Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 03, 1967, Image 7

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    BLOSSOMELLE PRINCE CHARM- tion of America’s annual sale later this
ING, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert month. Charming is a product of three
Royer of 2025 Oregon Pike, will be fea- of the greatest all-time AI proven sires,
tured at the HoQstedn-Fnesian Associa- and is the son of BlossomeUe Zsa Zsa.
Cooperate ?
Take, for.example, recent proposals by the U.S. Depart
ment of Agriculture for increasing fluid milk prices in
the New York-New Jersey marketing area. These proposed
increases are totally unrealistic when one considers the
alarming rate at which farmers are being forced out of
business. Yet some cooperatives have seen fit to support
them on the basis that “anything is better than nothing.”
Eastern Milk Producers, the bargaining co-op with
more than 10,000 dairy farmer members, has never taken
tills attitude. Support of such low increases only serves
to weaken the stand the dairy farmer must take for his
own preservation. The fact is that the dairy farmer doesn’t
need token increases... he needs a realistic priee so he
cap,make a reasonable profit above the cost of produc
tion. Unless he can obtain these increases, he will be
forced out of business.
The time has arrived for the dairy
fanner to stand up and be counted. H
you find your views in agreement with
the position Eastern has taken, contact
your local representative right now—
or write: /
i r •*{ t » -
Not Necessarily!
Uanwwter Farming, Saturday, June 3,1967 —
Notionol Holstein
(Oonifcfmied from Page 6)
Of the 218 official delegates
to the Holstein convention,
Pennsylvania will have 30. Ten
of these, who will be from
this area, include. Earl L.
Groff, Strasburg; John M, Um
b!e, Atglen; Andrew D StolU
fus, Elverson; Robert C. Groff,
Quarryville; Robert H. Kauff
man, Elizabethtown; Elvin
Hess, Jr., and Richard H. Hess,
both Strasburg; Mrs. Herbert
Royer, 2025 Oregon Pike; J.
Wade Groff, Lancaster; and
Gideon K. Stoltzfus. Atglen.
Of major interest to mem
bers of the breed organiza
tion is a bylaw proposal to
liberalize color marking re
quirements for female regis
trations in the association’s
berd boob. Action taken last
year created a special com*
mitloc to study color stand*
ards and make recommenda
tions to the 19(57 annual
A part of the colors amend
ment also contains enabling
legislation for a separate rod
and white Holstein registry.
In the past, occunence ol red
coloring in llolstems has been
considered a genetic undesir
able and a bar to icgislered
Those attending the conven
tion will sec a baseball game
between the Minnesota Twins
and the Boston Red Sox One
of the pre-game activities will
be a milking contest between
a representative fiom each
team. The ballplayer's milking
talents will be judged by the
Minnesota State Dairy Prin
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