•Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 2.1967 8—: • DHIA (Continued fiom Page 1) solids the farmers are giving away at low piices to make competing products that have captured 15 peiccnt of the flu id milk market in a 90-day pe riod. The tat on which the milk price and testing pro grams are based is being ig nored. The esMr.ated cost of the new progiam to f ann rs is c 3 cents per oir appio\ii.'it- v v the same as p -sent costs How- ever. the geneiallv strong opm .on of the local board was that 'he cost would be higher Con cern was also raised that the local unit would lose all authority Secretaiy Allen Risser ex pressed the appaient thinking of the gioup when he said, “I don't think we should rush in '' In other business, Jacob Houser Jr, treasurer, report ed a year-to date margin as of July 31 of SI 516 79 The di rectors expiessed concern that accounts leceivable was still Kaiser Aluminum Diamond-Rib roonng and siding is guaran teed tor 15 years not to leak as a result of perforation by hail No other damage is covered under this guarantee Limited to replacement of material only Not prorated Not transferable Kaiser Aluminum roofing and siding is guaranteed not to leak from perforations caused by co r rosion, provided Kaiser Aluminum accessories are used in installation, and roofing and siding are not in contact with dissimilar metals or ground No other damage covered Diamond-Rib guaranteed 30 yea r s Limited to replacement of roofing and siding only Prorated after 10 years based on prices at time of adjust ment Guarantee application must be approved Not trans ferable Limited to farm or residence installations Now you can enjoy all the well-known advantages of Kaiser Aluminum’s big, long, wide sheets —and not worry about hail or corrosion • 5 to 24 feet long • 48" wide after lapping • Easy to handle • Fewer joints — tighter roofs • Cant rust, waip or rot. Get all the details now l K^ssier Agway $1,011.62, but Houser said the new rule, whereby the tester must collect the testing fee be fore receiving his salary, did not go into effect until Aug. 1 and was not reflected in the report. “It should improve from now on.” he said. The directors voted to bu> four new milk-o-melers, and plastic covers for all other as sociation-owned meters. The as sociation is reimbursed for the meters by a 4-cent per cow charge to the farmeis using them. Also (he allowance for test ers going to the slate and dis trict confeiences was increas ed If the tester goes to the tw o-day state conference he will now receive twenty-five dollais instead of ten. and the district paiticipant will icceive fifteen instead of seven dollais It was noted, in giving this m ciease. the tester not only has trip. lodging and meeting ex penses. he loses his wages for the days he is away. Daniel otoltzfus presided at the meeting HAIL GUAPANTnE CORROSION GUARANTEE ALUMINUM BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dillerville Rd, Lancaster PHONE 394-0541 • NEPPCO (Continued from Page 1) nual 14-state show. The exposi tion is highlighting speakers on a broad range of up-to-the minute poultry health, manage ment and marketing topics, ed ucational displays, youth activ ities and scores of commercial exhibits featuring the latest in poultry equipment, products and sei vices. Lancaster County in go\crn- THINKING CAGES? y FLAT DECK \ SINGLE TIER FULL STAIR STEP v I i-JUi V I J aJ Ut m 3-TIER MODIFIED MD WAT-R-BLAST PORTABLE ((■■PRESSURE SPRAYERS High Pressure CLEANING and SANITIZING • Poultry Houses • Hatcheries • Processing Plants • Dairies SALES AND SERVICE RENTALS Sexchick Company 5950 Main St. ment jargon is the number one “non-irrigated” farm county in the nation, and poultry is its leading agricultural enterprise. The day-long tour will start with the 240,000-layer Cloister dale Farm operation in Eph rata. Birds are housed in eight, windowlcss, controlled environ ment houses, with automatic egg gathering and processing and a unique pit in which man ure lies submerged in water ... YOUR LARGEST SELECTION is with Si<\ Putchman. /Flat Deck, Tiered, Pullet Jf Twice as many birds per and Grow Cages Y foot of feeding and water mg trough, compared to conventional systems /Automatic feeding, Watering, Central Egg Collecting and Manure Removal DO YOU HAVE ... TIME CONSUMING NONAUTOMATED CAGES? Big Dutchman can easily convert them to labor* saving efficient units with automatic feeding. BIG DUTCHMAN INC. Pa. Branch New Holland (717) 354-5168 Please stop by and give me further informa tion and complete details on Flat Deck, Pullet Grow or Other Cage Systems. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE l__ ! • Trucks & Equipment • Weeds & Orchard Spraying • Sidewalks & Buildings East Petersburg, Pa. for up to four complete pro duction cycles. Next ultra-modern operation on the agenda is the Victor F. Weaver, Inc. egg and poultry processing plant, one of the largest in the east. Five-hun dred persons process 10,000 cases of eggs each week, and up to 60,000 broilers daily at this plant. Freezer facilities are large enough to stor e 175 (Continued on Page 9) /Easier to light and ventilate /An exact system to fit your needs STATE ZIP 2 to 4 gallons per minute 500 to 700 P.S.I. Gasoline Electric Ph. 569-0465