Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 17, 1967, Image 12

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    12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 17,1967
Rules For interstate Hog Shipment Changed
The ink's lor shipping hogs
exposed to hog choleia but not
showing svmploms have been
changed to bung these rules
into line with standards lor
the campaign to eradicate hog
cholera, the U S Department
ol \giicultuie icports
OfliciaLs in USDA's \gricul Rese.ncn Seivice note
that with the change, exposed
hogs liom states in Phase 111
ot the tour-phase eiadication
piogiam could be shipped un
der special pet mil across stale
lines dnectlv to slaughter Such
hogs must be handled in a
manner that will not spiead
the disease Phase 111 involves
final "stamping out" opei aliens
to eliminate the last pockets
of infection
Rules pi ohibiUn'-’ shipment
ol exposed hogs into slates in
Phase IV—whei e eflorls ai e
dnecled towaid preventing le
intioduction of the disease—
i emain in eft eel Also the rule
change does not affect reslnc
tions on mtei slate shipment
Milk Price To Penna.
Farmers Averaged 2c
Higher For May
II VKKISBURC, The a\ e- -
ase milk pi ice lecened bj
Pennschaina laimeis timing
Iti.u was 12 cents a quail two
cents highei than a vear ago
accoidmg to the State Ciop Re
poitmg Seivice
Meat animal puces leceived
b\ taimeis weie low'ei than a
xeai ago as weie puces toi
chickens eggs and potatoes
Gum puces howevei weie
highei than a veai ago
The wholesale puce loi milk
last month was S 5 45 per hun
ch edweight (46 5 quarts) A
■veai ago the wholesale price
w as S 4 75
Meat animal puces per lum
clieclweight last month and a
yeat ago hogs S2l 50. last May
$24 steei s and heifers, $23 80
($25 20) slaushtei cows, $lB
($l9 20) sheep, $7 70 ($8 80)
hioileis and toasters 16c (17c)
tmkevs 23c (29c)
Fugs weie 33c a doaen last
month compaiecl to 37c a year
ago Potatoes weie $2 30 pei
lumchedvvetghl and $4 05 a year
Giain puces corn $l5O a
hnshel last month $1 40 a year
ago wheal $155 ($147) - oats
87c (82c) bailev $ll4 ($105)
i\e $1 18 ($1 12)
Superior Weed
Control In Tobacco
and Tomatoes.
Gives full seasons
control of many
broadleaf weeds and
certain grasses.
Contact Us For More
it Ti ade mark The Upjohn
Brand of Diphenamid
' Ph. Lane. 397-3539
ol exposed hogs from states in ships when markets for sal-
Phases i and 11. vable hogs are not readily
Pioviousl.v. federal legula- within a Phase 111 stale,
lions restricted the interstate Exposed hogs salvaged
shipment of all hogs exposed through slaughter under Phase
to hog cholera. But present 111 procedures are carefully
standards for Phase 111 permit inspected lor any signs of hog
the salvage ol exposed hogs cholera by a state or federal
which are showing no symp- veterinarian both before ship
toms at the time of a hog ping and before slaughter All
cholera outbreak These ani- remaining infected and e.xpos
mals may now be shipped with- ed hogs not suitable for slaugh
in the state lor immediate ter are destroyed, with indem
slaughter under special pei- nities paid to the owner based
mission by state officials. The on the actual value of the ani
mle change will allow them to mals for meat, feeding, or
be shipped across tate lines breeding In Phase IV, salvage
as well. is not permitted and the entire
'ihus. ARS oflicials sav. the
change will bung interstate
shipping rules into agicement There was a time when a
with standards lor the eradica- new book became a bestseller
Uon piograni. They also note through praise Nowadays, it
that this will help salvage op- has to be condemned or
eralions and will remove haid- banned.
Attention Tobacco Growers!
For Tobacco Planting
Ortho Starter Solution 8-16-8
Ortho Gro 12-6-6
For Cut Worm Control
Isotox Transplanter Solution
For Weed Control
Enide 50 W
Available Now
DeKalb Sudax - Alfa-Tox - Atrazine
Lorox - Weedone LV 4
Hollinger’s Farm Market, Inc*
K. D. ==l, Ephrata
from your fiame-type
water heater?
Switch to flamoless elect Sc quick-reccw ery
a ate-' heating that gives you a family- sued
supply oi hot water all the'time
Ann, it’s so convenient because you can place
y" electric water heater anywhere: Under a
i oinner f n a closet. In a garage. It’s ecu.ioiri
icul. too, because as -.con as you instal l an elec
‘nc water heater you qualify for PP&IA
special low-cost heatmg rate See youi
electric appliance dealer or plumber Loda>.
Make a dean break with the past
Switch to
fiameless electric water heating
infected herd is destroyed
Phone 733-4151
Cereal Leaf
Beetles Hit Pa.
lIAItitISHUItG The State
Agi iculture Department has an
nounced discovery of cereal
leaf beetles at three sites in
Lawrence County near the
Ohio-Pennsylvania line.
It is the first evidence of
this insect’s presence in Penn
sylvania, according to Henry
F. Nixon, director of the de
partment’s Bureau of Plant In
The cereal leaf beetle at
tacks small grains and grasses
with a strong preference for
oats It was found in Michigan
f 1
in 1962 and since then has
spread rapidly through that
state and Indiana and Ohio.
The Initial discovery in Penn
sylvania was made on a farm
near Pulaski, Lawrence County,
a few miles east of the Ohio
line, Nixon said, it was identi
fied by the Agricultural Re
search Service of the U.S, De
partment of Agriculture.
Insects also were found at
another site near Pulaski, and
about ten miles to the south,
near Bessemer.
Federal-state detection sur
veys—under way in 13 western
Pennsylvania counties this year
—are being intensified in Law
rence County. Nixon said