Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 28, 1967, Image 2
2—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 28.1967 MARKET NEWS REPORT At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review October 27. 1967 CATTLE 3500 - Compared to last week’s close, slaughter steers weak to 25c lower: cows uneven. Utility steady to weak. Canner & Cutter steady to 25c higher: Good & Choice bulls fully steady. Utility & Com mercial stiong to 50c higher, feeder steeis steady. Supply in cluded an estimated 20% slau ghter steers, and 25% cows & bulls Slaughter steer supply included few loads Choice on Mon . although on Wed , Choice was extremely scarce SLAUGHTER STEERS - Choice 1050-1300 'bs 26 60-27- 50. one lot high-i haice 1065 lbs $2B on Mon. hi t h Good to low-Choice 900-1300 lbs 26 35- 27, load Good to low-Choice 1300 lbs 26 Good 900-1300 lbs 24 50-26 50; Standard to low- Good 22 75 24 75 Utility 20-23 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS - Choice 750-900 lbs 24 25 60. Good 23 24 25 COWS - UMity & high-yield ing Cuttei 16 50-18. few head 18 10-18 85. Cutter 15-17 50. Cannei & low-Cutter 13 50-15 50 BULLS - Choice 25-26. few head 26 25-26 50. Good 23-25 Utility & Commercial 22-24 50, few head 1400 2000 lbs 25-25- 75 Cutter & low-Utility 18 50-22 FEEDER MEEKS Choice 455-525 lbs 28 50-30 25. load Choice 560 lbs 27 00, couple loads Choice 780-965 lbs 24 75- 25 00 load Good and Choice 1025 lbs 23 75 Good 650-980 lbs 22 75-24 00 Standaid 700- 850 lbs 20 00 22 00 CA.LVES 500-Vealeis steady to SI higher full ad\ance on Cull VEALERS - Choice 41 43 50. few head to 45 50 Good 39-42 Standard 36-40 Utility 32-37 Cull 95-115 lbs 27-31 70 90 lbs 22 27 HOGS 1000-Ban ov. s & gilts slead\ to 5Gc lowei Closing sales Bano\ s and Gilts US 1-2 195 235 lbs 19 75 20 25 US 1 205 lbs 21 one Lot US 1-3 215 250 lbs 18 75 19 50 US 2 3 250 270 lbs 18-18 50 SHEEP 350 - Wooled slaueh tei lambs steady to 25c lowei Ew'es scaice Choice 60 90 lbs 23 25-24 50 couple lots 24 75 Good 60 105 lbs 20 50 23 50 Utility 19-22 CATTLE SALES EVERY TUESDAY LARGE SELECTIONS OF CATTLE DIRECT FROM PRODUCERS EACH WEEK. L> ' s' \ STAUNTON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. C & O Flats Staunton, Va. Auction Only October 25, 1967 CATTLE 440 - Compared to Mon., slaughter steers weak to 50c lower: cows uneven. Util ity steady to weak, Canner & Cutter steady to strong; bulls steady. Supply included 26% cows and 13% bulls Slaughter steer supply mostly Standard & Good with Choice scarce. SLAUGHTER STEERS - Few' head Choice 1100-1250 lbs. 26 60-27.10: high-Good to low- Choice 900-1275 lbs. 26.35-26.85: Good 900-1300 lbs 24 50-26 25: Standard to low-Good 22 75- 24 75. Utility 20-23. (Continued on Page 5) FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday. October 26) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York November December 26.10 January ’6B 25.45 February March 25.30 April May- 25.30 June 25.45 July 25.72 August 25.75 September a-asked b-bid nnominal Tiend Cattle are lowei Hogs aie megulai and Potatoes aie lowei Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager ? I ff Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. Box 100, Paradise, Pa. Lancaster County In the heart of Penna. Steer Feeding Country Special Fall Feeder Sales Friday evenings at 7:00 P.M. NOVEMBER 3rd - 17th Approx. 400 head each sale All weights and breeds V 'f *( '/ An>onc wishing to consign cattle please call: % Area (717)442-4181 or 768-3751 I */ « Kenneth E. Hershey, Manager $ Z | Vintage Auction CATTLE 608 - Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers steady to 25c lower, with de cline limited to Standard to low-Choice; cows uneven. Util ity about steady, Canner & Cut ter steady to "25c higher; bulls fully steady. Supply included 26 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS - High-Choice & Prime 1050-1275 lbs. 28.50-29.60; Choice 900-1300 lbs. 27 35-28.75; high-Good to low-Choice 26 50-27 50; Good 25 25-26.75: Standard to low- Good 23-25 50. - COWS - Utility & high-yield ing Cutter 17-18 50; Cutter 16- (Continued on Page 3) 19.00 19.45 19.45-n 19.45-n 19.50-n 19.25 20.80 PARADISE, PENNA. Sold on Commission October 24. 1967 2.22 2.54 2.77 3.15 New Holland Auction October 26, 1967 CATTLE 1163 - Compared to last Thurs.. slaughter steers weak to 50c lower, with most decline on Good; cows uneven. Utility about steady: Canner & Cutter steady to 50c higher; bulls steady; feeder steers stea dy to 50c lower. Supply includ ed 23% cows and 43% feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS - Choice 900-1225 lbs. 27.25-28.75. few head 28.85-29.60: high-Good to low-Choice 26.50-2785: Good 25-26.75; Standard vo low-Good 23-25. COWS -Utility & high-yield ing Cutter 16.25-18 25, few head 18 35-19; Cutter 15 35-17 50, Canner & low-Cutter 14-15 75 BULLS - Choice 24 85-26 10, couple head 26 60-27 75; Good 23.25-24.85, Utility & Commer cial 22 75-24 25. FEEDER STEERS - Couple lots Choice 860 915 lbs 24 25- 25 35, mixed Good & Choice 750-960 lbs. 2310-24 25. Good 600-925 lbs. 22 25-24. Standaid 19.50-22 50. CALVES 455-Vealers steady to mostly $1 lower VEALERS - Choice 41-42 50, Good 3941 50; Standard 36 SO SO; Utility 32-36, Cull 95-115 LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday —10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager f • • •• • • ;»v n, • r • • •" • vyu vviwv EXTRA NITROGEN J - BOOSTS YIELDS , i •«MIM *••*. x« muWhwm ww * • im • . ••••« • •• «** * < *•••••• Get these features w'Hh... ( ®® J> Nu Green' urea fertilizer • 45% NITROGEN Highly concentrated “NuGreen” means less material ta handle, time and labor savings. • LEACH-RESISTANT "NuGreen" holds to soil particles chemically, feeds plant* when they need it most J • NON-CORROSIVE Organic "NuGreen" won’t eat-ap equipment,,. makes ft. < last longer. • FREE FLOWING and NON-CAKING •"NuGreen" comes in easy to use shot form for spreading. l It also .dissolves readily m water for spray or irrigation application. For profit boosting yields Snd the best dollar return on your invest ment. practice a fertilization program based on a complete fertilizer and Qu Pont "NuGreen" urea fertilizer, Smoketown, Pa. 397-3539 lbs. 26.50-31.50,70-90 lb«. 24-27. SHEEP 21 - Insufficient vol ume for a market test COTVS October 25, 1967 Receipts of 279 cows, 4 bulls and 2 heifers sold stronger on the market of the show cows. Fresh cows, Holstein 600-1675; Guernseys 250-425; Other breeds 325-550; Bulls 130-335 and Heif ers 125-165. HORSES October 23,1967 Receipts of 319 head sold (Continued on Page 14) Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last Friday, slaughter steers were steady Slaughter heifers sold steady to 25 higher. Cows and bulls were unchanged. In the carlot dressed meat trade at Chicago, steer, heifer and cow beef sold steady to 50 lower with trading in all classes slow thioughout entire period. Receipts 21,000 compared with 20,800 last week and 24,600 (Continued on Page 3)