t**..**’''!' *'* V* r> "l >*" v “ '/; v ' "' ,' '' >" V , - }*' *, - /i, < * ‘ , * V * * - * ?;C*fSj*r ONE OF THE RIGS used to shape waterways is this self-loading pan pulled by the tractor shown here on the Jonas and David Noll farm near Wakefield Orval Bass, SC'S county conservationist, explained that as the pan is pulled along, a cradle breaks up the dirt in a dish shape, and pa ddles load it mto the pan A bulldozer may also be used effectively for this work, Bass noted L. F Photo • Waterways (Continued from P?ge 6) cost ol waterway construction utilization of available rainfall the Lancaster office lays out a t 35 cents a lineal foot “This The latter factor would, have the plan for waterways, adw.s would include everything,’ he been particularly apparent in es the contractor doing the ac- explained, “bulldozing, liming, the lecent drought years tual earth moving and grading, fe ? llj2 ?? s ’ A a ” d “ ulch : 0 mg Under the Agncultu’al , ~ , . „ and inspects the job thoroughly conservation Program (A.CP) Agriculture is by far the na after completion If 3CS okays the tanner’s shaie of the cost - cs “ ' m f le in ~: ly the waterway, the farmer may would probably be about 15 rie percentage ot lann have half, or more, of the costs cents per foot of waterway people to total U S popula paid undei a cost-slianng plan The benefits a fanner de- hon 15 declining, there still aie with Agricultural Stabilization rives hom waterways and tei- about 14 million persons liv & Conservation Service (ASCS) races would vary with soil type ffi-S on fauns The value of However, such a payment has degree of slope, and kind of farm pioducts sold m 1966 was to have been applied for be- crops raised, Bass notes But m excess of 40 bilhon dollais Agway Notice To AH Vegetable Growers! i *«, % * t > + '*" s The ZENDEL Planter is a multi-function device that plants seed lings along the center line of a strip of ZENDEL black polyethylene mulch that is simultaneously laid down by the machine In one continuous opera tion, the, Planter opens up furrows,proportional to the width of the film used . .'.lays black mulch-film fills dirt into the furrows on top of the film.. . slits the plastic, forms holes,-and sets plants . . then compacts the soil around the seedlings. TheZENBEL Planter can handle most row crops cucumbers, melons, squash, tomatoes, tobacco, etc. Mulch material is available at your Agway Bee-Line Supply Cen ter. The planter mulcher is available to interested persons on a loan agree ment basis. First -come firstf-served. 1A * , / * . *: **"’ ; , ( * *' S' „ -.»» rut,- & the work started, Bass the benefits would come m the added form of more land available tor He estimates the average com production, and bettei BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dillerville Rd. Lancaster, Penna. ' I < * i WHAT: Agwoy Bee-Line Supply Center sponsors o Zendel planter and mulch layer demonstration. WHEN: Wednesday - May 17th - 9:30 o.m. - rain or shine. *' >4 WHERE: J. Henry Siegrist form, R 3, Monheim. Located 3Vi miles northeast of Monheim off the Monheim-Penryn Rd. Ist rood (eft beyond Pleasant View Rest Home, then Ist farm. ' ': s ' vy '* -"> * i A < V “V Jf « / £*** t . 4 & & Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 13, 1967 —7 Army Worms Set To March Small gram growers, in par licular, should watch out tot armyworms m the spun*, ac cording to Dr Dale Bray, than man of the depaitmeut of cm tomology and applied ecology at the University oi Delawaie Annywonns like cool, moist weather, he points out The cool weather this spnng ana the recent iains may mu ease armywonn outbreaks \llhoiua they’re not a scneial pest ev ery year some oi those msecls show up eveiv sm me: .«!uJ moths of the inn'vo.in «iu ‘ iken in trap' in \p. d Young amnwoiii.s ai e thin cept that the loud amount used unlive,bluisn ueon voiins with must not exceed 15 pounds ot a rdack lire Ld ;ei wo np ae’nal caibaiyl pei acie. to one and a hall nv-i.e-* lon., , aie hairk„s and gioen with Jc\ u phene mav be used on dark stupes Some of t'm mil col j l 01 sinall glams grown worms nave a deemed Hov.e\ei dont ieed ioiage, in pink cast eluding ensilage, tieated witn loviphene to dauv animals or Fortunatel' ai.nywouiis do animals being finished lor not feed on o\ei vth.ng tnat slau o htci, the entomologist glows They preier giaso cautioned yet y premium nutrition —For Breeding Flocks —For Birds raised in confinement —For Hens Bred For Extra Production WAYNE UNIVERSAL MIXER is the feed for YOU! Extra rich in vitamins, minerals and high quality proteins—Syncro-Zymic toe ! Let us grind your own grain with Wayne Universal Mixer for true economy in your poultry feeding. C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. I). 1, East Earl DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn and Bellaire WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim MOUNTVILLE SUPPLY “’jS® HERSHEY BROS Reinholds H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer Support Your Lane. Co. Poultry Assoc gram, and corn, they usually don't bolhoi other plants un less thcic is no gi s„, Siam and com close bv The worms Iced mainly at night and hide dm.ng the da.v so you'll have to seal eh the ground caieluilv to locate them. A. my woi ms ate veiy difficult to temtiol once they aie huge. Thetedoie, in mtcslod fields, apply tieatment as soon as possiole to catch the vvoims while they aie still small. Biay ac;\ ises Insecticides aie the best cou fiol Cc’ibaivl (Sevin) cannot be u ed attci boot stage on Siam that will be used loi toon but it mi\ be u-.cd on com with no i eductions ev FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D. 1, Quan yville R. D. 2, Peach Bottom GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtow n ROHRER S MILL R. D. 1. Ronki .’MILLERS VILLE SUPPLY CO. Millersi ille