Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 22, 1967, Image 11

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    • For Th« Form Wife
(Cbnbimied from Page TO)
served grapefruit juice and
lemon juice; blend until
smooth. Add frozen or fresh
blueberries; cook over medi
um heal .stirring frequently.
Cook just until mixture thick
ens and becomes partially
clear, stn m grated peel
Spread over bottom of 8-mch
square ca k e pan or baking
dish; top with layer of grape
fruit sections Separate refrig
erator biscuits. Press biscuits
between hands to flatten Dip
flattened biscuits on both sides
in melted batter, then, dip Into
V* cup sugar to coat well. Ar
range over lop of fruit; dust
lightly with cinnamon if de
sired. Bake at 350 degrees
about 40 minutes, or until bub
bly and well browned. Serve
warm to six people.
Candied citrus peel converts
a waste product into a delicacy
relished by many. Serve it as a
Tobacco and Vegetable Insects
. Diazinon AGSOO
I Available at Your Local Dealer
® Diazinon Insecticides: L’.S. Pat. No. 754243
The smiling sailor seated at the controls of his
own craft is Bruce Garner, comptroller of The
Conestoga National Bank. Bruce has discovered
how rewarding saving with a purpose can be.
Chances are there’s something worth saving for
In your life, too. Something you’ve often
wished for but never taken any practical steps
towards acquiring. Whatever it may be—a new
boat, new living room furniture, woodworking
equipment—you'll find saving is fun as well as
effective. You get a part of that future possession
with every deposit.
Start saving today for those special purchases
of tomorrow at The Conestoga Bank, your Head*
quarters for Money Matters.
Himmms mm mum
A Trostoa for The Lancaster County Foundation
candy or use a little chopped
on top of ice cream, fresh or
canned fruits, and use it as a
garnish for salads
large grapefruit, peeled
cup light corn syrup
cups sugar
cup hot water
To remove peel Use the
point of a sharp knife and cut
through the peel but not into
the fnnt. Wash the grapefruit
first of course. Start at the
stem end and return to the
starting point making a circu
lar trip around a grapefruit or
orange. Make a second circu
lar cut around the fruit at
cross angles to the first, thus
dividing the peel into quarters
Slip the point of the knife un
der the end of one quarter sec
tion and slowly strip it off. Re
peat until all sections are re
moved Cut the peel into Va
inch strips or finer if you like.
To cook: Cover peel with
cold water, bring to a boil and
cook 20 minutes Drain Re
peat the process and drain
again Combine syrup, sugar,
and hot water. Cook over low
heat, stirring until sugar is
dissolved. Add grapefruit peel
and cook to 230 degrees or un
til a little of the syrup forms
a soft ball after it is dropped
from a spoon into cold water
Peel becomes transparent and
most of the sugar is dissolved
Remove peel by heaping,
slotted spoonfuls. Press each
spoonful against the side of
the pan to drain off most of
the syrup and make the can
died strips easier to separate
Use the spoon to sprinkle
strips on foil or cookie sheets
When the peel has cooled and
dried slightly, toss it in granu
lated sugar to coat
Candied Orange Peel: Instead
of grapefruit peel use peel of
4 large or 6 medium oranges;
substitute 1 cup cooking water
for the 1 cup hot water and
follow above recipe. Use the
entire orange peel. Tangerine
peel and lemon peel may also
be candied.
When clothes smell of dry
cleaning fluid after coming
from a coin-op establishment,
it’s a good idea to air the gar
ments thoroughly before wear
ing or storing. Hang them out
doors or in a well-ventilated
room Do not use plastic hang
ers, cautions an extension
clothing specialist. Sometimes
enough solvent is left in heavy
fabrics or shoulder pads to
soften the plastic although the
fabric doesn’t feel damp. The
hanger will stick to the fabric
and will be hard to remove
without damaging the garment.
For the
Farm Wife and
Ladies. Have You Heard? .. *
The life expectancy of men's clothing as es
timated by drycleaners in settling claims are
Overcoats, winter suits, wool and wool blend
slacks, and sport coats last about 4 years on
the average.
Sweaters, wool and wool blend summer
suits wear about 3 years
Shirts and underwear remain in good condi
tion about 2 years.
Life expectancies for women’s garments,
basic evening gowns and shoes—s years; cloth
coats, housecoats, and slacks—3 years; street
dresses and nightwear—2 years, housedresses
and fabric gloves—l year (
Braising Frozen Meat
It takes little or no longer Natural cheese is made by
time to braise frozen meat than curing or aging to develop fla
corresponding fresh cuts. V or.‘ Natural cheeses include
If meat is to be floured be- Cheddar, Swiss, Muenster, and
fore browning and cooking in Edam.
water, thaw meat slightly. Pasteurized process cheese is
If you don’t want to flour a blend or combination of nat«
your meat, you can, brown it ural cheese, blended by heat
without thawing. But, it will ing and melting,
take a little additional cooking process cheese
ume ' food is prepared much like
Use the same braising pro- pasteurized process cheese but
cedures as for fresh meat contains less cheese. It also has
Brown meat in a little hot nonfat dry milk or whey solids
fat in a heavy pan. Add sea- and water added. It may con
sonings and small amount of tain pimento, fruits, vegetable,
liquid Cover and cook over or meats
low heat until tender (Continued on Pa ge 7)
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 22. 1967—11
Bjr Dorir. Thomas, Extension Home Economist
How Long Do Clothes Last?
from your flame-type
water heater?
Switch to flameless elecli ie quick-recovery
water heating that gives you a family sized
supply of hot water all the time
And, it’s so com enienl because you can place '
an electric water heater anywhere: Under a
counter. In a closet. In a garage It’s econom
ical, too, because as soon as you install an elec
tric water heater you qualify for PP&L’s
special low-cost water heating rate. See your
electric appliance dealer or plumber today.
Make a dean break with the past
Switch to
flameless electric water heating 1
How To Identify Cheeses