Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 13, 1967, Image 15

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    ® For Tho Form Wife
(Continued from Page 14)
4 teaspoons butter or
Cook the bacon in skillet over
medium heat until crisp, drain
on absorbent paper. Bring milk,
salt and onion to rapid boil.
Slowly sprinkle m cream of
wheat cereal, stirring constant
ly while mixture thickens. Low
er heat and continue cooking 5
minutes more, stirring occasion
ally. Add bacon pieces. Pour in
to four greased individual bak
ing dishes. Make a hollow in the
center, and slip the raw eggs in
carefully. Season with salt and
paprika and dot with butter or
margarine. Bake in a moderate
oven (350 degrees) about 15
minutes or until whites of eggs
are set Makes 4 servings.
IV* cups sifted flour
Hollinger’s Farm Market, Inc.
R. D. =l, Ephroto
DeKalb Hybrid Seed Corn
Aifa-Tox Lorox
Afrozine Weedone LV 4
Ortho Bird Repellent
PHONE 733-4151
Farmersville Equipment Co.
We’ve added BOLENS
powerfun equipment
Tractors, mowers, tillers.
See ’em. Try ’em. Then
you’ll know what we’re
so excited about
tor you -can buy. Two-section frame "folds" like a hinge
for quick, easy turning. Rear mounted en{ine, operator
tits ahead of noise and exhaust fumes and has unobstruct
ed view. Mowing, plowing and snow casting attachments
******^*'" v> ‘ 1 *
LAWN KEEPER — A new type SUIURIAN MOWERS Two ORBIT AIP f.u. VERS—Safest IwUSTAhf Til lERS - Easily
ridinf mower with Estate models With 24 inch or 26- rotary merer mad? Exctu maneu.erable balanced till-
Keepir twosectron frame inch mowmi width. Blade sine feati.c cleans lawn n.| Two models, 3>/z hp
principle. Mows in J 6 inch lochs for safety. while mowinj an* shp
Farmersviile EquqnK&tf Co.
R> D. 2, Ephrota
teaspoons baking-powder
teaspoon salt
tablespoons sugar
cup quick cream of wheat
egg, slightly beaten
cup milk
cup melted butler or
cup gi anulatcd sugar
teaspoon ground cinnamon
Sift together flour, baking
powder and salt, add sugar and
cereal. Combine egg, milk and
melted butter. Make a well in
flour mixture, pour in milk mix
ture all at once. Stir quickly and
lightly, until just mixed but
still lumpy. Fill 12 well-greased
muffin cups two-thirds full.
Bake in a hot oven (425 de
grees) 25 minutes or until done.
Combine sugar and cinnamon,
sprinkle on waxed paper. Roll
hot muffins in mixture until
completely coated Serve hot.
Makes 12 muffins
Bolens —First in powered equipment, since 1918!
t t
Fulton Grange Confers
25 Degrees At Meeting
Clifford W. Holloway, Jr.,
Master of Fulton Grange #66.
presided at the regular meet
ing May 8 when Third and
Fourth Degrees were con
ferred upon twenty-three can
didates and two candidates for
Colerain Grange
The Charter was diaped in
memory of Hany B Cobaugh
and Past State Mastei Beatty
Dimit A donation was given
to the Arthritis Foundation.
It was decided to cntei a float
in the Southern Lancaster
County Community Fair
The Youth Committee spon
sored a scrap diivc for the
benefit of Boy Scout Troop
#330 to buy camping equip
ment One large truckload and
one pick-up truckload ot scrap
were received.
Rabbi Sampson A Sham will
be the speaker for the memori
al service at the next meeting,
May 22. The annual homemade
ice cream party wall be held
at the June 12 meeting.
• Beetle Survey
(Continued from Page 13)
race tracks is used on nearby
Cereal leaf beetle damage is
caused by both laivae and ad
ults feeding on wheat, bailey,
rye, corn quack grass, brome
grass, orchard glass and tim
The only satisfactoiy way
evei jet invented to get peo
ple to do things, and to do
them well, is to get them to
want to do them well Heiem
lies the seciet of leadership.
•DUNS HUSKY TKACTOKS—Four sizes from 7 hp to 12Vi hp.
All have Bolens exclusive Fast Switch Power lock Hitch for
quick chanting of powered attachments No need to ever
fool with belts, tools or special hitch-kits Over 25 lawn
and garden attechipents.
Ph. 354-9221
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 1 if, 19(57
Farm Wife and
Ladies, Have You Heard?.. „
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Remove Mildew From Clothing Oi
Furniture Quickly
If you find mildew on clothing 01 up
holstered furniture, take immediate steps to
remove it
Brush mildew from article Brushing out
doors prevents mildew spores fiom spi coding
to other pai ts of the house
After brushing and airing clean item
thoioughly soap and watei lor washable
fabiics, drycleaning for otheis
If possible, take upholsteied tuimime,
mattresses, rugs, and carpets, outdoois Then
brush or vacuum thoroughly to diaw out
To clean a bulky item, make thick suds ol THOMAS
soap or synthetic detergent heater to speed clijin,
and very little water Use mild bleach tieatment
Bnish suds into mildewed for stubborn stains Rub salt
aiea Wipe off suds with clean and lemon mice on the stain,
damp cloth Then place the aitule in a
Keep surface of mildewed sunny snot to ciiy
aiea fiom becoming any wettei il fabnc can ba t.eded with
than necessary Use fan or (.Continued on Page 18)
★ instant credit
But it costs you nothing until you use it What a conti
nent feeling to know tna* you ca i write checks for moie
tnan your ba'ance!
ik $5OO in guaranteed checks
Bancardchek ends check cash'ng problems forever!
It's just tike money you can cash a BancardcheK
anywhere, at home or away.
Come in and apply.
Regular checks plus guaran'eed checks plus a s andbv r -
™cOUNTY FARMERS national
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
when you need it