Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 1967, Image 11
CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 TO PLACE TOUR Dairy I FOR | CURTISS 4 BREEDING I SERVICE i f* Call WILLIAM WALKER <* Quarryville 786-2645 % LARRY TWIGG 'll Intercourse 768-8404 I’ RAY RARBOLD ? ML Joy 653-5959 CLIFFORD GIBBLE Manheim 6654252 t w *< , < * * A Uf-rr , Help Wonted Amish Boy—l 4 yrs. or older. Permanent job-farm & green house work. Must be conscien tious and willing worker with beef cattle and horses. Live in friendly home, 6 days with weekend transportation provide ed. Good pay. Riverwood Farm, Peach Bottom, Pa. 17563. Ph. 717-548-2156. Wanted - Farmer for Small Dairy & General farming, good wages and pleasant living. Ph. Bphrata 733-2900. Miscellaneous MRSi. ANNA - Gifted Header and Advisor iHelp given on all problems of ufe. Don’t fail to consult this famous life advisor while you still have a chance and learn the true facts concerning all affairs of life, sickness, worried or in need of help. Readings are private and strict ly confidential. 2209 Columbia Are. 392-9480 Hours; Daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Donations only For Sale Mushroom Soil to beautify your lawns and gar dens. Any amount. Gap New port Mushroom Farm, Phone AC 215-268-8808. Lane. Area Ph. 394-2611. WHY? YOU ASK? WHY SHOULD YOU LIST YOUR COUNTRY PLACE, FARM, LAND OR LOTS WITH WENTZEL? Because Wentzels have many waiting city buyers who many times pay higher prices than your local buyeis; because everybody knows Wentzel advertises regularly; Wentzels l help arrange financing; Wentzel has a whole barn-full of ex j i farmer boys (now skilled negotiators) to help sell your ,i'present place more quickly and efficiently and to help you fjbuy or build your next home. Phone 394-3763 today. REALTOR, STANLEY M. WENTZEL 401 W. Orange Street, Lancaster HORSE and PONY SALE Monday, November 6, 1967 of 4:00 P.M. Martin's Sales Stables . Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County Kentucky Saddle Horses, Standardbreds & Ponies. Local Consigned Horses and Ponies. 7 PAUL Z. MARTIN PH. (717)'354-6671 Livestock For Sola WANTED Naturally raised beef, lamb, poultry, eggs grass raised, absolutely unmedi cated. Any other organic prod* ucts? E, J. Mattem, R.D. 2, Middleburg, Pa. 17842. Household Goods SEE . . . BARGAINS GALORE!!! 21” Motorola console TV 40.00; Zenith 24” console TV 45.00; Floor lamps 2.00* up; Modem buffet good condition 45.00; Ele ctric coffee pots 4.50 each; Ele ctric irons 2.50 up; Large selec tion carbornndum sanding belts 10c up; Sofabed excellent con dition 40.00; other sofas 8.00 up; 3 upright pianos reduced to 25.- 00 each; Dinette tables 7.00 up; Odd wooden & Metal chairs 50c up; Rockers 8.00 up; Refrigera tors 25.00 up; Automatic wash ers 30.00 up; Wringer washers 20.00 up; Easy spin washers 35.- 00 each; Hot water heaters 8.00 each; Electric stoves 25.00 up; Single & Double beds- complete 12.00 & 15.00 each; Large selec tion of clothes & shoes on dis play for the entire family. Dish es, books, antiques, toys, knick knacks, lamp shades, magazines; plus thousands of-other items on display and arriving daily at' low, low prices. - 9tiP 9 Tuesday & Friday till 10 p.m. - 394-0647 UNCLAIMED LAY AWAY New 1967 Zig-Zag Sewing Ma chine must be sold. Built-in controls, does everything. No attachments needed. 5 year Parts & Service Guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $37.40 or terms of $5 00 per month. No money down. Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr., till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 SINGER ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine, cabinet mod el, slightly used. Monograms, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes. No attach ments needed. 5 year Parts & Service guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $5B 10 or pay payments of $5.75 per month. Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr., till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 Form Equipment BUTLER Engineered I Buildings for Hogs, Poultry, Dairy and Beef Oxygen Free Silos C BUTLER Addison H. Martin, Inc. Builders of Farm Systems Ephrata, R. D. 2 AC 717-354-5374 Used Com Head for 1H 101 Combine. C. B. HOOBBR & SON Intercourse Ph. 768-8231 Massey - Ferguson 2-row mtd. Com Picker; G'ehl Hammer Mill M; M. WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa. Ph, 656-7702 Farmall M Tractor COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence Pb, 786-7351 Feed ond Seed por Sale - B'albo Rye, cleaned' and 4 treated. C. Martin Green leaf, Ph. 529-2704. For Sate - Redcoat Wheat, cleaned and treated. C. Martin Greenleaf, Ph. 529-2704. For Sale—Red coat wheat, cer tified in field 1967. Ph. 872-7182 Moil Box Market For Sale - Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts Carsass championship blood lines. Willow Glen Farm, R.D. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Ph. AC 717- 786-2562. For Sale Bronze Turkeys for stock, Line-bred from wild stock and raised on open range Young toms $7, hens $5 Anna Larson, Route 3, Oxford, Penna Phone (215) 932-8939 For Sale 200 Babcock pullets starting to lay Also 8 units of used cow stanchions, cheap' Ap ply to John M Martin, Denvei Rl, first fai in N E of Fivepoint ville For Sale—l 962 Chevy truck, Farmall Super C with cultiva tors, hoers and corn planter. Three-year-old quarter horse and tack Very gentle. Ph. 426-4539 Wanted Bull, Angus Holstein cross, service age For Sale broiler feeders Earl E Huber, Ph. 872-5663 Wanted Papec 19” ensilage cutter, in good condition. Henry Beiler, 129 S. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa For Sale Reg Collie pups. Jacob H. Musser, East Earl Rl, Ph. 354-7325. For Sale Redcoat wheat, cleaned and treated, $2.00 per bu Amos Anderson, 548-2587. Wanted Jamesway litter car rier track and switch Jonas K. Zook, Kirkwood Rl, Pa 17536 For Rent 5 room and bath apartment, near Vintage. Phone 464 3174 For Sale Redcoat seed wheat, certified 1966 Ph 768 3081. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 4,1967 — Form Equipment HAY GUARD For Hay and Grains Treat your high moisture CORN and FEEDS. It will increase palatability and serve to inhibit mold and heating. Sold by ROY H. MILLER 55 S. Grant St., Manheim 17545 Ph. 665-5213 Mfg. by International Stock Food Corp. Waverly, N. Y. Corn pickers, 1 and 2 row mounted, pull type and self pro pelled; elevators, choppers, stalk shredders, manure spread ers and loaders, feed-grinder mixers, hammer mills, scraper blades and tractor chains. KEENER EQUIP. CO, Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. Used Manure Spreaders—Tank Type, PTO and traction driven; auxiliary PTO generators; sev eral elevators; Badger Grinder- Mixer. L. H. BRUBAKER Lititz R 3 397-5179 687-6002 626-7766 Good Used Equipment #1 P.R. International Corn •Picker,' John Deere #l5 Chopp er, New- Idea P.T-. Chopper; Gehl Chopper A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland, Pa. Ph. 354-8001- 230 gal. Girton Bulk tank MCO No; 1 approved. 350 gal. Esco bulk tank, some used milk can coolers. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 768-8501 For Sale—3o H.P. Sprout-Wal dron- Attrition Mill, Also cob breaker. A. MELLINGER & SON Akron, Pa. Ph. 859-1666 New & used Grain Boxes & Elevators, New & used tractors GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph 786-3630 Case 630 Diesel with mounted Picker ARTHUR S YOUNG CO Gap Ph 4424186 LINCOLN WELDERS-180 amp --$B3 225 amp-$93. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. 426-1101. Used 800 Ford Tractor FARMERSVILLE EQUIP CO New Holland Ph 354-9221 For Sale-IH 2-MH 2-row corn picker with bank lube. Phone 626-8257 Poultry & Equipment SHAVER c LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY B. 1, PA. Poultry & Equipment For Sale - 5,000 Anthony Leg* horn Pullets, 18 wks. old. Cage reared in Berks County. Ph, Montgomery-Bucks Farm Bu reau, 215-723-4354. DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Phone DeKalb York Hatchery, A.C. 717-255-7741 or DeKalb District Sales Office. Lancaster 464-3444; or call 768-3962 or Ephrata 733-7671. Hart Cup watering systems, Beacon steel cages. Brock feed bins, Aerovent and Coolair fans, Oakes mechanical feed* ers and hog equipment, Herr* matic feed carts egg and manure handling equipment. E. M. Herr Equipment,- Inc., Willow Street, R.D. 1, Ph. 464-3321. ARE YOU CONSIDERING PRODUCING BROILER HATCHING EGGS? If so, we'would UKe 10 talk with you. Phone 392-2192 MARTIN’S HATCHERY 2m COLUMBIA AVE. LANCASTER, PA. BOOKING ORDERS FOR . M 327 Iflfusser Leghorn Chicks for 1968. Bred and raised for • disease resistance. MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS 653-4911 Richard R. Forry Ph. 397-0035 gpnaf* l 9' / Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses. Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. Hiestand, Inc. Direct Factory Poultry Equipment Distributor with Complete Warehousing & Service VENTOMATIC farm ail conditionei s—CHORE-TIME feeders and waterers STORM eggomation systems MELVIN’S incinerators LINCOLN electric and- hot water brooders POCK MAN cages—MASTERBILT egg cooIers—HEALTHWAY ; medlcators and waterers .HART cups GROWING .cages STANOMATIC cross augers and feed carts BULK bins and flex aug ers. Contact' us for help in any remodeling, ventilating or problems with poultry house equipping. MARIETTA, PA. Phone 717-426-1101 11