Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 1967, Image 13

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OF THE WEEK. Almost anywhere you
traveled around Lancaster County this
week, you could find someone in the
field packing com. Or if he wasn’t in the
field, he was at the com crib trying to
You're taking a chance!
If you’ve been in the habit, of “booking” your feed before new-crop
information is available, you have been taking a chance with your
feedlot results.
You make money by producing the lowest cost pound of beef, not by
saving pennies on a "cheaper,” less efficient supplement or ration.
A good booking means nothing unless the feed itself is of high quality.
So why not wait until you have talked with us about Purina’s feeding
programs. They feature Purina Cattle Starters that will put cattle on
full feed the very first day. And they contain supplements “built-to-fit”
your own particular grain and roughages. Or complete Cattle Chows
that can save you work and may cut feeding costs.
Ask us also how you can protect your cost with Purina’s Firm Price
Ira B. Landis
Ph: 569-0531
779 Valley Road, Lancaster
James High & Sons West Willow Farmers Wenger's Feed Mill,
Ph: 354-0301 Assn., Inc. Inc.
Gordonville . Ph; 464-3431 Ph: 367-1195
West Willow Rheems
the reason more cattlemen feed PURINA
if _
John B. Kurtz John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Ph: 354-9251 Ph: 442-4632
R. D. 3, Ephrata Paradise
more room. In the above photo
graph, we chanced upon Earl H. Snavely
picking com for James Benedict on
their Manheim R 2 farm, and took the
above L. F. Photo last Monday after
incaster Fanning, Saturday, November 4,1&67 —
More Research Needed To
Control Poultry Disease
The federal government was Dr. Roy E. Luginbuhl, de
blamed for its lack of support partment of animal diseases,
for poultry disease research at Univ e r s ity of Connecticut,
the annual National Meeting Storrs, pointed up the serious
on Poultry Condemnations, ness of the leukosis problem.
Salisbury, Md., October 24, 25. “While the number of cluck-
Avian leukosis alone costs the ens slaughtered for market has
poultry industry $l5O million increased 50 percent since
a year; more research support- 1962, the frequency of Marek’s
ed with larger funds from disease the most prevalent
USDA and industry is the only form of leukosis has in
answer to its control accord- creased more than 1000 per
ing to poultry experts.' cent.”
According to Dr. Martin Se- Luginbuhl believed progress
voian, department of veterin- is being made, however. “An
ary and animal science, Univer- important recent discovery was
sity of Massachusetts, Amherst, that leukosis was really two
the poultry industry has also separate diseases Marek’s dis
been apathetic in using its in- ease and lymphoid leukosis,
fluence with the government The latter can already be cen
to get financial support for the trolled although it is expensive
needed research. “Now we can and complicated.”
only give aids to help control Poultry researchers have
leukosis; satisfactory controls identified the virus causing
depend on research.” (Continued on Page 16)
Order Now For Fall Spreading
Ivan M. Martin, Inc. New Holland 354-2112
Blue BaU, Pa. Gap 442-4148
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