$$ 4-H NEWS PENN WILLOWS CLUB REPORTS ROUNDUP by Peggy Eshleman, reporter Roundup for the Pena Wil lows 4-H 'homeiraking pi ejects was held on Wednc-day, Au gust 2, at Safe Harbor Park. Judging lor all Sewing, Lets Cook Out Doors, Penny Wise, Small Change, and It’s Fun To Bake projsats was hold. The sewing girls dressed dolls, began a patchwork quilt as a community service proj ect, and displayed their work. A pot luck duuier was served A program of various musi cal selection's, skits and a fash ion show was given by the dif ferent clubs. Air Conditioners Electric Fans GROFF'S HARDWARE New Holland CAN’T SEEM TO GET TOUR VACATION PLANS OFF THE GROUND? Therr you’ll welcome this advice from' Alma Gordon. Atma works at T the Conestoga National Bank. She'has discovered that small regular deposits quickly add uptothe balance required for vacation expenses. You, tike Alma, can easily apply this'slthple process to financing the vacation of yourdreamS. A savings account at the Conestoga automatically converts modest weekly deposits into a sum large enough to assure you that holiday trip. Why not take a tip from Alma? Let your savings—and your vacation plans—soar with an account at the Conestoga—your Head charters for Money Matters. Conestos mmmitim mm urn , LAHCASTERf CENTERVILLE/LANDISVILLE/LITITZIMANHEIM TOWNSHIP/MILLERSVILtE/ROHRERSTOWN « -MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A Trustee for The Lancaster County Foundation Non Schreiber, Mary Rosen- NORTHERN HOLSTEIN CLUB Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 5,1967 —11 berger, and Mrs. Doris W. HAS ICE CREAM PARTY Ssion W Sce BUCStS flom tKe b y Eddic llcss « reporter C|||. flfg C*|f||| Wife 311(1 FSlflllV Mr* Thomas presented award The Northeril Lancaster ,n ® T *™ VV,Te raillll f ribbons and certificates to the 4 . H Hols . ein C lub held r„ J- _ TT____ membeis. its annual ice cream party July L/BQI6S| JTI3.VO JL OU. ILCttlQ* • • « 27th at the Clyde Martin farm. East Earl Rl. The Chester County Holstein Club members How To Keep House Fans clean wea-e guests. Turn off tbe e i ec tric current before you A baseball game preceded begm t 0 c]ean any fan Then fo) ] ow these m. „ ~, the meeting, and a demonstra- suggestions for cleaning an exhaust fan. • Litnz-Manhcim 4-II sevi- on on “pointers for Show Accumulated dust and grease add weight, mg Club held its last meeting j) a y” was presented by Carol slow up blades, and eventually woik into the of the season m the Home Ec. and p on , n i a Hess motor. room at Warwick High School The nexl mee ,t m « Wl u be a Most exhaust fans are housed behind a on August 1 joint meeting of “all county grill which .you can remove. Usually you can Carol Rohi T. vice Bre.ule™. dairy clubs. It will be held at ! 0 e 0 m «Jf„? e a ft” “ P conducted ti a meeting The the Lampeter Community Park blades on bot ' h s i des , using a sponge club’s light bulb sale is still in on August 28. wrung out of hot soap or detergent suds, to progi ess. Plans were completed remove grease and grime, for the Round-up which will be FARM WOMEN NO. 27 Dry blades with a clean cloth, woiking held Tuesday, August 15 at 7 HAVE ANNUAL PICNIC gently to avoid bending blades. THOMAS p.m. at the ATenional Hall, r wii-o ninitni’ with n Rothsville The Society of Farm Worn- Wipe motor homing and never near an open flame. Rothsvillc. en Gioup No. 27, held its an- sudsy sponge. Be careful not Becaxlse aa aerosol can ex „ . Garments made by the 3cw- nual fanuly picnic Sunday, to let water seep inside. Then a^ a ™. mg Club members will be iudg- Jul 30th at sico Paik> Mount wipe with a dry cloth. f n suSt ed at the Round-up. The gnls T . Twpntv m°mbers and You can wash the grill by 111 sunlight will also be hostesses at a lea thL- f-milies attended putting it in hot suda Never puncture or try to for their motheis Mis Henry The next meeting will fea- To keep the fan in running burn an aerosol can. Kettering, instructor will assist turo a bo , ak rev j ew piogiam order, oil it every two or three if you live in the country the girls based on the Von Trapp Fam- mouths Clean it at least every it’s best to bury empty aerosol ily Singers and their music 6 months. . cans. In the city, dispose of About 400,000 man and worn- It will be held August 22 at obse ™ if"'®?”® 8 tbe “ r f 1 ° n |, with other trash, en thioughout the 50 states the home of Mrs. Harold Ger- With Aerosol Cans Beef Cuts For Outdoor Cooking volunteer as 4-H leaders and ber, Bambndge Rl. Aeiosol cans that you Ground chuck usually has serve as prelect leaders. Set nd o! insects, keep youi tbe best iean-fat ratio which —f) For The Farm Wife bair m pace ’ or * aTlcy 5 op ’ produces juicy, flavorful ham- BHMHB ffioXued from Pa»7 10) pingS on d 8 ® 561 * 3 can bedan * burgers For best ccokout re (Continued. ti nm iui gerous if not stored, used, or „ llthc , .them at least three- B NOTE: To get 2 cups cooked of nmnprlv sums maKeinern ar ieau: miee- Sll DF P ■ cook % cup raw nee m that r emSs in the quarters Cf , Ur t K Hva cups water with V* tea- can , after tbe pmduct is used To Se ™ e r *2? S- e i f ‘^ rvl l i e I sp°°n salt will expand with rising tem- f ? , b winfST II AC € I Makes 6 servings. % cup pe ratures. This turns the can “f 8 - Eor HUE) B each Calories per serving: f nto a smail i explosive stea £ s oni “ and oneJhial j 2750 Columbia Ave. I About 330 if seiwed with chow Keep aeroS(> iSis away from « recommended- Lancaster B mem noodles and almonds; 280 Make tasty shish kebabs I anc Co’s Lareest l if served with llce and Wlt2l ‘ Follow instructions- on the froni boneless beef cubes cut Shoe" Store** B out almonds. can , from sirloin or top round. All Ist Quality B Menu suggestion Serve with bse aerosols that contain You can cook large compact Super Low Prices a crisp green salad. Have a flammable or toxic ingredients roasts, such as rolled rib, medley of melon balls and ber- only adequate ventilation rolled rump, or sirloin tip, on lies for dessert. 4-H Sewing Club Round-up August 15 By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist I HOLLAND STONE Ready-Mixed CONCRETE • New Holland ( New Holland, P<
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