• Dairy Princess Miss Kibler was chosen by 4 (Continued from Page 1) bh° other contestants as “Miss At the 4-H Southeast District Personality”, and was present- Baby Beef Show, held at the with a Jefferson cup and a Lancaster Stock Yards, Miss scarab bracelet Known to her Donough has shown the first- fnends as “Mickey”, she is the place, lightweight Hereford 18-year old daughter of Mr and steer for the past two years Mrs 1 C Oliver Kiblcr. She is not active m the club Judging the Pageant wvio this year, but notes that she Mrs Yeita Sachs, owner of might work with a lamb proj- Mary Sachs Shop; Joseph Bull, eel later. dairyman from Lancaster R 6, The 1967 Dairy Princess sue- and Robert Mallick, farm ic ceeds Carol Ann Hess of Stras- P (>r * l ’ r w’fh WGAL-TV. burg Rl. She noted in her m Mrn hci That would enable hei to con- farewell address that “It ha < > centrate full-time on her dairy been a very short year, and princess duties, she added Miss i’ ve enjoyed meeting so many Donough is a 1967 graduate of tine people associated with the Manheim Central High School’s ddll- y industry ” She said the business education course highlight of her reign had The new princess received a probably been the contest for scrapbook in which to keep State Dairy Princess, m which clippings on her activities in fi bc was chosen first runnel up the coming year, an engraved in addition to Mrs Royer, pewter pitcher, an evening ®he pageant committee mciud slole, and a basic* wardrobe ed C P Brantley, William for her official appearances. Beisley, Miss Martie Foulk, . Miss Clymer, the 18-year-old Robert Gregor:,*, Mr. and Mrs daughter of Mr and Mrs Dan- John Jacob Herr, Robert Keen, iel Clymer, was presented witfi Mr and Mrs Samuel Myers, a Jefferson cup for placing and Mr and Mrs. JayM. Risser. first runnerup. Special guests introduced m- BARN SPRAYING SPRAY THE MODERN WAY Use CARBOLA SPRAY • Dries White • Disinfects j • Less Cobwebs J _ MAYNARD;L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. ’ Phone 392-7227 Feed Florin 14% or 16% Dairy Ration to your Herd to make Milk and Money For a healthy, highly productive herd. Florin enriched dairy feed is scientifically formulated, tested and proved. Feed it regularly, and see the results ..more milk from cows, more money for you. ®Wolgemuth Bros., inc. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. eluded Miss Foulk, 1964 Dairy Princess, and the 1965 Dairy Princess Linda Lou VVclk of Strasburg RL • Henry Hackman (Continued fiom n ,i«e 1) that Anolin<)T‘‘Ki tins hem iee ognized for ins f.imnnu achievements and innovation", ..net has' recently been ofliual ly cited by ho government SMALT. PERCENT GOVERNMENT FARMS ‘Only about one penent of ’he aencultm.il land in Poland is owned by the government," llaekm.m states “Nearly 8d percent is pnvately owned, and the remaining 12 peuent is owned and operated by fannei cooperatives,'' he added Most ot the government-own ed farms arc in the western Poland area which was part of Germany until the Second World War Then, the land owneis lied west to avoid the incoming communists, and the government took over those lands, according to Hackman. Although Apolinarski speaks no English, and Hack man speaks no Polish, the two have been able to com municate satisfactorily in a middle language German, PHOTOGRAPHS Hackman, whose hobby is photography, is looking forward to updating the pictures he took on his last visit. He said the Polish government didn’t restrict his travel in 1960, and he wasn’t anticipating any le strietion this trip There are some limitations to the things he will be permitted to photo graph, however, and he will only be allowed to take along ten roils ol him per camera OTHER STOPS The Hackmans have ordeiecl a new car which they will pick up m Germany and use on the remainder of their trip They will then bring the car back to this country and keep it. In addition to visiting Apol inarski, Hackmans will see ex change students along the way Ph. 653-1451 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Juno 17.1967 PFA Says Bill To Unionize Farm Labor Threatens Pa. Agriculture CAMP HI! L Unionization of larm labor poses a real thro ,1 to Pennsylvania agneuiune, it 11 R 47G9 meets the appiovai ol the U S Congress upoih John Pilzer, farmer and vice president of the Pennsvh.mia Fennels’ Association (i’FA) “We are already caught ,n a mounting cost-price squeeze with no end in signt," Pilzer 11 marked “Now the government wants to dump an auded cost on our hack 7 The PFA vice preai dent employs a numbei ol mi cr.mt woikeis to r.anest hii who have stayed in then homo at different lanes, Thev will visit a Fullbnght scholdiship and two Rotary exchange stu dents In Germany, the., .No hope to visit the farm on which David Kre’der, son oi Mr and Mrs. Samuel K Kreider oi Manheim R 2, stayed when he was a high school exchange student there John Hackman, a .-ophomoio at Elizabethtown College, will manage bis family’s steer 'aim while Mr and Mrs HuCknian are making jfaeir tour mSkmsQpQ&m ventilators from (Bmdimacm prevent damp litter and nests, Improve Seed efficiency, lengthen equipment ll£e fi .. .p/ • Anderson Volume-Aire ventilating systems remove excess moisture (where bacteria thrive) from the air and replace it with fresh, dry air that deters metal corrosion and provides a healthier environment. Volume-Aire ventilatois also improve feed efficiency and prevent damp litter and nests. Anderson Box Co. P 0. Box 31157, Indiandpohs, Ind □ Send literature □ Have salesman ca., Name. Addres! City. Stall Sanderson) ANDERSON iOX COMPANY INC • INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA JI the \ »Op P,O'Oiiii.v ihu House Commit lee on rtci.nation and Laboi i conMdenn 0 II It 47GU whicii would eliminate the exemption ol .mi leuiiiiie in the National Labor Relations Act: icqune la, meiw go bargain in good ...ilh" wuh a union lepiesentim, a rr.aiomy ol their employees, ■•i.hievt i.nmeis to the unl.ni laboi p,aclico piovisions of the \a ti .r.ov did anything to dis coinage unionization, and an ihoii'e a anion and a larmei to -irn a pio-einployinent contiact iVA iiekl a seiies of four meetings this week to evplain to .aimers .vh.it the tai-leach ing resolution could do to Penn "Vlvarua agnculluie, if enacted. Meetings wcue held in Biglei Allentown, Bloomsbm„ and North East. "Membcis of our PFA Policy Development Committee, meet ing hc.o last week, saw the de iiimental these piovi&ions would nave on agriculture,’ Pitzer said "The committee uigecl prompt action by Penn sylVdina farmers to stop legisl.it.on ” "-.J i**' Volume-Airs 6715 9