Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 20, 1967, Image 1

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    VOL. 12 NO. 25
/ ' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS of the Lancaster County Farm & Home Founda
tion toured the partially completed Farm & Home Center Tuesday to observe the
. jrrogress being made. The late spring weather has delayed construction consideraib-
were told. From left they arerMelvin R. Stoltzfus; Benjamin Burldiold
re^TJ^es-Ttigsef-MrS’.Xandis Myer; B. Suavely Garber; and John H. Herr.
-v t
K&H Center Nears ZO% Completion;
Six, $3OO Scholarships Available
0n a pre-board meeting tour
of-the new Farm & Home Cen
ter Tuesday evening, F & H
Foundation directors noted that
Slusser Named
State Holstein
Assn. Fieldman
David C -Slusser of Chardon,
Ohio, has been appointed to
the position of Holstein Field
man for the Pennsylvania Hol
sfein Association succeeding
NeMa B. Empet, it was an
nounced this week. He will as
sume his duties with the state'
breed association effective June
'Since his graduation fiom
the Penn State University in
1965, where he majored mdauy
(Continued on Page 9)
Otvid Slusser
foundations and office walls
were completed According to
an estimate by building com
mittee chairman Jacob Kurtz,
Jr, the Center is about 20 per
cent completed at this time
Originally planned for com
pletion m November, the com
bination of poor working wea
ther this spring and sinkholes
in the underlying limestone
(Continued on Page 4)
Milk Marketing Talk
To Highlight Ephrata
Adult Farmer Program
The regular monthly meet
ing of the Ephrata Adult Farm
er class will feature a discus
sion on “New Developments
m Milk Marketing, Pricing,
Federal Orders, and Regula
Speaking at the Tuesday eve
ning, May 23, meeting wall be
William Johnstone, extension
faim management specialist
from Penn State University,
and Boyd Gaitley, public re
lations directoi for Inter-State
Milk Producers Cooperative
The meeting will be held in
the Ephrata High School agri
culture room, and will begin
at 8 p.m Vocational agricul
ture teacher Lewis Ayers will
conduct the meeting, and all
interested dairy farmeis are
invited to attend ✓
Farm Calendar
May 22-7:45 pm, 4-H leaders,
members, and parents, dime
on writing and presenting
demonstrations, at UGI audi
-8 p.m., Special meeting of
(Continued on Page 4)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 20, 1967
DHIA Directors Plan
May 22nd Meeting
Directors of the Red Rose
Dairy Herd Improvement As
sociation will hold their regu
lar quarterly meeting Monday
night, May 22, at 8 o’clock, as
sociate county agent Victor
Plastow announced this week
The meeting will be
held at the Penn Dairies Plant,
second floor High on the agen
da foi discussion will be chang
es in rates to danymen for the
use of Association equipment,
Plastow noted, urging all di
rectors to attend
NEW COUNTY COUNCIL presidents elected Thursday night at the reorganize
tion meeting at Rohrerstown Elementary School are Kaye Smith and Mike .Smuck'er,
both of Ephrata R 2 L. F. Photo
Cool, Wet Spring Hinders
Farm Field Work In County
bj Don Timmons
The only time the weather
makes news is when it’s eithei
real good, or real bad Foi
things like bi caking piolonged
di ought periods, and raising
creek levels and water tables.
May weather to-date has been
real good Foi farmers itching
to get at their seasonal field
choies, it has been impossible l
We talked to faimers ail
around the county late this
week, and the story was much
the same everywhere—very lit
tle com planted and none up
yet, potatoes, a little behind
but germinating well wheie
seed was treated with a fungi
cide before planting, tobacco,
plants small for this time of
the jeai—about dime-sized one
grower notes —plants will be
late getting to the fields with
corn planting requiring full
working time, vegetable pro
ducers, probably suffering more
than general farmers, with
Mike Smucker and Kaye Smith
To Head 4-H County Council
At the reorganization meet
ing of the 4rH County Council
Thursday night, members elect
ed Mike Smucker and Kaye
Smith, both of Ephrata R 2, to
head the council for 1967-68
Smucker, who will serve as
president of the agricultme
section, is the 16-year-old son
of Mr and Mrs Edward F
Smucker Mike is also active
in Future Farmers of America
activities, and recently won the
Lancaster-York area public
speaking contest He is a jun
ior at Garden Spot High School
and is president of the Grass
land FFA Chapter there
$2 Per Year
some ear I j crops complete
“wash out”
One dany farmer in the New
Danville area told Lancaster
Farming he’d planted about
half his corn crop during the
fiist week m May, and hadn’t
been able to get into the fields
since A check for gemmation
this week on that early corn
showed the shoots were within
about one-quarter inch from
breaking ground Although
those he checked looked good,
he felt he wouldn’t know what
kind of a stand he’d get for
another week, 01 so
A farmer’s rain gauge in
that area recorded 2Vz inches
of rainfall since May Ist—
above normal, but below
amounts received in some sec
tions of the count;,
“There’s not much corn
planted in our area,” said one
(Continued on Page 8)
Miss Smith is a 17-year-old
senior at Conestoga Valley High
School where she is in the bus
iness curriculum She is the
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Grant
C Smith
In other business, associate
county agent Winthrop Merri
am announced that the county
council has been asked to as
sist with part of the Interna
tional Farm Youth Exchange
program (IPYE) when that or
ganization holds its state con
vention in Lancaster County in
July Delegates to the conven
(Continued on Page 6)