$lB Millon More In toon Funds To FH A Secretary of Agriculture Or- es cause d by natural disaster, ville L. Freeman announced Freeman said the additional that President Johnson has re- funds should be sufficient to leased an additional $18,540,- meet emergency loan needs un -000 in emegency loan funds to til the end of this fiscal year, FuUQ-Pep Pig Feeds start little pigs fast with low cost gains Match your little pigs’ growth potential with the nutritional efficiency of Ful-O-Pep Pig Feeds ... - thej efficiency that regularly gives these conver sions at the Ful-O-Pep Research Farm: Baby Pig Diet 1.14 (As an early weaning feed to 5 weeks) Plgjstarier 1 (From 5 days to 6 weeks, or following Baby Pig Diet) Pig Grower _ , 2.03 lbs. feed/lb. gain (From 6 weeks to 10 weeks) With good.rnanagernent, you can match these con ■ and profitfrorn low cost, fast early gains. N©w-p2 Special, extra efficient Ful-O-Pep Pig Feeds. ■ F&l-O-Pep Pig Bracer—for stress conditions, - with Aureo S.P. 250. Fufo-PepPig Grower— to feed with your grain ' ■; ■ Supplement : to young, growing pigs., ; . - ...... w Giye your pigs high-performance Fui-O-Pep. »v•* J - - ' : Fdl-b-Pep Pig Feeds - MOflE FfNE PRODUCTS OFTHEQUAKER OATS COMPANY STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Grubb Supply Co. Elizabethtown tC M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer in ■ - the Farmers Home Administra tion to meet the loan needs to farmers who have suffered loss- lbs. feed/lb. gain- 14-1.6 lbs. feed/ib. gain Stevens Harold H. Good Terre Hill June 30. These funds, plus $2l million that was released on March 20, bring the total emer gency loan authorization in fls- 8e n „ Cy * i° an h cal 1967 to more than $lO3 Jj I** 1 **" 1 ®" tnv aSTiST 8 lh “ $3 mU “°” tree’s. tho So far this year, more than i P »„ 1,200 rural counties in 39 The emergency lean funds States have been designated as are obta,ned from a revolv,n S Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. We’ll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and ad dresses below (You’ll be doing both them and ns a favor!) Street Address & R. D, City- Street Address & R. D, City Your Name Address □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscription for $2 each ($3 each out side of Lancaster County) to your friends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: SAMPLE COPIES FREE • (You are not limited to two names. Lae separate sheet for additional names.) LANCASTER FARMING CIRCULATION DEPT. P. O. BOX 266 LITITZ, PENNA. for pre-emergence weed control in corn... 3ROX L . "HAZINE This combination Ekes you the best from both. r : f -mmiend it! -i'l r .!P pa. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6,1967 —9 State State plus fund that has accrued from collections in prior year. The loans provide a standby source of credit to supplement other sources of credit available in areas affected by natural dis asters. Interest rate is three percent with repayment sched uled when the farmers’ income from crops or livestock is nor mally resumed. The Pleasant Grove Nursery announces this week that it will hold an open house during the next three weeks featuring the natural woodland flowers and trees overlooking the Susque hanna River along the nursery’s Woodland Trail. The firm notes that thousands of Trillium, Dog- Tooth Violets Ferns. Mandrake and other plants will be at their best during the next three weeks. In addition to the natural beauty along the trail walk, the Peach Bottom Atomic Plant, the new Holtwood Bridge, plus York County and northern Maryland, are all a part of the view from the trail. The public is invited to come and bring their children They are urged to wear walking shoes, and to leave shovels and shears at home. The Pleasant Grove Nursery is located 4% miles southwest ol Wakefield, and six miles north of Conowingo, Md. Most people believe in the Golden Rule—the first three words, especially. LESTER ERB 312 S. Mount Joy St. Elizabethtown, Pa 367-7112 Strasbnrg, Pa, D. WAYNE SWEIGART R. D. 3 Elizabethtown, Pa. Gap, Pa. A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. Landisville (Lancaster County), Fa. s Hoffman C/ FARM SEEDS *i. ' . ■ALFALFA • CLOVER OATS' • FUNK'S G-H V B RID,S Phone 397-3539 Nursery Open House Shows Woodland Trail MOST ADVANCED HYBRIDS IN CORN-GROWING HISTORY! FOR GRAIN OR SILAGE Contact Your Nearest Hoffman Seed Man FRANK B. BUCHER 216 ft Main St, Rotbsville, Pa. i Lltitz 626-6504 JASON H. MEIXINGER R. D. 1 JONATHAN S. SHIRK 366 E. Main St, Bareville, Pa. 656-9302 Leol* EDGAR C. UMBLE Peqnea Ave. 687-6546 367-2280 442-4525