Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 1967, Image 8
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6,1967 8 MTTcicTrTft! ART? tji?qto l ßTT'JCt this old stone farm- With seven childien, ranging MUSSERS AKh. KJLbiUKIiNLr tnis om stont. xaim m age fr£)m three tQ 16 yearSi house which they calculate was built m the late 1700 sor the Mussers are hoping to early 1800’s. A 60-foot addition at the right will house a build a business that will be modern kitchen and a family ro'om downstairs, several large and varied enough to in bedrooms and baths upstairs, plus a three-car gahage elude any of the children who with a full basement which will be a recreation room for want to enter it in the years the nine-member Musser family. L. F. Photo to come. • 4-H Conservation (Continued from Page 1) formation officer, and H. M. Hindman, field representative for the State S&W Conserva tion Commission, and Henry H Hackman, Lancaster County SWCI> vice chairman. In addi tion, Slaton, who is Pennsylva nia Farm-City Week chairman, will be the featuied speaker for the meeting. The 4rH table-top exhibits will be judged between 7 and 8 pm., and plaques will be awarded on the Danish system, and on a class basis. Several conservation club members will present essays on what they have learned about conservation, and on what fu ture conservation plans they may have. SWCD At 8 p.m., the directors of tfie county conservation dis trict will hold their regular meeting at the high, school; any 4-H’ers who are interested may stay for the directors’ meeting, it was announced. Middle age is that time of life when next year comes sooner than it used to. Robert Oohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeder* Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 Moved To New Location SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 West High St. Manheim, Pa. 665-2258 “Saddle Up", Merck Horse Film Available If America is experiencing a “horse population explosion,” it’s easy to see why, in a new film called “Saddle Up.” “Saddle Up,” a 25 minute color movie about the pleas ures of horse ownership, was produced by Merck & Co. Inc. The Rahway, New Jersey fi-ra manufactures pharmaceutic "’ls and a wide variety of anim. l health products. “We’ve tried to show the fun and the value of owning a horse, particularly for people who haven’t yet entered the growing circle of horse en thusiasts in this country,” com mented John T. Riley, market ing director for animal health products. The film takes an entertain ing peek at a horse-owning family, showing the delights of Precision © Allis-Chalmers 500 Series Unit Planter! The 500 Planter means uniformity! In seed spacing, seed depth, soil firmness, fertilizer application. Whether you drill or hill-drop, see how the TOO !•> i s the seed-bounce problem! You pick seed op-> >«\>- equipment to fit your crop and soil. Gsr y/ v i• a in right with an A-C 500 Unit Planter! Chef Long GrumelSl f > Akron, Pa. L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. N. G. Myers & Son Nisslcy Bheems, Pa. Washington Boro, i’a, Allen H. Mofz Farm Eautuii^ut • Musser Poultry (Continued from Page 7) tomers range in size from one case to ten, or more. Some of the larger accounts require servicing several times a week, Musser adds. Until the spring of 1961, Musser was a general farmer with 60 head of livestock and 6000 layers in conventional housing. Then he purchased a route handling butter, cheese, and about 150-200 cases of eggs a week. From that point on he has expanded rapidly. trail rides, horse shows and neighborly get-togethers with other weekend riders. The fine scenes of horses and people in action are interspersed with sequences demonstrating the practical do’s and don’ts of grooming, equine nutrition, se lection and training of a new horse. Among the highlights of the film are group games and ex hibitions of horsemanship, in cluding a demonstration of ad vanced riding techniques. Merck expects that the film will be distributed and shown across the country in the aters and schools, at meetings, over television. The film will be made available for loan to groups without charge. Requests for loan of a 16mm print should be made to Merck, or to the film distributor, As sociation Films, Inc., 600 Grand Ave., Ridgefield, New Jersey. Quarryudi, l-.>. L. H. B-.i'. ' Lititz, Pa. New Holland SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF 5200 B.T.U.’s TO 29,500 B.T.U. AIR CONDITIONERS AT COMPAR ABLE SAVINGS. SIZE 5.000 B.T.U 5,200 B.T.U 9.000 B.T.U 15.000 B.T.U 18.000 B.T.U 24.000 B.T.U 29.000 B.T.U '<;v.3s«r ■p*^r ,sr^' A «. va >;• +» ' A '4* Blade Diameter 20” -20” 17” 17” 16” 12”. 10” 10” ■ ' We Service Whaf We*Sell! 24 Hour Emergency Service! EASY TERMS! BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLEKVILLERD., * / Agmy Air Conditioner • 11,500 B.T.U.’s o£ Cooling Comfort • Automatic Operation • Smart, Modem Design • Clean Filtered Air SALE PRICED AT ... CHECK WITH COMPARABLE MODELS SELLING UP TO $BO.OO AND $90.00 MORE SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU MAY 15th ONLY! At Big! Big Savings! sv Your Choice of .. * Every Westfnghouse Fan is Reduced Off Our Already Low Discount Prices 1 Reg. Discount Price 524.95 _ 42.49 : 1. 34.95,. i ' 51.95 _ ,49.79 - ! ! 25i95 x l.J^l.L' i i2;95 : 32.49 Agway BEE-LINE CENTER SUPPLY Lowest Prices In Town! 16186 Reg. Discount Price .... $133.95 _ 149.95 187.95 _ 259.95 271.95 339.95 369.09 Sale Price 5112.20 118.30 156.90 208.10 226.80 285.00 315.00 ' • Portables • Window Fans • Roll-Arounds • Oscillating Fans And Westingbouse’s New FLIPPER FAN® It’s a Table, Wall & Floor Fan all in one. i Special v ” Special Sale Price - $20.14 34.10 28.26 41i.23 20[.78 10.80 26.73