Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 15, 1967, Image 1

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    VOL. 12 NO. 33
Senior -queen Audrey Yuraginger,
left, receives her crown from last year’s
senior queen" Judy Buckwalter, while
Conservation Field Day & Plowing
Contest Events Shape Up For 25th
Details on the events to be
featured at the Conservation
Field Day and Plowing Con
test, set for July 25th, were
listed Monday night by the ;
Lancaster County Soil & Water
Conservation District directors. ;
Meeting at the Court House, ■
director Aaron Z. Stauffer re
ported that the defending plow- '
ing champion Marvin Zimmer
man, East Earl Rl, would be
meeting all challengers in the
contour plowing event to be ;
held on the Edwin Kurtz farm
at Ephrata Rl. The contest
will begin at 10 a.m., Stauf
fer said, noting this is a change
from the usual afternoon start
ing time.
“Entries in the contest are
limited- to the first ten appli
cants,” Stauffer said, adding
that applications will be ac
cepted until Saturday, July
Farm Calendar
July 18-9:30 a.m., District 4-H •
Demonstrations and Public
Speaking contest at Owen J. ;
Roberts High School, near
- Morgantown.
-4 pm., PP&L Farm Leaders
Workshop at Sweet Arrow :
Lake, Pine Grove.
-8 p.nj., Farm & Home di- 1
rectors at Agway Bldg., 1027
Dillerville Rd.
July 19-19th to 26th, Inter
state 4-H Exchange Program;
group leaves Lancaster Shop-'
ping Center at 7 a.m. on 19th
for Middlesex County, Mass.
July 21t9:30 a.m., Official open
ing of Tourist Information
Center at intersection Hemp"-
steadßd. and Rt. 230 Bypass.
Debbie Hess is similarly recognized as
the reigning junior queen by Marilyn
Krantz L. F. Photo
22. Interested plowmen are
advised to contact Stauffer
at Ephrata Rl, or Max Smith
at the county extension office.
For the youngsters, the high
light of the Field Day will be
the greased pig chase. Associ
ate director Forney F. Long
enecker, who will supervise
this event, advises that a 50-
pound gilt will again be donat
ed -to the contest by Eby’s
Feed Mill, Inc, Lititz.
(Continued on Page 9)
County Small
Grain Harvest
Continues Slow
• The continuing small grain
harvest in Lancaster County
was slowed again this week by
rain occurring almost daily.
The Lancaster Pumping Station
-recorded 234 inches of rain
fall through Wednesday, with
some measured on each of the
week’s first four days.
Barley moved into storage
rapidly, however, toward the
latter half of the week, with
estimates Thursday indicating
60 percent, or more, of the lo
cal crop has been cut.
Quality was little improved
over last week, and one eleva
tor reported considerable gar
lic content in some loads. If
clear,- dry weather continues
through' the weekend, it is es
timated that the barley harvest
(Continued on rate 14)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15,1967
Smucker Wins Trip To
Purdue U. August 6th
Chosen Thursday as one of
thiee state scholarship winneis
at the Pennsylvania Assn, of
Farmer Cooperatives Summer
Institute was Michael E. Smuck
ei of Ephrata R 2. He will be
sent to Purdue University Aug
ust 6 for a one-week course on
Smucker attended the sum
mer institute this week repre
senting the Grassland Chapter
of Future Farmers of America.
He was one of 170 Pennsylvania
youths selected for the institute,
and served as a group discus
sion leader.
Also from Lancaster County
at the summer institute were:
Thomas Houser, Lampeter; Earl
(Continued on Page 14)
Farm & Home Directors To Meet
July 18 To Map Agri. Campaign
Directors of the Lancaster
County Farm and Home Foun
dation will meet Tuesday, July
18th, at 8 pm. m the newly
opened campaign office at 1027
Dillerville Ed. The office is lo
cated in the Agway building.
According to Foundation sec
retaiy Mrs Audrey Myer, ef
forts will be concentrated on
getting the Agricultural Cam
paign organized for an early
August launch date.
Directors will hear reports
from the campaign steering,
building, and finances commit
F. F. Bailey, director of the
Misses Hess And Yunginger
Chosen 4-H Queens For ’67
Choosing two queens, one jun
ior and one senior, from among
56 attractive 4H girls proved
a real challenge to judges
Thursday evening at Long Park
But their final decision was
well woith waiting foi.
Joining the ranks of county
royalty for 1987 were Junior
4-H Queen Debbie Hess Stias
■burg Rl. and Senior 4-H Queen
Audrey Yungingei, Mauettaßl.
Chosen runneiup for the jun
ior title was Sandy Kreider,
Manheim R 3; senior runnerup
was Avernl Royer, 2025 Ore
gon Pike.
Miss Hess is the 11-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Robert Hess. She is in the sixth
grade at Lampeter - Strasburg
Elementary School, and is an
active member of three 4-H
clubs. Included in her 4-H ac
tivities is membership in the
Conestoga Valley Sewing Club,
the Northern Holstein Club,
id the Lampeter - Strasburg
County Holstein Association
Sets Field Day For July 26th
The Lancaster County Hol
stein Association Field Day will
be held this year on Wednes
day, July 26, according to an
announcement this week by
field day committeemen John
Harnish, Henry E. Kettering,
and Ira Welk.
Held at the Amos Rutt farm,
Quarryville R 2, the judging
contest will begin at 10-45 a m ,
with Edwin C. Fry, Chester
town, Maryland serving as of
ficial judge.
At noon there will be a chick
en barbecue served at $1.40 for
adults, and $1 for children.
Milk and orange drinks will be
furnished, it is noted So that
proper food arrangements can
be made, the committee sets
July 20th as the deadline on
barbecue reservations.
Following lunch, the speaker
for the afternoon will be con
test judge Fry. The afternoon
session will also include re
marks by county agent M. M.
campaign which will center
around a drive for $lOO,OOO,
will meet some of the directors
for the first time He is a for
mer assistant superintendent of
schools, and resides at 78 Delp
Road, Lancaster.
According to Bailey, the Au
gust fund drive will be aimed
at agricultural people, both
farmers and those in related
With the theme: “Reaching
Our Goal”, the board hopes the
revived drive will provide a
debt-free Farm & Home Cen
ter by the estimated comple
tion date of January 1, 1968,
Bailey said.
$2 Per Year
Cooking Club She was the jun
ior queen candidate of the
Lampeter-Strasbmg club. Miss
Hess succeeds Marilyn Krantz
of New Providence Rl as jun
ior queen
Miss Yunginger, daughter of
Mr and Mrs Richard C Yung
inger has been an active mem
ber of the Red Rose 4-H Baby
Beef Club for the past several
yeais In the fall she will be
a 15-year-old junior at the Lan
caster Mennomte School, trans
ferring from Donegal High
Miss Yunginger, who suc
ceeds Judy Buckwalter of Lit
itz R 3, is also a member of
three 4-H clubs- in addition to
the beef club, these include
the Don e g a 1-Ehzabethtown
Community Club and the Mount
Joy Sewing Club.
Serving as master of cere
monies for the queen contest
was 4-H County Council presi
(Continued on Page 8)
Smith, and the awarding of
contest prizes
The Rutt farm is located 1%
miles south of Quarryville, just
off Route 472.
Annual Poultry
Assn. Tour Set
The annual tour sponsored
by the Lancaster County Poul
try Association will be leaving
by bus from the Lancaster
Shopping Center at 7:30 am.,
Tuesday, August Ist, tour
chairman John Jacob Oberholt
zer announced this week.
First stop will be Hershey
for a trip thiough the choco
late plant, the state police
school, and the Hershey Es
tates poultry department—the
latter features capon, pheasant,
and turkey production in addi
tion to the Pennsylvania Ran
dom Sample Turkey Test
Following a picnic lunch in
Firemen’s Park, Fredericks
burg, the group will tour
Grime’s Poultry Processing
Plant in the same area Last
stop will be near Myerstown
for a look at Whitmoyer Lab
oratories, Inc.
(Continued on Page 9)
As that cool Canadian air
continues to move into the
area, temperatures for the
next five days are expected
to average below the normal
range of 87 to 66. The wea
therman looks for little day
to-day variation in this pat
Precipitation may total V -
inch, or greater, occurring as
showers Tuesday and again