Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 03, 1967, Image 16

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    16*—Itfmcastier Farming, Saturday. June 3.1967
• Wentink Addresses
(Continued from Page 131
ink said the Northeast will con
tinuc wo offer many natural ad
vantages to the poultry indus
try Nearness to market and a
constantly expanding market as
population alone the eastern
seaboard continues to grow are
just two such advantages Along
with expanding population, land
will grow in value and will thus
be used more ell.ciently. Today,
he said an acre of land will pro
duce 100 bushels of corn a year
which, when processed, pro
vides 56 pounds of humaa food
By comparison, one acre of
broiler houses will produce 1,-
089.000 pounds of belter, high
protein food an acre of lav
ing houses will turn out BTI 200
pounds of eggs, plus 116160
pounds of stewing chicken
means more milk
Consu>tert quJi.y n M-f' a
tulk tan K n*n»Kt<turmjr re !
yoj a v oua’ *\ perforin im*» i
the m y ho-se ifcherc it pa>« off ’i
j*><)nn*Ti’r-a3 dim n re
friftration in &olh
•lid “'vacuum " in -dels . • . s
from S*o Vo £i*K) jr*Mnni . • • I* ill-
til cortrol* and e,‘her remuit ci
•e f-c( 'it-'-.ned condeiifeinß yiits,
CJP e«ar gis *Ji upU<m*l cot* ce,
•«\ «r >rea. ou prefer Ur?
be found n oie of the \ured
Jfueller models . , . come in &r(
fet He gxit yea the compete Atory-
A** Qbfrui <n*r fcontjmy
*Mei “S” term
R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa.
350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster
Plmhikv Lane 397 5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766
By 1980, he said, it is estimat
ed that people in the U.S. will
be consuming 22 billion pounds
more food than were consumed
in 1960 What’s more, these
people will be highly skilled,
highly paid individuals who will
demand and be willing to pay
for the highest quality in the
food they buy All these things,
Wentink concluded, point to
great opportunities for the
poultry industry in the North
east in the years immediately
An open discussion on what
the poultry industry can do to
improve its public image fol
lowed the talks While no speci
fic solutions were suggested,
theie was general agreement
among both Canadian and U.S
poultry men that work needed
to be done in the areas of in
teresting young people in poul
try career*, better advertising
and marketing, improving tech*
niques for waste dicposal and
the control of odors and other
nuisances that arise when su
burban sprawl engulfs poultry
Prof. Cavers spoke on "The
Canadian Poultry Industry To
day and Tomoirow.” The story
ol the Canadian poultry indus
ti y. he said, is that of a vigorous
pygmy learning to Jive along
side a vigorous giant. If the
giant develops a sneeze, as a
result of over supply, and hap
pens to be facing north, that
sneeze has all the characteris
tics of a tornado hitting the
Canadian market. In other
words, he said, a 57v over-sup
ply in the USA represents
roughly half the Canadian pro
On the subject of tariffs, the
5c a pound duty on eviscerated
poultry permits some product
QUALITY fertilizer is o determining factor in growing QUALITY
tobacco. Use AGRICO special plant food.
AGRINITE the all ORGANIC plant food for top dressing
tobacco plants. Use now and periodically until tobacco is plant
Won't burn, will develop good root system os well as a tough
green healthy plant.
Contact your AGRICO dealer or
Lancaster Warehouse
569-2361 or Ephrota 733-8161
Hew speed ... Hew muscle ~
New John Deere
50 Side-Mounted Mower
The 1,800 strokes-per-mmute cutting speed of the John Deere 50 Side.
Mounted Mower really drops hay in a hurry The 50 is strong, too. Parts
are considerably heavier than those in other side-mounted
mowers. The pitmanless balanced drive keeps the mower
running' smoothly . . . quietly. You’ll find the 50 an easy
mower to maintain, too See us for details on this addition
to The Long Green Line. Ask about our Credit Plan.
Landis Bros. Inc. A. B. C. Groff, Inc.
Lancaster 393-3906 New Holland 354-8001
Skotzberger's M. S. Yearsley & Sons Wenger Implement Co.
Elm 665-2141 West Chester 609-2990 Buck BU 44461
Virginia Sol* Features
200 Quality Horses
Some 200 extremely high
quality horses again will be
offered at the annual North
ern Virginia Horse and Pony
to flow into Canada when need
ed. he said, but there is no long
er any flow in the opposite
direction. Duty rules on eggs
and live poultry aic more no
minal a cause of recent con
corn because imports have
doubled and tripled in spite of
record Canadian production
with the result that retail prices
are currently quite low. The ex
change rate on the dollar (SI
U. S. $ 92 Canadian) amounts
to an additional duty, Prol
Cavers declared Should Cana
da’s dollar be revalued upward
to or near parity with the U.S
dollar, >ou will hear a lot more
about protective tanlls. he pre
or Sales Representative
B. G. HOFFMAN 367-1650
Churchtown Warehouse
Sale. The IM7 event is ached*
ulod for Saturday, June 17 at
the Downtown Livestock Sale
Arena in Leesburg, Vo.
Fresh from forma and
ranches, offerings will include
the dispersal of several out
standing bands of horses. A
fifty-head consignment from
the Bnrrick Ranch at Px Ft,
Fierce, S. D. consists of excel
lent hunter prospects. These
include several good, young
horses carrying quarter, half
and three-quarter thoroughbred
lines The group also has many
well-broke cow ponies.
There will be several walk
ing horses, registered thorough
bred and quarter horses as well
as paint stock horses. A very
select group of Welsh ponies
also will be oflered. Complete
catalog will be furnished on re
quest by Canning Land & Cat
tle Company of Staunton, Va.,
the sale managers.