12—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 3,1967 Electric Gates Speed Livestock Movement Electrically operated gates, developed by the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture and the Missouri Agricultural Experi ment Station, speed the move ment of livestock through mar kets. reports a new USDA pub lication. Two men can do the work of four with the gates designed by agricultural engineers Her man F Mayes of USDA’s Ag ricultural Research Service, and J. S. McKibbcn and James H Obeimem of the Univer sity of .Missouri, Columbia. These experimental pates should be useful at livestock auctions, stock yards, and other sites where laue numbers of Iheslock must be moved rapid ly. the en°ineors icport In commercial-scale tests in a livestock auction market, ani mals were mocecl through the sales i mg faster, thereby speed ing up the sales operation. The gate has several safety features to avoid injut mg ani mals and is stiong enough to stand up undei rough use It can be opened eien when ani mals aie leaning against it. • Inter-State (Continued fiom Page 1) though such decisions are somewhat late m coming Our concern however, is that, with 1968 being a piesidential elec tion year the political sources that will be existing in 1968 rnav well change the powers and attitudes of the Depart ment of Agriculture to the point of calling foi. oi attempt ing to. bring about agricultur al price ieductions so that con sumers’ pi ices may be held in You can beat bindweeds^ Dacamine Dacamine gives you complete kill. If goes to the roots of troublesome bindweed, wipes them out with a minimum of re-growth Dacamme packs ail the killing punch of an ester, yet it s as safe as an amine Its non-volatile, so there’s no danger to nearby crops when used as directed Tes*s show that Dacamme is as safe as water soluble amines Dacamme is oil soluble and emulsifies in water for easy spraying Spray it just as you would an ester No special equip ment is necessary. It will not pre cipitate or separate in cold weather while stored. When you use Dacamme, you do not put valuable crop land out of production The cost is low, too All you need is a very small amount of Dacamme per acre Nov/ is the time to set up a three year spray program to eliminate bindweed-infested areas Get Dacamme now at your favorite farm store Diamond Chemicals, Diamond Alkali Com pany, 300 Union Commerce Building, fl & M Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Kills weeds like pulling them by hand a , Dacamme Niagara Chemical Warehouse H. Jacob Hoober Intel course. Pa Reading Bone Fertiliser Co. Heading, l*a Lancaster Bone Fertilizer Co. line «s a politico* weapon in the presidential election year. 2. Following a two-year pro cedural fight, the Philadelphia Federal milk marketing order was changed only recently from what is called a handler pool to a market pool. Repre senting our members. Inter- State sought the continuation of the handler pool, which was the method of distributing mon ies to daiiy farmers for close to 50 years in our area. The main reason given by the De partment for this change was their inability to enforce Fed eral Order No. 4 with a hand ler pool. It appears to us that such inability was apparently a policy decision on the part oi certain levels of the Depart ment’s administration “not to enforce.” The effectuation of the policy “not to enforce” be came a ically effective tool in the hands of the Department to impose its will on a group of cooperatively organized farmers to their long-run mone tary detriment. We believe that the long-run policies of the Department of Agriculture should hew to this line of the democratic form of government The people should still be more important in the 717-768 8431 217-375 4454 You look lovely, what's your secret? v .. l>¥ tj. Hew feeds, and new feeding programs, do o lot for dairy-cows . . . and dairy profits. We stock a complete line of feeds, scientifically formulated to meet the needs of milking cows, calves, heifers, dry cows . . . and to supply the different needs of each td boast milk production, growth-and health. For the feeds that-hest fif’your feeding program, see us. FEEDS D. E. Horn & Co., Bnc. York, p a . ?h. 854-7867 direction followed by the gov* eminent policies than the views of a few individuals within the government. 3. For over six months now, dairy farmers across the Unit ed States, with the support of other general farm organiza tions, have been making every effort to tighten the interpre tation of the current import regulations on dairy products. We have asked the Secretary of Agriculture to stand firmly behind the daily industry in protecting our present price levels by strongly urging the proper interpretation of the current import legislation. We strongly urge the Department of Agriculture to impose the current legislative efforts in volved in S. 612 wherein def inite limitations by the law are established with reference to importing dairy product items. 4. We are strongly in favor of legislation which will pro vide opportunity for dairy farmers to strengthen their bargaining efforts. We would like, however, to urge one word of caution as the Secre tary and his Department may move along the line we now read about We hope that any legislation, which is developed and ultimately passed, will not bypass the currently established cooperative institutions and we 4T\ Thanks to our Dairy Farmers and Their Modem Feeding Programs Joanne Bowman Resigns County Extension Post Mrs. Joanne Bowman, for merly assistant extension home economist, resigned her county position effective Mny 31st, ac cording to Mrs. Doris Thomas, extension home economist Mrs. Bowman joined the certainly hope that it will not be so written as to cause "any great amount of jurisdictional dispute as between groups of farmers now established in co operatives. or any ones brought about by the language, in. Uie law. Commodity cooperatives, particularly in milk, have, through the years, done an ex cellent job and have relied primarily upon strong market ing agreements with their mem bers. Any such new legislation should not disturb these rela tions because, if they are dis turbed, the long years of ef fectiveness of these organiza tions will be completely de stroyed. Dahy farmers’ views and questions on future farm in come, farm programs and op erations, and the entire farm food economy were discussed. It's our privilege to work with and for the Dairy Farmers of this area. To them, our thanks, and a hearty salute for a ,jo6. well done. I’m on a Wonderful New Diet! county staff in 19M« following tier graduation front SttonHlU- College, Greensburg, Ft., where the. earned a degree in home economics. While on the extension staff. Mrs. Bowman was primarily responsible for 4-H home eco nomics activities, end also worked with the adult program. Mrs. Bowman and her hus band David reside at Manheim HI. where she plans to be come a full-time homemaker. * * r f' , •' * ~a , J y?i * 5 j f ' I, - yl'vig Joanne Bowman v & H ~ < . 3