Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 05, 1967, Image 5
• Dairy Roundups (Continued from Page 1) In the grand champion show man competition, James Ket tering of Litltz R 3 was senior and grand champion of the two-day show. This was close to being a repeat, at least to the extent of last names Jim’s sister Mary Ellen was last year’s showmanship champ. OTHER CHAMPIONS Among the other breed champions were: Guernsey, Mark Witmer, Willow Street HI, grand champion; with Penn Del Hero Anita; reserve went to Har-Len T. C. Beauti ful, shown by Douglas Weid man of Landdsville. In the Ayrshire competition. PASTURES THERE IS STILL TIME TO PLAN FOR A NEW AUGUST SEEDING IN 1967 • PERMANENT SEEDING • NO RESEEDING FOR YEARS • NO NURSECROP NEEDED • NO BLOAT • GRAZE IN SEVEN WEEKS • GRAZE UNTIL LATE FALL Hundreds of acres of this Permanent Pasture have been planted in Lancaster County over the past 3 years. Make milk at lowest cost with this high protein Pasture Mixture. CONTACT US NOW Casupa Super Green Pastures f • C g v , 56 Greentree Diive LCVi O. otOitZiliS West Chester, Penna. 19350 » i *. i>„, Phone; AC 215 339-1059 R> D ‘ l ’ Konks > Penna - ATTENTION HOG RAISERS ,i «» you can’t buy it - you have to build it! There are no protein supplements or stand- natural protems, you (not the feed com ard commercial feeds—bagged or otherwise"- ' '/pari}) ; control the balance, content, and that are exactly right for every feeder’s . costs of your ration needs Even if there were, nobody could af- > VIGOR TONE programs allow you to ford to buy them □ use your own quality grain Better hog producers across the country know this and are turning to the Pre-Mix Concept of feeding—and building their ra tions themselves. How? By following a VIGORTONE Super V-8 or No. 6 pie-nux “Birth-to-Market" pro gram. When you use VIGORTONE—potent blends of vitamins, minerals, trace ele ments, and active live cell yeast —along with com or oats and soybean meal or other Vlgortone theiPerfect Ration people Cedar Raplds, lowa Box 166, Paradise, Pa. if37~ £~< ailii'J Paul M. Brubaker of Lititz Rl showed his senior calf Spruce Villa Kings Royalette to the grand championship while Brenda Eshieman of Elizabeth town Rl took the reserve title with an intermediate calf, Scott's Abbey. Type judge for the roundup was Donald Ace, Penn State University dairy specialist. Showmanship was judged by Glenn Shirk, Chester County acso late a?ent, while fitting was r’dg'd by Schuylkill Coun ty a ?r.t Charles I. Robertson. DISTRICT SHOW Chosen *o represent the county at jie southeast dis trict dairy show later this month were 12 Holsteins to be shown by: Roy Book, Jr., Ronks Rl; Jim Kettering; Carol Ann LEON HERSHEY Distributor Hois, Strasburg Rl; Kenneth Risser, Ronki RI; John E. Kurtz. Elizabethtown; C. Rob* crt Grcldcr. Jr., Columbia R 2; Glenn M. Kreider, Quarryville Rl; Mary Ellen Kettering (2): Averril Royer; Benny Ketter ing. Lititz R 3: and Susan Ann Kauffman, Elizabethtown Rl. Seven Guernseys will be shown by: Mark Z. Witmer (2); Cindy Breneman, Stras burg Rl; Phillip M. Shoemak er. Kirkwood Rl; Peter Wit mer. Willow Street Rl; Cheryl Lynn Balmer, Lititz R 4; and Charlene Wagner, Quarryville R 2. Six Jerseys will be shown by: Stephen Arrowsmith (2); and the Aaron family, includ ing Shirley, Thomas Barbara Jeanne, and Larry, all of Quar- □ use the special pre-mix and antibiotic of your choice □ reduce protein costs by as much as Va by using natural protein, not fabricated protein The result? 20% increase m profits I To learn more about why the only ‘Per fect Ration" for you is one }ou build your self, see your VIGORTONE Serviceman soon His expenence and nutritional know how are ready to go to work for you pre-mixes Ph. 768-8792 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, August 5.1967 ryville Rl. And six Ayrshires will be shown by: Paul M. Brubaker; John B. Clark, Lititz Rl: Carol M. Brubaker, Lititz Rl; and by Brenda. Donna, and Mary Jane Eshleman of Elizabeth town Rl. Blue ribbon winners by classes were: HOLSTEIN'S Junior Calf, 1. Roy W. Book, Ronks Rl; 2, Jim Kettering, Lititz R 3; 3, Jane Rind, Lan caster R 6; 4, Linda Lou Kauff man, Elizabethtown Rl; 5. Ver non Dale Umble. Christiana. Intermediate, 1. Carol Ann Hess, Strasburg Rl: 2, Barbara Kreider, Quarryville Rl; 3, Lynn H. Royer. 2025 Oregon Pike; 4, Patricia Lynn Eby, Gordonville Rl; 5, Carol Ket tering, Lititz R 3. Senior Calf, 1, Kenneth Ris ser, Ronks Rl; 2 John E Kurtz, 1160 N. Market St, Elizabethtown; 3, Darryl Bol linger, Manheim Rl; 4, Linda Dombach, 709 E. Petersburg Road; 5, Burnell L. Buchen, Manheim R 3. Junior Yearling, 1, Susan Ann Kauffman, Elizabethtown Rl; 2, Nancy Lavonne Eby; 3, Linda Martin. East Earl Rl; 4. Marilyn Kra’ntz, New Piovi dence Rl; 5, Randal Lee Hess. Strasburg Rl. Senior Yeailmg, 1, Mary El len Kettering; 2, Benny Ket tering; 3, Robert Dean Hess, Strasburg Rl; 4, Lucinda K. Hess, Strasburg Rl; 5, Richard D Hess, Strasburg Rl Two-Year-Old, 1, Averril L Royer; 2 Mary Ellen Ketter ing; 3, Carol Kettering; 4, Rho de F. Stauffer, Ephrata Rl; 5, Bill Landis, Lancaster R 6 Three-Year-Old, 1. C Robert Greider Jr., Columbia R 2; 2, Glenn M Kreider, Quarryville Rl; 3, Edwin E Hess, Stras burg Rl Aged Cow, 1, Richard Rubt; 2. Earl C. Stauffer, Ephrata Rl. AYRSHIRE Junior calf, Donna Wertz, Lititz Rl; intermediate calf, Brenda Eshleman, Elizabeth town Rl; senior calf, Paul M Brubaker, Donna Eshleman; junior yearling, John B Clark, Lititz Rl. senior yearling, San dra Eshleman. GUERNSEY Junior calf, Randy O’Connell, Kirkwood Rl; Charlene Wag ner, Quairyville R 2, inteimedi- PENAR* Available now at 1 P. L. ROHRER & BRO. SMOKETOWN, PA. Ph. 397-3539 PENAR * Available at ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. Grofftown Rd. Next to Waterworks Ph. 392-4963 or 392-0374 Use PEN AIT FOR TOBACCO SUCKER CONTROL IPENAR and other crop protection chemicals available thru your Armour dealers. CALL 393-9949 or 872-5897 for Penar information. ARMOUR AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY P. O.'Box -v.vv :;st'C c-o so:.*.-’ *3.. a:i: 5 J’. a l -.;iji slau ate class, Cynthia J. Balmer, Wayne Denlingcr. Mark Wit mer; senior calf, Cheryl Lynn Balmer, Lititz R 4: Donald Breneman, Strasburg Rl; Peter Witmer, Willow Street Rl; Douglas Weidman: senior year ling. Cindy Breneman. Straa burg Rl; Allan R. Crider. Not tingham R 2; 2-year-old, Mark Z. Witmer. JERSEY Junior calf. Wayne R. Le fever, Quarryville Rl; inter mediate. Barbara Jeanne Aa ron. Thomas Aaron; junior yearling, Stephen Arrowsmith; senior yearling, Shirley Aaron; 3-year-old, Stephen Arrow smith; aged cow, Stephen Ar rowsmith. 99®9§9 999999 •••••• 999999 •• ©•• # p#> 5