Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 1967, Image 4
4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6, 1967 From Where We Stand... Live Cattle Futures Gains It was stated in a recent issue of the Journal of Commerce that live cattle will become the largest futures market in the U. S. The basis for this reasoning make r sense to us. The article quotes Kenneth W. Lloyd, vice president of Walston & Co., Inc., and manager of its Denver, Colora do office. Lloyd feels that cattle is one of the largest markets in the country for futures. He explains that it affords the feeder a chance to eliminate his price risk and. by so doing, devote his energies solely to a better feeding job. Lloyd characterized cattle as “a free market fiee of direct government con trols. so the forces of demand and sup ply in the market place determine the price " He described the Chicago Mercan tile Exchange's live cattle futures con tract. now two years old, as “phenomen ally successful because of the hedging facilities offered to cattle feeders.” Be fore this service was available, he added, cattle feeders often suffered losses of $2O to $3O per head because of price fluctua tions during the feeding period, Lloyd added. Lloyd concluded his remarks by warning that futures would not raise prices in the long run; would not, guaran tee profits to all feeders; and would not assure against all losses. Futures perform one basic func tion: they provide cattle feeders with the opportunity to hedge against price fluctuations. We were glad to see these com ments, especially ccming from an expert in the field We believed in February that futures were going to become in creasingly important, and included them in our weekly market reports to our read ers. * * * * Cheaper By The Pound A new, pocket-size folder recently produced by Poultry and Egg National Board is designed to show consumers bow cheap eggs are when compared to other protein foods It does this by converting egg price per dozen to price per pound. For ex ample, when large eggs sell for 60 cents a dozen, this is equivalent to 40 cents a pound, the guide shows. What other high Some Lancaster County Land In •£°! ry . F ! ri " C6SS „ „ J (Continued from- Page , 1) New Project 70 Purchase Plans [The county contest} v ais , j sponsored by local dairies and Acquisition of an additional has P t n a Sln dairymen, may be the last stop 2,907 acres of land to be used an ., t 0 . ie ? 6k 3 for the 1967 princess It was for public hunting has been Uon ’ the ndted that a 54:316 contest rrr)7 appioved by the Pennsylvania i ales 33d i emulations so th t i j this yeai U Game Commission the gathenng or removing o ± mnced Ma * h . The purchase of 437 acies P lanted , Clops ’ e man Kauffman, pfe' in Lancaster, Cumberland, Erie beines), nuts T ‘Z the Pennsylvania Ban ' r and Yoik Counties at a cost of *J r °“ I tion. that such acc $120,000 was appioved under 15 n p _ ‘ ydar appeared doub' funds a\ailable thiough Pioj- . .. %A/ ever, it is thought by many eet 70 • AlrOlra Weevil that it will be- resmrmd next Numerous tiacts totaling 2,- (Continued from Page 1) yqar after certain ■ims'i.a -470 acres will be purchased in Since air temperatures have tive problems have re- Bedfoid Dauphin, Erie Frank- a lot to do with weevil activ- solved by the st-ie rcntest Im, Huntingdon, Indiana, Per- ity, regular check of alfalfa spjonsois. iy and Schuylkill Counties To- fields is necessary to note the i tal cost of these land purchas- weevil population and amount 0 Meats Jlldqivq es is $66 725 Money for these of feeding taking place ; (Continued from pUe I) ' acquisitions will come fiom “We normally expect the j the Game Fund heaviest weevil feeding to oc- was Levi Henly ' The Commission, meeting in cur from the spring-laid eggs High School. One < ' Harnsburg recently, adopted hatching in early May,” Lueck mates, Barry Mir - - - icsolutions of condemnation explained, adding that, “Weevu foiirth with 390.9 r - r ~ for ceitain tracts already un- feeding, from fall-laid eggs, has place went to a L der contract to clear up title started earlier than usual this cojuntian,- Robert c detects Fuither resolutions of spring.” Li|an. He scored 1 condemnation were adopted for He notes that fields sloping [The top four : , other tracts under the Pioject to the south, or those near coptest will corot' i-Pem 70 piogram wheie negotiations woods, alieady have heavy State Umversity foi land pui chase options have feeding in some areas of the Week on the la i failed county, with the alfalfa less of, 1 June. The leeiuitment of a class of than six inches high. Judge for the 25 Game Piotector Tiainees “Spiay protection will be Carl Dalton, K ; was appioved for enrollment needed m such cases,” Lueck manager. in the Commission’s Training said, but cautioned that if School in March, 1968 Guthion is used, it may be ap- Wear a scowl The lemoval of planted a ops plied only once on any one kies; wear a si iiom game management aieas cutting. friends. quality protein food can a housewife buy for 40 cents a pound? Well, all right, dairymen, but after you've listed milk, anyone will be hard pressed to name an other. We 'think this is a good approach to educating the consumer on the economy of including more eggs in her regular purchases. In fact, we have thought this for approximately the past 15 years, but never seemed to get much encourage ment when we discussed the idea with egg marketmen. Aside from milk, most protein items are sold at retail by weight. Wethink this could be an important action PENS has taken to make eggs a competitive food product. * * A House Of Cards Whew it domes to handling the family budget, most of us have a rather difficult time determining just where all the dollars go how much was spent for what, and was it really necessary. Ima gine what the average member of Con gress faces in trying to unravel even a tiny portion of the present day federal budget, covering literally thousands of government activities, most of which are totally beyond the range of personal ex perience or knowledge. The plain ,faot is that the federal budget is running Congress and-not the other way aroiind. To avoid further de ficits or increasingly burdensome tax rates or both, there is evrfry need now to chop expenditures. The Wall Street Journal observes, “What is really ridicu lous is the implication that there is no fat at all in the gigantic budget presented by President Johnson for the year beginning July 1. Even the Administration con cedes, for example, that a good deal of the money spent on the antipoverty pro gram has been merely wasted.” ' Instead of jseriously considering' the elimination of unnecessary, wasteful or outdated governmental activities in the interest of econlomy, an increase in taxes has been recomjmended. It is not surpris ing that the federal budget has finally become an unmanageable monster. The taxpayers will get no relief until they de mand machinery be established to control political spending before our carelessly constructed fiscal house of cards comes down around our ears. * • * * ~->d ) r» » Cl. To Be Shaken Again Lesson for May 7, 1967 ftocbf rouml Srtplur*' Aeli 4 23 through 5 11 D*v«H#n«l itoiol 43 ) 13 Peter and John knew that the leaders of Jerusalem meant busi ness. No more preaching and teaching in the name of Jesus of Nazareth! They had no objection to this little band of people meeting in one another’s homes and going together as a group to thetem ple at the hours of prayer. Xor did they particu larly care if these people wanted to continue to ven erate the mem- Rev. Althouse Q ry of their departed leader, so long as they kept it to themselves. They did not have to get out of town, but let there be no more public wit nessing in his name, nor works of healing attributed to him. Beyond Respectability It is much the same today. No one seems to mind if we '"attend the church of our choice. 1 ’ In fact, respectability seems to demand it. There is a difference, however, between attending a church and witnessing to a faith. It is one thing to study the Bible, but some thing else to apply it to life in your own community. Religion, it seems, is for quieting people down, not stirring them up. Wor ship this Jesus all you please, but don’t try to mix him and his teachings with business, politics, race, community affairs, inter national relations, or anything else that really matters in this world. Peter and John made the mis take of translating their private faith into public profession and. like their Master, incurred the wrath of the Jerusalem "establish ment.’ What should they do now? There were several alternatives that lay open to them: They could leave town and continue preaching and teaching -some where else. This would al low them to continue to witness, but without the danger of arrest and punishment. Now Is The Time ... By Max Smith, Lancaster County Agent To Follow The Label Many crops will be sprayed with all types icides and herbicides in the next several ns We cannot over-emphasize theimpor <■ of following the instructions of the label * t’"e use of all kinds of agricultural chemi inis The amount and the time of application is very important and should be followed; ex cess amounts may injure the present crop, and also the ciop, to follow this fall or next year. Be extiemely careful. To Recognize Poison Control Center A m.mber of poison control centers have ■ ' n otuiblished throughout Pennsylvania. » foi Lancaster County is Dr. D. B. Com sin, St Joseph’s Hospital, 250 College Lancaster (Phone; 397- A wi' ?<■•! sons or animals that blossom stage. More maturity > b*eh exposed to poisons, than mentioned here usually 1 '"'-i ■ !'finally or externally, means a. decrease in feed value, i* ay r intact this center for in- t. 'd.ons To Recognize Proper Maturity / age crops will be iii the coming months One of the most im poi lant practices is to cut the ci op at the right stage of ma ■ i' ioi maximum feed value. ’miild be harvest o boot stage (right i niter grains in i ( ’ >wenng) stage; cs are best in ’ho heading stage, and most i vines in the bud to early They could stop work for t while until "things cooled off.* Later, when conditions became more favorable, they could begin again, better to ben"llvccownrd” than a "dead hero.” They could "tone down” their message so that it would not be offensive to the authorities. If they were clever, they could avoid the name of Jesus and most people would still know what they were talking about. They could go back to their fishing nets and forget the whole thing. They had done their port, hadn’t they? They Had Friends Peter and John, however, did none of these things. Instead, "When they were released they went to their friends and reported what the chief priests and the elders and said to them ” These two men had no important con tacts, no access to influential peo ple in high places, but they had a small group of friends in Christ with whom they could share this problem. They were people who had nothing to give but prayer, "And w’hen they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God” and prayed. That was all, but it was enough. What would you have prayed for? Escape? Concealment? Des truction of your enemies? Any of these would seem reasonable un der the circumstances. But Peter and John were more than "rea sonable.” They were obedient to their mission. So. instead of asking for deliverance, they asked only that they be given the power "to speak thy word with all boldness.” Though a miracle had already gotten them into difficulty, let the "Signs, and wonders” continue. Power For Mission '"And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.” (Act* 4:31 RSV) Because they would not aban don their Pentecostal mission, they were blessed once again with Pentecostal power. So it will bo with, us when witness is. difficult or dangerous. Let us ask for power, not to escape, but to wit ness boldly. If we do, the church will be shaken again. ' (lased an outlines copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education, National Cauncil af the Churches af Christ in the U. S, A. Released by Community Press Service) Attend the Church of your Choice Sunday LAirCASTES PABKnrS &ancaster Comity’s Own Faßn Weekly PO Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17649 Office: 22 B. Main St, Lititz, Pa 17543 Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2191 Don Timmons, Bditor Robert G.' Campbell, Advertising Director^ Subscription price: $2 per year In Lancaster County: $3 elsewhere Established November 4, ,1955.-. Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa,' Second Class Postage paid at Lititz. Pa. 17643 Phone SJOIIU