6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 30,1967 5f- ** L 0* ♦ ' CALVES PRESENTED AT LAM PETER FAIR (left to right) The Guern sey calf presented to Paul Eckman, Strasburg Rl. from Lampeter-Strasburg High School, by Robert Breneman, rep resenting the Lancaster County Guern sey Breeders; the Ayrshire calf present ed to Leon S 8011, Lititz Rl, from War- Farm Women Will Mark Anniversary The Society of Farm Women 1 will celebrate its 50th anni veisaiy with a dinner meeting at the Lititz Church of the Bre thi en today, Sept 30 at 12 30 pm to which all foimer mem beis have been invited The Society of Farm Wom en 1 was the first society to oigamze in Lancaster County On January 27, 1917, the first gioup of women met Their pm pose was social im pi ovement, enlightenment of impoitant topics ot the day and taking up matteis of mu tual benefit to the community The Society was first named “Die Hausfi auen” by Mrs Ftank Black, Somerset Coun ty. who was the ongmatoi The name was adopted because Pennsylvania is Dutch and its success in agriculture is at tnbuted to these thrifty peo ple The name was also a trib ute to our forefathers In No vember 1917, because of Woild War I. the name was changed to its present title The Rev Harry T Richwine, Lebanon will be the guest speaker The piogiam will in clude devotions by Mrs Scott Caiman, a reading by Linda Ulnch, a historical reminis cence of the Society by Mrs Mai tin Mooie, and a vocal solo bv Mis Howaid Eib, a former membei accompanied by Mrs Roy Brubaker Mrs Neil Clark v.'.1l serve as trie Misti ess of Cei emonies The planning and piogram committee for the affair con sisted of Mrs Daniel Brubak ei Mis Clark, Mrs Mooie,Mis Willis Bucher and Mrs Ro., Biubaker Mis Graybill Hol linger is in charge of the dec -01 ations. Why is it dangerous to run electric cords under rugs? Cords under rugs are danger ous because the undue wear may rub insulation off the f- v > w ’ > ♦ '* 4 * w ''•*,> «, V s A - \sk*V> ** **■«- MARTIN’S 41% STEER FEED, 32 % and 40% DAIRY FEED NOW CONTRACTING MARTIN’S FEED MILL, INC. Ephrata R. D. #3 Ph. 733-6518 SAMPLE COPIES FREE Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and peihaps some of yom fuends may not be acquainted with Dm weekly seivice We’ll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addi esses below (You’ll be doing both them and us a favoi') To .... Stieet Addiess & R D City State Zip • To Street Addiess & R D City State Zip (You are not limited to two names Use sepaiate sheet foi additional names ) Vour Name Address □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscuption for $2 each ($3 each outside of Lan caster County) to your friends listed above If so $ enclosed, oi [2j Bill me later Please mail this form to: LANCASTER FARMING CIRCULATION DEPT. P. O. BOX 266 LITITZ, PENNA. ’ a»« ■** wick High School, by Roy Mentzer, Lan caster County Ayrshire Breeders and the Holstein Calf presented to Nelson Wenger, Manheim R 2, from Manheim Central High School, by Donald Eby, Lancaster County Holstein Association. L. F. Photo (■ Twenty years ago the U. S. pfogram to children in ,pre* Dept, of Agriculture inaugural- schools operated as part of ft j « m t imMi regular school aystem. The Act ed the National School Lunch a j SQ proves f or a breakfast Program to improve the dieta- program for the first time, ry habits and thus the nutri tional well-being of children and teen-agers attending pub- What is the safest way to lie anti non-profit orivate Ugh* a g»* oven ? A.) First schools. Nutritionally balanced °P en both oven doors so that meals are served by using an y S as which may have ac foods in each of the four basic cumulated can escape. B.) food groups-milk, meat, fruits Stand to one side so that you and vegetables, and bread and aren’t in the path of a flash cereals. The Child Nutrition back or explosion. C.) Light Act of 1966 further extends the match. D.) Turn on the gas the benefits of school feeding and then apply the match. Vorlex.. THE 4-WAY SOIL FUMIGANT Proven on thousands of tobacco seed-beds Jo ' produce better plants. VORLEX IS THE FUMIGANT • Weeds • Diseases THAT CONTROLS • Nematodes o insects Insist on VORLEX for your seed-beds this tall for better plants next spring No other soil fumigant can do so much to assure you thnftv tobacco plants Call the VORLEX Custom Applicator in your area.j JOHN Z. MARTIN New Holland Rl, 17557 717-354-5848 BENJAMIN B. LANDIS ERNEST LEFEVER Paradise Rl, Bx. 254,17562 Lancaster R 2, 17603 717-687-6535 717-872-5144 Anofhcr peace of mind produc* from*' MORTON CHEMICAL COMPANY Di Ijto J or MORON t JTiRN*TION*,I 110 NORTH WACKER DRIVE • CHICAGO ILLINOIS SOSO*^ ARTHUR AUKER Stevens Rl, 17578 215-267-6169 ORVILLE GEIB Manheim R 4, 17545 717-665-3759