Da IrvmAn I Tr '—ari the Pennsylvania Farmers* As- with a production control plan, surma jiiicu „CU sedation (PPA). One hundred such as the length of base-mak- Tq Sunnnrf Pi dairymen, representing 31 coun- ing period. rr * tics, took part in the one-day af- All three factors the status Milk Control Law f ?i r * Those in attendance con- 0 f the milk control law, coor- W sidercd in any sound milk dlnation among cooperatives CAMP HILL Dairymen ? isted holh cooperative and and consideration of a produc were urged to support the Penn- ind °P endenl dairymen. tion control plan, must be con sylvania Milk Control Law and Interest was also expressed pi t f B ‘ am undei ' the farmer milk cooperatives were in a voluntary production con- 1 1 suuallon encouraged to explore merger trol program as a means for These suggestions will be Con or federation. meeting the supply and demand sidered by the 45 local Farmers’ These opinions were express- situation - The dairymen pointed Associations for possible adop ed at a dairy marketing con- out the need for careful con- tion as state policy for the Penn ference held recently here bysideration of factors associated sylvania Farmers’ Association. Performance Is The Key To LOW COSTS Performance You*ll Get If You Combine Optimum Performance Feeds Jf ' >nd GOOD MANAGEMENT Just Call 717-392-2145 You’ll Get Finest Service Anywhere EARLY BIRD with GOOD BIRDS Personal Attention c? And ond Miller & Bushong, Inc. ROHRERSTOWN, PA. Lancaster Farming, Saturda: Weed Problems Are Predictable Look at your garden or fields light now if you want to know what your weed pioblems. will be next year. This is the advice of Dr. James Parochetti, weed con trol specialist at the Univer sity of Maryland. “Weed control,” he says, “should be as much a part of your planning as crop rotation. “You can never get rid of all the weeds, but you can cut down the population if you keep this yeai’s crop from go ing to seed,” he adds. Some seeds can live in the soil for 15 years or more, but you can keep the plants from putting down a new crop year after year. Because of the wet season this year, Parochetti says, sev eral perennial weeds will pi ob ably be a paiticulaily bad problem next year Nulsedg’e has been making good growth and will grow from both nuts in the soil and new seed next spring. If nutsedge was a problem in corn fields this year, expect it again next year. It can be sprayed postemergence with atrazine, but if it is only in spots, EPTC will give good control. However, corn should not be planted in a field treat ed with EPTC. Plant either al falfa or potatoes. Canada thistle, Johnson grass and Quack grass are also itember 9,1967 — Se] Don't- Feed Sudongross Green Chop To Horses Cautions Veterinarian Don’t be (emoted to lot jour hoises hillin’ stulangi .iss 01 su (Uni-sorghum hybrid given chop with the dairy herd, cautions Dr. Robert Hammond, K\len hion veterinarian at the Uni versity of Maryland. Research has connected a fa tal disease of the urinary sys tem of homos with sadangrass or sudan-sorghuin loiage Affected horses show wob bling gait and urine dubbling after they have been eating this torage for sevcial weeks, the reports say. There is no treatment lor the disease, and animals which show the symptoms usuallv die, Dr Hammond sajs Evi dence also indicates that Sudan grass or sudan-soighum lorage may produce fetal anhylosis (a stillening of the ioints ot foals which aie usually still born). likely to be pioblems next year Plan your cultural and chemical control piOgramsnow, urges Parochetti. What Do You Need? A Lancaster Farming Classified Ad Can Help 5