Weekly Poultry Report (Contlnufd from Page 2) last year. Twelve market re- Eastern Pennsylvania 301/i: Turkeys, Hens 20-30%: coipts 107,000, compared with And NawWv Rabbits 20-32, mostly 20-31: 104,000 last week and 108,000 «no new jersey Guineas 52%-60; Pigeons (per last year. Weekly Review P ail ’) so-ioo, mostly 90-100; slaughter steers U , . „ , Jumbo Squab 92%. Prime 1150-1425 lbs. Yield ei-nn f h g K d t 0 %c l . low ' Total COO P S sold: 827 - Grade 3 and 420 25-20.75, four erf nn K,,? 6 h T’ loads at the latter price on Wed hut tinnercr « type> De ' na ” d fair Eastern Shore nesday. High Choice and Prime with ZHni rf ° n n ght type - ' ihore 1150-1350 lbs 27.75-20.25, Choice n f!, f generally in ex- Exchange 1150-1350 lbs Yield Grade 2to can h a nrfiT be w tl? ? t P1 ’ oCeS ?°'’ S Weeklv Review 4 27.00-20.00, Choice 900-1150 nmnin- nn « aitmg penods Weekly Review lbs 26 25-27 50, Mixed Good and J™"! 8 up )° 2 we eks to move Choice 26.00-27.00, Good 25.00- hens from farms common. In- Broiler and fryer live prices 2fi 00 e t _ nfsai . ri and Low ri00(1 terest for heavy type fair to averaged 13 96 cents per lb. 23 50 25 00 ° ° L ° d good. Offerings adequate to oc- th is week. Prices paid during QT AifruTirß HTriirF'nc casionally barely adequate. I j;S h ”S[ € J..s3^ a a n l S l 'l High Choice and PnmSW Turkeys . - Yield Glade 3 3nd 4 26.00- Demand generally light and !^ o nffh - at the unaggressive. Occasional inter- totaled 824 400 latter price on Wednesday, est noted to cover forthcoming JL 53 600 fromttst tveek’ 400 ’ Choice 900-1050 lbs Yield Grade ice-packed Thanksgiving needs; up 53)600 from last week ‘ 2 to 4 25.50-26.25, Choice 750- however, trading too limited to 900 lbs 24.50-25 50, Good 24.00- quote prices. Processing contin- # Vintaae 25 00, Standaid and Low Good ues active on contractual or (Continued from Pa«e 2) 2150-24.00. previously committed birds. (Continued from Pa tt e 2) cows _ Late commercial 14.00-16.00, Utility 15.00-17 25, mostly 15 50-16 50, Canner and Cutter 14.00- 16 50. BULLS Utility and Com mercial 19 50-22 00. Fogelsville 16 - _ . . BULLS - Good 23 35-24.60, October 24, 1967 couple Choice 24.75-25, Utility (Prices paid dock weights, cents & Commeicial 22.35-24; Cutter per lb,, except where noted.) & low-Utility 20.25-22 50 Hens, Light 4%-10, mostly CALVES 626-Vealers steady. ]bs 20-20.60; US 1, 190-225 lbs. 4% -5%; Hens, Heavy 5-13, VEALERS - Choice 40.50- 20 75-21.10; US 1-3 190-245 lbs. mostly 7-11; Pullets 10-30%, 43.50; Good 3841; -Standard 35- 19-19.85. mostly 24-26; Roasters 4%-30%, 38.50, Utility 31-35, Cull 95-120 SIIEEP 40 - Insufficient vol mostly 29%; Capons 28-36, lbs 26.50-31, 70-90 lbs. 22-28 ume to fully test trend. Few mostly 30-34; Ducks 15-36, most- -HOGS 277 - Barrows & gilts Utility & Good slaughter lambs ly 30-36, Drakes 37% 43; Geese 25-50 c lower US 1-2- 195-235 $l9-22 50. STO You're taking a chance! If you’ve been in the habit of “booking” your feed - before hew-crop information is available, you have been taking a chance with your feedlot results. You make money by producing the lowest cost pound of beef, not by saving pennies on a “cheaper,” less efficient supplement or ration. A good booking means nothing unless the feed itself is of high quality. So why not wait until you have talked with us about Purina’s feeding programs. They feature Purina Cattle Starters that will put cattle on full feed the very first day. And they contain supplements “built-to-fit” your own particular grain and roughages. Or complete Cattle Chows that can save you work and may cut feeding costs. Ask us also how you can protect your cost with Purina’s Firm Price ] Plan. Ira 6. Landis Ph: 569-0531 779 Valley Road, Lancaster James High & Sons West Willow Farmers Ph: 354-0301 Assn., Inc. Gordouville Ph: 464.343! West Willow I 1 r I fHI'V-" LOW COST PRODUCTION... , the reason more cattlemen feed PURINA 18; Canner & low-Cutter 14 25- John B. Kurtz Ph: 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph: 442-4632 Paradise Wenger's Feed Mill, Inc. Ph: 367-1195 Rhecms Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 28,1967 — Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Monday, October 23rd to Fuclay, October 27th Mon. WHITE Ex. Fey. Lg. Fey. Lg. Fey. Med. No. 1 Med. Pullets Peewees Ex. Large 27 26 22 21 Vz 17 12 28-29 BROWN Ex. Fey. Lg. Fey. Lg. Fey. Med. Pullets Peewees 29 1/ z 29Vz 21 17 12 MIXED Standards Checks 24-25 17Va Trend. Market steady on large with supplies usually ample. Medium supplies a-e stionger and pullets aie better denied. Copyright 1967 by Urner Barry Publications BARN SPRAYING SPRAY THE MODERN WAY Use CARBOLA SPRAY • Dries White • Disinfects • Less Cobwebs MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227 mty.. 1, /i V < Blanket coverage single beater- new Allis-Chalmers 140-S Spreader! Here’s the popular 140-bushel single beater spreader with fourteen aggressive tooth paddles weighing 8 lbs. each on a rugged 33 2-mch shaft. You get real shred ding action when they smack into packed or frozen chunks' See us for Allis-Chahners 140- or 180-bushel single or multiple beater spreaders that do the job! Allen H. Mafz Farm Equipment l£. New Holland L. H. Brubaker Grumelli Farm Service Lititz, Pa. , |\| j; Quan y ville, Pa. . j i’-'. N. G. Myers & Son Rhecms, Pa. Nissiey Form Service L. H. Brubaker Washington Boro, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. WtU. Tues. 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26-26 '2 22 22 22 22 21 \ 2 21 V2 2V/t 21Vz 17 17 17 19 12 12 12 14 28-29 28-29 28-29 28-29 29 >2 29 Vi 30% 30% 29% 29% 30 30 21 22 22 22 17 17 17 19 12 12 12 14 25 25 25 25 IVk 17Va 17Vz 17V 2 “This spreader covers more ground per round!” Chet Long Ahion, Pa. 3 FrL Thurs.
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