Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1967, Image 2
2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 21,1967 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review October 20, 1967 CATTLE 4000 - Compared to last week’s close, slaughter steers steady to 25c higher, in stances 50c higher; cows 75-1 00 lower, Good & Choice bulls steady to strong. Utility & Commercial steady to 50c low ei. leeder steers steady Sup ply included an estimated 20 pei cent slaughter steers, 20 percent cows & bulls with the balance mainly feeder steers SLAUGHTER STEERS - Choice 1000-1300 lbs 27-28.25, few high-Choice & Pi ime 28 25- 28 50, mixed Good & Choice 26 50 27 75. Good 25 25-27.10. Standaid to low-Good 22 75- 25 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS - Good 700-850 lbs 23 50-24 60, Jew Choice 24 85 25 85, Stand aid 19-22 60 COWS - Closing sales Util ity & high-yielding Cuttei 16 25-1810 few mainly on Mon day 18 50-19 35 Cuttei 15-17, Canner & low-Cuttei 13 75 15 50 BULLS - Choice 25-26, few at 26 25 Good 23 50-25, Utility &. Commercial 21 50-24 50, few 1400-1800 lbs 24 50-25 50, Cut tei & low-Utihty 19-2150 FEEDER STEERS - Load Choice 570 lbs $3O. Good 425- 550 lbs 27 25-29 50. Choice 700- 750 lbs 25.25-26 couple loads Good & Choice 1000-1050 lbs 23 50-23 75, Good 650-950 lbs 23-24.50, load Standard 460 lbs $25. Standard 700-800 lbs 22- 22 50 CALVES 500 - Vealeis most h $T higher VBALERS - Choice 40-43, few £3 50-45 Good 38-41 Stand aid 35-39, Utility 30-36 Cull 95-120 lbs 26 31, lew 70-90 lbs 23-27 HOGS 1000-Banows & gilts 50-1 00 highei than last week's close L'S 1-2 185 235 lbs 20- 20 50 US 1, 200-215 lbs 20 75- 21 US 1 3 220 240 lbs 19 10- 19 60, US 2-3 240-260 lbs 18 60, couple lots 270 275 lbs 18-18 10 SHEEP 175 - Woolecl slaugh tei lambs steady, Ewes lully steady WOOLED lAMBS - Choice 60-95 lbs 23 50-24 50, couple small lots 525, Good 60-105 lbs 20 75-24 Utility 19-22 50 CATTLE SALES EVERY TUESDAY LARGE SELECTIONS OF CATTLE DIRECT FROM PRODUCERS EACH WEEK. I* - STAUNTON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. C & O Flats Staunton, Va. I 7 MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 825 - Compared to Monday, slaughter steers steady to 25c higher, instances 50c higher; cows 75-100 lower; bulls steady on available sup ply Supply included 23 per cent cows and 20 percent bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS - Choice 1050-1200 lbs. 27.35-28.- 25, few high-Choice & Prime 28 25-28 50, high-Good to low (Continued on Page 7) October November December 26.50 19.55 January ’6B February 25.72 19.47-n March April 25.40 19.50-n 2.96 Maj June 25.47 July Tiend Cattle are steady, Hogs are lower and Potatoes, lower LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2; 30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M, New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager 13th ANNUAL LANCASTER FEEDER CALF SALE SPECIAL FALL FEEDER SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,1967 Promptly at 1:00 P.M. Cattle Auction Pavilion Lancaster Union Stock Yards ANGUS CHAROLAIS HEREFORDS CALVES 300 - 600 lbs. FEEDERS 700-900 lbs. Auction Only October 18, 1967 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thuisday, October 19, 1967) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York 26.95 26.10-n a-asked b-bid n-nominal Vintage Auction couple 26.60-26.85; Good 23.50- 25; Utility & Commercial 22.50- CATTLE 611 - Compared to CATTLE 910 - Compared to 2 4, coup ( le 25.25-25.85; Cutter & last Tuesday, slaughter steers last Thursday, slaughter steers low-Utility 19.75-22.50. steady, instances 25c higher; strong to 25c higher instances FEEDER STEERS - Choice . . . ... 50c higher; cows 25-75 c lower; 700-950 lbs. 24.7525.35, Good cows steady to 50c lowei, with u s d t 50c higher ad . 66 5-875 lbs. 23-24.75; Standard closing sales mostly steady: ™ c s e B J n Good & Choice: feed- 650-925 lbs. 19.60-21.85. Good & Chorne bulls steadj to steers steady Supply indud- CALVES 436-Vealers steady Utiufrr’comS “r™ * 30 “»• 27 >’"■ '» « • “^H T r s sT EEB s - rr* H. s -hcS T i ß pSme E 97?.f305 SS SS Chicago Cattle rSSat, SSS KSS SSZKJ’JSSSFSZ Weekl * October 17, 1967 (Continued on Page 3) 19.15 19.40 2.30 19.45 19.50-n 2.77 21.00 aid to low-Good 23-25 50. CATTLE Compared with COWS - Utility & high-yield- the pievious Friday Slaughter ing Cutter 16 50-18.25, few 18.- steers steady. Slaughter heifers 50-18 75, with a couple at 19.35- steady to mostly 25 lower. Cows 19 60, Cutter 15 25-17 25; Can- mostly 25-50 higher Bulls ner & low-Cutter 14-15 50, steady to 50 highei. In the car aiound a load of Commercial lot dressed meat trade at Chi -13 25-15 75 cago, steer, heifer and cow beef BULLS - Choice 2510 26 25, (Continued on Page 3) Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. 3.32 For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt, 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Annual Dairy Cow Show & Sale NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Wednesday, October 25, 1967 250 - TOP DAIRY COWS - 250 An Outstanding Group of Animals Selected and Con signed from some of the better herds in the U.S. & Canada. A small sample of those offered for sale 10 direct Daughters of Ivanhoe. Special mention: 5 year old Ivanhoe daughter never classified but with possibilities of going Excellent. Several other Ivanhoe’s with records exceeding 600 lbs. of fat. Whirl Hill King Pin daughter, 327 days, 17,426 milk, 652 fat. Sequoia Ideal Joe daughter, 2 years, 11 mo., 278 days, 15,691 milk, 520 fat. Rolling Knoll Dunloggin Master daughter, Ist calf heifer, dam’s record, 313 days, 17,691 milk, 693 fat. Dean Rag Apple Sovereign daughtei, 14,417 milk, 665 fat, 4.6 average test. 6 Woodbarn Inka Reflector daughter, including one classified at 89 points, another classified 88 points, bred to King Pin. Mayview Dunloggin Direct daughter, Cochran General Daughter, Mooseheart Pioneer daughters, Achievement daughters. Daughters from popular Canadian sires: Lassie Leader, Selling Rockman, Kayen Farm Anthony, Montclare Inka Perseus, Den tield Inka Supreme Sovereign many classified, with official records. This is your opportunity to see and purchase top foundation ?« ld * r n* pl v ce i? ? nimals f » r y° ur herd see them judged at 10 A.M. by Di. John McKitrick. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager j S' New Holland Auction October 19, 1967 PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. Sale ,at 12:00 Noon, Show Cows at 1:30 P.M, . I / (. Phone (717) 354-2194