An outbreak of ringworm may indicate a Vitamin A de ficiency. Foot rot can usually be elim inated by draining or filling in all wet spots in the feedlot. Remove any sharp stones or other material that might cause foot injury Veterinari ans say that feed additives have been very little help in controlling foot rot. If you change silage or grain types, do it gradually over a period of time to help prevent bloat. Coarse mixed hay fed free choice along with any change in grain or silage feed ing, will also help. MVB COT IT! Texaco Fuel Chief... (he finest heating oil money can buy! Texaco Fuel Chief li today’s top-qual ity heating oU. Result of the most exhaustive re search In the heating oil field. You’ll find Texaco Fuel Chief dependable In quality, delivery after de livery. It’s clean burning. And it’s economical gives complete combus tion from every drop. Or der Texaco Fuel Chief to day. We’ll fill your fuel-oil tank promptly. tfuelChSeTi We Give S & H Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 * a *. - - 17