Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 22, 1967, Image 10

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    10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 22,1967
For the f ~~~ -■‘t
[Farm Wife and Family
By Mrs. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor
Cool Off With Grapefruit
Yes, there die plenty of grapefruit for
summer Early estimates from fruit growing
areas aie leporting a lower supply of non
citrus fruits due to an unusually long, cold,
rainy spring Fortunately for the housewife,
the grapefruit crop has not been adversely af
fected. She can plan on a abundant supply.
For meals or for snacks fresh grapefruit
brings light, delightful eating to the whole
family. Weight-watchers look to fresh grape
fruit as a treat, not a treatment. One half a
medium grapefruit contains only 40 calories.
It’s an excellent source of vitamin C and con
tains a valuable combination of other impor
tant nutrients.
larse or 4 medium grape
% cup orange marmalade
For quick and easy prepara
tion, score grapeirmt peel into
quarters with sharp knife. Re
move peel with fingers Thinly
pare fruit with knife remov
ing white membrane: cut in
Save money this winter by
letting ns install a Texaco
Jet Flame Booster onyonr
oO burner. Texaco research
and tests in homes prove
this new flame-control de
velopment can increase
burner efficiency by as
much as 42%, You get
more heat—use less oil.
Give us a call for a free an
alysis of your oil-beating
equipment. No obligation.
We Give S & H
Green Stamps
Garber Oil Co.
Texaco Fuel Chief
Heating Oil
105 Fairview St.
Ph. 653-1821
half lengthwise. Cut a “V”
shape on each side of center
core; lift out easily with knife.
Cut “cored” halves into bite
size pieces by placing cut-side
down on board and slicing 3
or 4 times each way. Dram
pieces thoroughly. Combine
any reserved juice with marma
lade in small saucepan. Bring
to a boil, stirring frequently.
Cook about 3 minutes until
syrupy Add grapefruit pieces;
heat 1 minute. Serve warm or
chilled Use as topping for waf
fles, hotcakes, or vanilla ice
cream. May also be served as
a compote Makes about 3 cups.
T! * * t
Keep them
with water
heated electrically
With a fiameless electric, quick-recovery water
heater, you’ll have plenty oi hot water on hand
to keep your whole family squeaky clean.
And, it’s so convenient because you can
place an electric water heater anywhere: Un
der a counter In a closet. In a garage. It’s
economical, too, because as soon as you install
an electric water healer j ou qualify lor PP&L’s
special low-cost walei heating rate. See youi
elect nc appliance dealer or plumber today.
Make a clean break with the past
/Switch ta
flameless electric water heating
1 8-oz, package macaroni
l l 2 tablespoons salad oil
2 medium or large grape
large ripe avocado, peeled
cup dairy sour cream
cup mayonnaise
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
1-lb. can salmon, coarsely
Cook macaroni in boiling
salted water according to pack
age directions, rinse and dram.
While warm, add salad oil; toss
to coat well. Chill. Grate 2
teaspoons peel from grapefruit:
reserve Working over a bowl
to reserve all juice, peel and
section grapefruit Cut sec
tions into bite-size pieces; dram
and chill. Place all reserved
grapefruit juice m electric
blender or mixing bowl. Add
grated peel, avocado cut into
pieces, sour cream, mayonnaise,
salt and pepper Blend or mix
until smooth Combine avocado
dressing with chilled macaroni,
add grapefruit pieces and sal
mon. Toss lightly until thor
oughly mixed Serve chilled
vutn a garnish of parsley
Mai ss 8 to 10 servings.
envOopes unfiavored gela
cup 01 ige juice
teaspoons grated grapefruit
cup freshly squeezed
grapefruit juice
cup lemon juice
cup sugar
egg whites
large grapefruit, peeled
and sectioned
1 cup fresh melon balls,
seedless grapes, berries, or
other fresh fruit
Soften gelatine in orange
juice for 5 minutes. Heat grape
fruit peel and juice and lemon
juice; add gelatine mixture.
Continue over low heat,' stir
ring until gelatine is thorough
ly dissolved. Chill until' very
thick, but not set. In large
bowl, beat whites until stiff,
but not dry. With same beater,
whip gelatine mixture until
light and foamy. Add to egg
whites a little at a time beat
ing at high speed, until mix
ture is well blended. Pour into
IV2 quart mold; refrigerate un
til firm and well chilled. Un
mold on serving platter; ar
range well chilled grapefruit
sections aiound mold. Garnish
with additional fresh fruit if
desired 6 servings.
2 large or 3 medium grape
Mb 13 oz can pear halves
teaspoon mint flavoring
Grate 2 teaspoons peel from
grapefruit before peeling, set
aside. Work over a bowl to sec
tion peeled grapefruit, reserv
ing all juice, dram sections.
Dram pears, reserving 1 cup
syrup Place pears, cut side up
Prompt Cosh Settlement or
Storage at 1 Vi cent per bushel per month
Spangler’s Flour Mills, Ind
North Market Street Mount Joy
Phone 717-653-1403
SS* 3 *
Two important things
when borrowing money
You need a sharp pencil plus the specialized financial advico
of Farm Credit to determine how your financial needs dan
best be served. Farm production must be maintained, even
increased if possible. Providing the financing to insure this is ‘
Farm Credit’s job. Farm Credit loans areavailable now for any ,
sound farm need. And, at realistic rates. Farm ~2ji C »P* , j j,
Credit interest is based on the unpaid balance jj
of the loan. That saves you money. •!
■GJiv IV
Farm Credit*
411 W. Roseville Rd., Lancaster Agway Building, Lebanon
Ph. 273-4506
■ln shallow dish; lop with lay
er of grapefruit .section*. In
saucepan, combine reserved
grapefruit juice and pear syr
up; bring to a full boil Add
grated grapefruit peel and
mint flavoring: immediately
pour over fruit. Refrigerate
several hours or overnight-un
til very cold. Serve as a de*
sert or accompaniment to lamb
or poultry. 8 servings.
large grapefruit
cup sugar
cup flour
Juice of 1 lemon
12-oz. pkg. frozen blue
berries or 3 cups fresh
8-oz. pkg. flaky lefngerator
tablespoons melted butter
or margarine
cup sugar
Cinnamon (optional)
Grate 2 teaspoons peel from
grapefruit; set aside Peel and
section grapefruit, working
over a bowl to icserve all
juice. Drain sections, sprinkle
with 2 tablespoons of the %
cup sugar; let stand 10 min
utes Drain off any additional
juice In saucepan, thoroughly
mix together remaining % cup
sugar and flour Add all re
(Continued on Page H>