Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 29, 1967, Image 15

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    O For Tho Form V/Ift
(Continued from Page 14}
recipe specifies ground spices,
use whole spices. Ground oil
apt ce, cinnamon and cloves
Will darken pickles.
. Use aluminum, stainless
steel, glass or unchipped enam
*l pans. Copper, bros®, gal
vanized or iron pans should
never be used since these meb
ids may react with vinegar or
a*U, causing an off-flavor.
' Canned pickles are best
Stored in a dark, dry, cool
place where there is no dan
ger of freezing.
Jars of pickles and relishes
must be sealed airtight while
boiling hot or else processed
in a boiling water bath long
enough to destroy dangerous
bacteria, molds and yeasts.
There is always some danger
of spoilage organisms entering
the food when you transfer it
from kettle to jar, even when
you use the greatest .caution.
Most specialists recommend Wash peal's, remove skins
additional heat processing in- aiK j blossom ends; the stems
stead of the open-kettle meth- may be left on if desired. To
od for this reason. prevent pee led pears from
There ore many causes for darkening during preparation,
poor-quality pickles. Too strong immediately put them into
a vinegar sugar or salt sohi- cold water containing 2 fcable
tion can result in shrivelled spoons of salt and 2 of vine
picMes. Overcooking or over gar per gallon. Dram just be
processing can also cause shiiv- fore using.
©lug. Cucumber’s that devel- Add pears to the boiling spy
oped poorly on the vine or up and continue simmering for
that were kept too long be- 20 to 25 minutes. Pack hot
tween picking 'and processing pears into clean hot pint jars;
will often be hollow when add one 24noh piece cinnamon
picked. r Hollow cucumbers usu- per jar and cover with boiling
ally float, so you Can often de- syrup to x k inch of top of jar.
teofi them ibefore pickling. Per- Adjust jar lids,
merited pickles may be hollow Process in boiling water for
if the fermentation' was too 20 minutes (start to count
rapid or the wrong strength processing time as soon as wa
brine was used. „ ter in canner returns to ibodl-
Spoilage organisms such as ing). Remove jars and com
baoteria, molds and yeasts plete seals if necessary. Set
cause slippery, soft pickles, jars upright, several inches
Open-kettle canning or insuf- apart, on a wire rack to cool,
ficienb heat processing, too Makes 7to 8 ’pints. -
Your perfectly-planned holiday turns into a horrible
headache when vacation money - becomes lost,
strayed or stolen. Play it safe . . . carry headache
proof travelers checks on your vacation.
Travelers checks obtained from the Conestoga Na
tional Bank are spendable as cash in more than a
million places throughout the world. Unlike losable
cash, they are refundable if lost or stolen. Why
take chances?
Convert your vacation cash to travelers checks at
your Headquarters for Money Matters . . - the
Conestoga Bank office nearest you. And .. . have
a happy holiday.
mmmm m irnm umm
weak o salt or vinegar solu
tion, or a nonwdrtighit seal may
allow the organisms to grow.
Do not eat soft, slippery
When pears are plentiful
consider pickling some. Home
made pickles and relishes can
make the difference between
meals that ore long remem
bered and those that are soon
quarts sugar (3% lbs.)
quart vinegar, white
pint water
lbs. seckel pears (4 or 5
2-in. pieces stick cinnamon
tablespoons cloves, whole
tablespoons allspice, whole
Combine sugar, vinegar, wa
ter, and stick cinnamon; add
cloves and allspice that are
tied in a clean, thin white
doth. Bring to a boil and sim
mer, about 30 min
jry" 1 v
Kry»,y *
A Trustee for The Lancaster County Foundation
t* 1H
Fulton Grange #66 held its
annual picnic July 24, at the
Grange Hall, Oakryn, with
about seventy people enjoying
games under the direction of
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hill,
The youth committee will
sponsor a swim party and dog
gie roast at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earle Gilbert Sr.,
near Port Deposit, Md., Au
gust 3. Grange members and
friends will leave the Hall m
a group at 7 p.m.
Miss Jennetie McCummings
will present a varied program
at the next meeting, August
14, which will include folk
games in charge of Mrs Am
brose Gifting, talks, and spe
cial music.
Lancaster County Pomona
Grange will hold its annual
picnic at the Quarryville Me
morial Park Saturday, August
19, at 7 p.m. as guests of Col
eram Grange. Grangers and
friends should bring a meat
dish, another dish, and their
own plates and silver Rolls,
butter, drinks, tablecloth, nap
kins and cups will be provid
ed Games will be in charge of
Miss Helen Wanner of Salis
bury Giange
For Your Information
House plants breathe
through tiny pores that lace
their leaves. If these pores be
come clogged, the plants may
wither and die. That’s why it’s
important to remove dust and
soil regularly from the leaves.
The easiest and best method
for cleaning the leaves is to
wipe them gently with a damp
soft cloth. You can set small
plants in the sink and spray
them with a fine mist. Keeping
leaves clean and pores open
helps the plants to keep their
luster and to- stay healthy. -
Lancaster Farming, Saturda;
For the
Farm Wife and
Ladies, Have You Heard? ...
By Dorlf Thomas, Extension Horae Economist
Barbecuing Chicken Outdoors
Buy birds of about equal weight .so they
cook uniformly and yield equal servings.
You’ll get good results from fryers or
broilers weighing from 1% to 2*2 pounds.
For best barbecuing, buy birds that are
split in half lengthwise
Break the joints so they’ll be as flat as
possible before you put the chicken on the
Skewer the wings and legs to the bodies
to make the halves more compact. It will also
give you more room on the grill
Lemon Has Many Uses
Lemon’s tangy flavor enhances almost any
dish, and its acid content makes it useful in
other ways. Add lemon juice to pudding
Be careful to measure the
amount of juice you need ex
Dip fresh fruit, such as
peaches, apples, and pears, in
lemon juice to pi event the fruit
from turning brown.
Potatoes cooked in water to
which you’ve added a Utile le
mon juice will stay white. But
too much lemon juice will har
den the potatoes. It’s best to
add the juice halfway through
the cooking period.
Add lemon juice to flavor
vegetables just before serving.
Green vegetables turn an unat
tractive olive green and require
longer cooking time if you add
the juice before serving.
To prevent curdling when
making sour milk for recipes,
always add lemon juice to
milk, not milk tp lemon juice.
. July 29. 1967—15
v' w 'v
and pie fillings aftei the mix
ture has been cooked. It will
help prevent thinning ol the
You can buy lemons fiesh or
in bottled juice loim, tio/en
lemonade, and othei products.
Lemons are an excellent souice
of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
Check List For Buying Small
Electric Cooking Appliances
Ask yourself:
Do you leally need it 9
Will you use it frequently 9
Do you want the convenience
it offeis?
Is there enough electric cur
rent to make the appliance woi 1c
m your house?
Are both manufacturer and
dealer reliable 9
Will it be easy to use 9
Will it be easy to cai e foi ?
Where will you store it 9