FARM WOMEN NEWS SOCIETY #27 Society of Farm Women #27 met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Witmer Sherer, Manheim. Mrs. Arthur Wenger was co-hostess. Twenty-five members were present. Mrs. Grant Noll led In devotions. Plans were made to give a short skit (written by Miriam Kauffman) at the County Con vention on Saturday, Novem ber 4. The November meeting will be reserved to go to Homs Makers Day, Nov. 15. This will be held at Dutch Town and Country Inn, Paradise. The program was a night of music. Mrs. Grant Noll and Mrs. Robert Kauffman gave readings they composed. Organ and piano duets were featured as well as trio & duet numbers toy Mrs. Marion Garber, Mrs. Hazel Hawthorne, Mrs. Mir iam Kauffman and Mrs. Bever ly Earhart. Mrs. Norma Martin led the group in singing. The next meeting will be held December 14, at 6:30 p.m., at the Donegal Presbyterian Church. This will be a mystery supper for farm women and their husbands. The hostess will be Mrs. Luke Brubaker assisted by Mrs James Bru baker Mrs. Daniel Stoltzfusand Mrs Musser Ebersole. SOCIETY #26 Society of Perm Women 26 mt at the hoir 3 of Mrs. Wil mer Esbenshade Manheim El, last week. Mrs. Harry Fershey Jr., led devotions andi fie meeting was called to order by the presi- dent Mrs. Haro d Esbenshade County home, lakers day was announced for Nov. 15. The Society voted to have a display It assures you that the cash value it rep resents is guarded against loss. It helps you maintain an up-to-date rec ord of all expenditures. II supplies, by means of cancelled checks, uncontestable proof of payments made. It even has your name on every page. Conestoga-Bank himhumms m mmr mims lANCASTER7CENTERVILLE 'LANDISVILLE LITITZ MANHEIM TOWNSHtP/MILLERSVILLEJROHRERSTOWN MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ’ K Trustee for The Lancaster County Foundation table at the affair, which will be held at the Town and Coun try Inn. New officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Kenneth Eshle man, secretary; Mrs. Lcßoy Es benshade, treasurer and Mrs. John Brubaker, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Frank Eshelman gave a book review on “Up the Down Staircase.” On Nov. 18 the Society, along with the husbands, will attend a hockey game at Hershey. A cookie swap will bo held at the Dec. meeting. Recipes will be sent to Mrs. Wilbur Ebersole and exchanged to each member, who in turn will bring three dozen cookies to “swap” with other members. This meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Hess, 3231 Old Harrisburg Pike, Lan caster. SOCIETY #4 Society of Farm Women 4 met last week at the home of Mrs. Victor Koser, Mt. Joy, at which time Mrs. Richard S. King was elected president. Other officers elected are: Mrs. Robert Herr, vice presi dent; Mrs. Wilbur Kauffman, secretary; Mrs. Frank Nolt, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Alvin Musser, treasurer. Delegates to the state con vention in January will be Mrs. Helen Kauffman and Mrs. Sar ah Herr. Mrs. Ida Heistand will act as alternate. A new member, Mrs. William Campbell, Lancaster R 2, was added. A donation will be given to the Needlework Guild and $5O has been forwarded to the county project the furnish ins' of n kitchen in the Farm and Home Center now being built. Mrs. Wilson Mohler conduct ed devotions. Janie Koch, of Ironville, an eight-year-old student at Over brook School, Philadelphia, read from braille and sang sev eral solos, accompanied by Lin da Drager, Ironville. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ab ram Sheaffer, Hershey Mill Rd. Mrs. C. Abram Snyder Lancas ter will present the program, “Christmas Is You.” SOCIETY #ll Mrs. Bess Ressel. Quarry ville R 1 was elected president of the Society of Farm Women 11 at their October meeting held at the home of Mrs. Har old Freiberg, Holtwood. Also elected for a one-year term were Mrs. Esther Mus ser, vice president; Mrs. Harold Freiberg, recording secretary; Mrs. Arnold Singles, corre sponding secretary. Mrs. Theo dore Mathias is beginning the second year of a two-year term as treasurer. Mrs. Ammon Huber, presi dent, installed Mrs. Mary Mil ler, Quarryville as a new mem ber. Mrs. Harry MoComsey, chair man of the publications com mittee reported that the year books are ready for publica tion. The annual Lancaster Coun ty Farm Women convention will be held Nov. 4 at Town and Country, Vintage. The new officers will be installed at this time. Mrs. Clarence Carter was the guest speaker after the busi ness meeting. Mrs. Theodore Mathias conducted a food auc tion. (Continued on Page 16) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 4,1967 — or tl Farm Wife and Ladies. Have You Heard? ... By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist To Keep Egg Quality Keep eggs clean, covered, and cool. Buy eggs only from a market or store wheic eggs are kept refrigerated. Put eggs in a covered container in the re frigerator as soon as possible when you get them home. Covering the eggs keeps moisture in and odors out. When you have egg yolks left over, put them unbroken in a dish and iust enough water to cover them Keep in leingeralor un til ready to use. Put leftover egg whites in a tightly sealed container. Communicate With Businessmen Your spending choices tell businessmen want you want. . Tell salespeople what you like r , eady ™ VVL f HaVC “ and dislike about products and descn P tl0 " »f the item service, services or mcident bein 8 reported, dale of purchase, department, and Let businessmen know, the name or number of the through letters and calls, when salesperson, your sales check, you approve or disapprove of and any label, seal, warranty, or their operating policies, their guarantee that came with the services, or the products they pm chase. S ®H* Usually it’s preferable to dis- Tell your friends when you cuss your pioblem in person or have good results with a paid- in a letter rather than by tele cular product or store. “Word of phone mouth” is one of the most if you fail to get satisfaction powerful forms of advertising, from the retailer, contact the When you have a problem, be (Continued on Page 18) EXCLUSIVE SPEEDY ROOF RAFTERS MAKE SPEEDY CORN CRIBS Speedy roof rafters guarantee easv, proper placement of roof panels the fiisi tune. Rafteis add great strength to the roof Panels need only to be bolted together in three places It's another big time-saving feature you get only in Speedy Uar-Lok corn cubs. Stands up best —lasts Unger Wire mesh panels aie 5-gauge \urc thick as a 1 4" bolt! No GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Family bulge or sag Sturdy 26-gauge g.i'vaniTed roof is secuiely an chored to 9 steel toof rafteis and side panels Can’t blow off! Come in today and see the Speeds Bar-l ok corn cub. Let us piose to sou that Speedy is twice as- fast twite as easy to erect I ct us show you all the other features that make Speedy Bar-Lok your best corn tub buy. 15 "‘■Z'-y., Ph: 786-3630