—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Auguist 26,1967 6 • Form Labor (Continued from Page 1) needs for tomato, potato, tobac co. and apple crops. Daily round-trip liansportalion is pro vided to farm job sites by farmers, by labor contractors who serve as crew leaders, or by private car pools, Kelly notes. Last year, the local manager reports, some 500 workers par ticipated in 25 day-haul pro grams in the Lancaslei Coun ty aiea. Consistent means more milk Consistent quality in Jluellei balk tank m inuf.ictui iiir as-uroi you a high qualitv peitm malice n the milk house where it pajs off n profits. Economical dircct-oxpaiwon re frigeration in both “atmospheric" •ad "vacuum" models , . . sices from % to 2000 jmllons . . » bui’t- MUELLER ill controls and either remote or ■elf-contained condensing units. CIP cleaning is an optional choice. Whate\ er features j on prefer, they tnav be found In one of the \aned Mueller models . . . come in and let us gi\e you the complete story, about our economy model “R” tenet L H. BRUBAKER I R. D. 3, Lifitz, Pa. 350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster Phone; Lane. 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766 Championship ■’ -\6fcSr 2,3, 4, 6 or 8 rows... 20, 30 or 40 inch rows. Tell us how you’d like your GLEANER to be set up and we’ll do it. See it at it out our place. .. at yours! ALUS-C ULMERS L. H. Brubaker Nissley Farm Service Litiiz, Pa. Washington Bero, Pa. Alien H. Matz Form Equipment New Holland Chet Long Akron, Pa. Grumelli Farm Service L H. Brubaker Quarryvllle, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. , said, It will get- even .worse if big non-farm corporations are # Farmers' Union successful in their move to (Continued from Page 1) lake over agriculture. This, he ministrotors simply can’t cope P nundreds of w lth thousands more off the land “I am not suggesting that y y ‘ ' the rioters are displaced The fact the* big metropolis farm people,” Dcchant said. tan newspapers have been pub _» lishing stories about both city lam = a Hots and corporation farming grations from the farm have ‘ significant, he greatly overtaxed the facil ■ stories deal ties andrcsourccsofthcc. basic . oblem les, which for years have fall- t .. en short of meeting the “Both reflect the unsettling needs of people.” symptoms of the most serious »i 4, " •„ „ !„ domestic problem of our time . thpugb 'there is • “ , —the steady decay of the cco the cities now, the farm leadei nomic and sodal fabric of n ,. ral America,” he said. “This problem is both neg lected and widely misunder stood.” »| ’ .v.^ N. G. Myers & Son Rheems, Pa. Dechant said he has difficulty understanding why big city mayors and urban-oriented or ganizations, ignore rural prob lems when they try to find out why more ghettos erupt into violence every summer. “All we get from big city spokesmen, and from most pol iticians, are demands for more billions to pay for badly-need ed housing, schools and jobs in the cities,” he said. “These demands for billion dollar cures which we sup port, by the way get wide spread public attention while much more modest proposals for rural America are virtual ly ignored” He contended the rebellion in the cities has its roots in the long-time neglect of rural communities and of the farm economy. “Too few people realize that a little patent medicine applied in the country the past few’ yeare would have prevented the need for most of this ma jor surgery in the cities,” he said. “And too few realize that there’s still time to apply some of 'these simple remedies in rural areas now.” Dechant said the refugees from rural America includ ing such people dairy faim ers who quit because of low MD W/ HHCSSORE SPRAYERS - . * ‘S&&S W> s v 5 i '\.,ilL, * Ai7»,' .4i, High Pressure CLEANS and SANITIZING t Poultry Houses • Hatcheries • Processing Plants i Dairies SALES AND SERVICE RENTALS Company 5950 Main St. New Horse Porosite Film Distributed “Parasites in Horses,” a new 16mm film sponsored by The Upjohn Company, was produc ed to acquaint the horse owner with the serious nature and prices, small town businessmen who have to leave because their farm customers have left and seasonal workers who want steady year-around jobs add to the pressure for city jobs. This, he said, diminishes job opportunities for the uneducat ed and unskilled, leaving them under-employed or unemployed and pushing them into slums and onto the welfare rolls. AVAILABLE NOW FOR AUGUST SEEDING • Cert. Alfa Alfalfa • Cert. Pcnnscott Red Clover • Cert. Cayuga Alfalfa • Cert. Vernal Alfalfa - * „ „ . ~ • Pennlate Orchard Grass • Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa _ x Reeds Canary Grass G Cert, Narragansett Alfalfa _ G Climax Timothy G Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa _ , „ G Pasture Mixtures G Cert. Saranac Alfalfa ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW • Balbo Rye G Norline Winter Oats G Cert. Redcoat Wheat P. I. ROHRER & BRO., INC. | -5-iIAST PORTABLE n- -~i V Esst Petersburg, Po. extent of internal ' pajasite problems In horses. Essential information about the Hfe cy cles of parasites, the injury they cause, and the prevention and cure of parasitic infec tionh is presented. The film is being distribut ed on a free-loan basis by Sterling Movies. Inc., 43 West 61st Street, New York City. It runs 25 minutes, with sound and color. Middle age is that time of life when next year comes sooner than it used to. V » + » No law has ever yet been passed to keep a man from making a fool of himself. G Cert. Ladino Clover G Cert. Pennrad Barley • Trucks Equipment • Weeds & Orchard Spraying • Sidewalks & Buildings 2 to 4 gallons per minute 500 to 700 P.S.!. Gasoline or Electric Ph. 569-0465 • rl • tl ’ i >&.