Turkish Youfh (Continued from Page 1) people expect ake every year. le Mrniet Guner, Tahir’s fath- The village is composed of farms SOO donum or the many farmhouses, silos and lerican equivalent of 166 barns. The cattle are kept in •es of land. He raises wheat, the village and taken daily to ■n, barley, onions, sunflow- a “community pasture” about i and watermelons. The sun- eight miles from the village. BARN SPRAYING SPRAY THE MODERN WAY Use CARBOLA SPRAY • Dries White • Disinfects • Less Cobwebs MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Phone 392-7227 Witmer, Pa. WEEK AFTER WEEK - - MONTH AFTER MONTH - - More and More Milk Producers Are Taking Advantage Of It. Results Are Speaking For Themselves. If you haven't tried our GREEN PASTURES DAIRY FEEDS, give us a call and one of our Dairy Specialists will stop and explain the program to you. He'll give you an honest appraisal of the results you can reasonably expect. f flowers provide oil used for cooking purposes. Two tractors are utilized on the farm. His an earth- livestock consists of 000 sheep. 25 goats and eight cows. :v Miller & Bushong, Inc. Rohrerstown, Pa. "Finest Service Anywhere" There arc no fences at all in this community. His mother, Hatice. is kept busy with household duties which includes making butter and bre a d, preparing the meals, washing the clothes by hand and milking the cows. She finds time to make clothes and crochet. Tahir is planning to take the Vo-Ag course at Warwick to learn more about County farm ing methods through the field trips conducted during the course. He is also interested in chemistry and hopes to add the subject to his curriculum as well as English and Ameri can History. He plans to further his edu cation by attending the Uni versity at Istanbul where his tuition would be paid if he maintains sufficient grades, and the Mideast Technical University in Ankara after which he will probably serve a tour of duty in his country’s army. The Moslem youth has been here about a week and has al- Green Pastures Dairy Program (Area Code 717) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September ready noticed some differences such as: the greener pastures as compaied to those at home: the refugerator. in Karaeulithe food is kept cool in a tiough of cold water; the price of a hair cut, in his village is 15c and the food which is about the same only prepaied dif ferently. Tahir, with his farming background, is quite at home with his host family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller, who live on a farm at Lititz R 2, where he will stay while attending school. He and Dennis, the Keller's 17 year old son, aie quite amicable. Dennis is helping Tahir become better acquainted with our English language and seems to be doing a very good job. Tahir has ac cepted a share of chores and is speanng-up tobacco, dnving the tractor and learning to put the milkeis together on the dairy farm. Although he is not athleti- The Is Really Working! Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 GRANGERS PLAN FLOAT FOR SOLANCO PARADE Fulton Grange =6B hold it-> bi-monthly meevng August 28, at Oaki y n Clifford \V. Hollo way. Jr. Master. conducted the business meeting Plans were made to enter a float in the Southern Lancaster County Community Fan parade at Quarryville, September 22 The committee to prepare the float is Gyles Brown, David Wissler, Clair Murphy, Mrs Donald Hess, Mrs. Thomas Bradley, Mr. and Mrs Ambrose Giffmg Miss Agnes Spence read a poem “The World Has Need of You” and conducted a quiz. Mrs. Harold Alexander read some thoughts on the Grange centennial theme “The Winds of Time March On”, written by Mrs Mary Aimour of fiercer County Election of Officers will be held at the next meeting, September 11 Booster Night will be obsexwed September 25 with a coveied dish suppei at 7pm, twentvfive and fifty year membeis v ill be honoied cally inclined he enjojs watch ing football, basketball, volley ball. tiaek meets and boat lac ing Golf and baseball he mentioned are not played in his village Swimming and fish ing in the Sea of Maimara pro vides reci eational pleasure for him In this area he can fisn in the Hammer Cieek which flows through the pro peitj wheie he is staving oi at the Speedwell Foige Lake, a few miles down the road He enjoys leading and has read appioximately 50 volumes in the past two j ears He also enjoys lead.ng Amencan maga zines t MWV/ » -V. ww m $ f: - As REGULAR as a fine Watth.,. ETFITIrB ELECTRIC PULSATOR Fast, safe cow milking Is the hallmark of the new Surge Tonganoxie Electric Pulsator. You select the best pulsator speed for milking each cow. Pulsations then stay light on the button. * l.bjon lr Phone 717-736-7225 5 2.1967