I(s—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 24.1967 Eight Cloister FFA'ers Head For Penn State Eight Vocational Agriculture students at Ephr n t » High School will represent their Cloister FPA Chapter at the Stale FFA Convention and Contests, June 28-301 h The representative l ; and their contests are: Terry KaulTinan. poultry judging. William Bitchier, live stock judging: Ronald Landis, land judging: Le\i Hcnly. meat judging: Barry Musser. meat judging. Luke Martin, dairy products judging. Linford Wea \er. daily cattle judging: Daryl Bollinger, .stale officer candi date The seven contestants and one officer candidate were named to represent the Clois tei Chapter as a result ol lo cal county, and area elimin ations held earliei in the spring Linloid Weavei. who was named to judge dairj this \ear, won se\eial honors m slate and national poulti.% nidging last \eai Jhe gionp will lea\e Ephra t.i High School f Ol Penn State at 7 • Plowing Contest (Continued lion Page It bunging them *o the siuiace but lhe\ soon ie\ue and swim awa\ as though nothing had happened ) PLOWING CONTEST Countc plowing champion Mai cm Zunmeiim.n East Earl R 1 is expected to be on hand to defend his title in the -con tour-turning event Zimmerman letned the county tioph\ last \eai bj winning the contest foi tw'o consecutne jears In last \eai s state plowing match, he placed m the umneuipspot Slduflei announced that neg otiations will be limited to the hist ten contestants to sign up Application blank' and iuither into'mation on the contest can be had bv contacting county agent M AI Smith oi Stauf lei at Ephiata El The plow mg contest will s‘ait at 10 am NEW ATTRACTIONS Slau ? lei noted two new at tiactions J Ol this veais evert a 4H ti.ictoi dining contest, and a land nidging contest The laltei is being sponsored In the countv vocational agn cultuie teacheis association, Stauffei said and is open to the public Theie ill be only one class with enlues open to all ages Am 4H ei intei ested in competing in the ti actor chiving contest is uigecl to con tact associate countv agent Ar nold G Lueck who will he in chaige oi that event R Vl\ DATE II it should i mi on the 25th Staulei <• ucl <. tarn date has been sel loi two dus later JuH 2Tth He dso , dvises anj one v ishirg to cute' the plow mg contest to i cluster by lu’v 22 • Farm Calendar fCo’Mimied fiom Pag* 1j 1 lodge's Highland Oichain 5 : \ve~t Chostci 114 J'pv,. ia-2830 FF \ Actnifie 1 - wc‘k .ml ‘■late convention at Fcv.n SFto Univcisitj -23 .aid 29 Summer loin for Pa lui'l giowe - to he held ir Fi.nklm Countv June 29-Faim Women Society Gionp 2h at honm ol Mrs David L.iiichs Julv 1-10 a m Lancaster Coun tv Swine Producer* Field Good rmltk profits from your dairy cows s 'art with good feeding Good feeding starts "’‘hen you place Red Rose Dairy Feeds in your 4 aed troughs Tiiese high quality feeds are vitamin - i and palatable to maintain herds arc encourage high trulk production Formu lated foi raising your herd from call to cow,. Red Rose Dairy Feeds are available in many protein levels Simply choose the one best stated to your particular need according to the roughage you have available on your farm and feed with a satisfaction you have never kro’vn before 1 Foil 6 fa sit coiuntteomrs service,, phone your nearest Pec! Rose IDistriilbiufror; Waiter Bin kilo y & Son 3. B. Groybill & Son Martin's Feed Mill,, Imre, Ammon E. Shell' Li«ti Refton H I) 3, Epbrata, Pa, I mtz & Reo,, llinus. A tgl«B Elverson Supply Co. 15 Iverson Henry E. Gairbsi' P. JO 1, Eliz-lbeltlafcfflwii, Pa. L. T. Geib Estofra Manheun E. M. Heis©y Mountville Feed Service L. M. Snovely Mt Joy Mountville Lititz Heistand Bros., Elizabeth town A. L. Herr & Bra 'Quairjviile David 6. Hurst Cbas, £. Sauder & Sons fiovmiansville Terre Hill Help Your Cows Climb the Milk Profits Lad use Rbd'^Rosb DAIRY FEEDS Red Rose 14 Test-Cow Peed is a feed you will find excellent to use. This course granular textured feed is ideal as an all-purpose feed. You can use it as it comes from the bag . . . . tor feeding to milking cows, dry cows, calves and bulls It can be fed at all seasons, but is especially helpful to keep appetites from lagg ing during warm summer days Place Red Rose 14 Test Cow Feed or other Red Rose Dairy Feeds in your dairy bam soon, and help your cows climb the ladder to better milk profits Musser Farms, Inc, Columbia Musser's MilH H, M. Stauffer & The Buck inc. Witmer E. P. Spotts, Ini Honey Brook