Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 1967, Image 15

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    • For Tho Farm V/ife
<H aScj wo.ij panufjuoo)
1 can (4 o/,) sliced mush-
3 cup milk
Combine flour, salt and pep
per, coat meat with mixture
Hesei-ve lemaimng flour mix
ture In large covered skillet
melt butter: brown meat about
JO minutes on each side. Add
onion and mushrooms with
liquid; cover and simmer 20
minutes or until veal is tender.
Remove meat to waim platter
and keep warm Stir 1 table
spoon flour mixture into drip
pings in pan Remove horn
heal, giadually stir in milk
Cook over medium heat, stir
ring constantly, until thicken
ed Cook 2 additional minutes,
pour over meat Garnish with
parsley Makes 6 seivings.
clove garhc
to 6 lamb shanks
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
tablespoons flour
teaspoon paprika
tablespoons shortening
cup water
bay leaf, crushed
tablespoons grated lemon
cup lemon juice
lemon, cut into wedges
Cut garlic in small pieces,
make small gash in each shank
and insert piece of garlic. Sea
son shanks with salt and pep
per; roll m flour blended with
paprika. In heavy skillet or
Exclusive safety and convenience
features give commercial size Husky
1250 ail-purpose, all-season perform
ability. The new ‘T2so’’ is the toughest
Husk}' BOLENS ever offered. Testing it on
the difficult Latrobe, Pennsylvania golf
couise, Amie through the hardest
turf care and village- voik in record time!
Here's why:
• Hydrostatic Transmission, exclusive "1250’’ automatic, needs no clutch, belts or
chain drive. Fingertip touch gives you infinite speed variation to match dozens of
chores. • Instant One-Foot Pedal Conirol ... like having a third hand Provides greatest
safety, with instant, one-foot braking, speed variation, forwa.d reveise • Fast-Switch
Power-lock Hitch delivers power directly from.power -.ake-off (PTO) to attachments. No
fmger-pmchmg belts. «,Hydrauhc Lift Lever hoists Husky 1250 attachments; “Position
Gauge” lets you regain original height. AH contiols easy to see ant' roach PLUS: Hose
coupling on rotary mower base for quick flushing and clean, i; \.r i,o is running;
Foam-padded, adjustable seat; Parking brake to. f. -s i il_ :afety.
The Husky 1250 is powerfully perfect fiu couv - ‘ i d trial, farm
and large estate use. See your BOLENS deah. . v , - ce specifica
tions catalog. Remember, you expect miie i -nr, BC7 .• -t . . and it’s
all standard.
Farmersvflle Eq:
R. D. 2, Ephrafxi
Society of Farm Women.
Group No 26 met last Satur
day at the home ol Mis James
Buckwaltci, Lititz R 3. Co-host
osses for the evening were Mi s.
Joe Buckwaltci* and Mrs Rob
ert Summy Society No 27 was
entertained wnth its picsidcnt,
Mrs. Haiold Esbenshade, con
ducting the session.
Devotions were led bv Mis
Robert Summy. Each member
was presented a name pin, de
signed and made bv Mis Ken
neth Martin and Mrs David
Landis Each member mtio
duced the guest seated next to
her Songs weie led by Mis
Hauy Heishe> Ji
Mrs Rhoda Obeiholtzoi ga\e
a demolish ation oi llowei ai
The business meeting repot t
ed Mrs Michael Grove. Ji
served at Heart Haven Baza.u
The tentative plans of the So
ciety were given by county
president Mrs Paul Whitman
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs Quentin
Buckwalter on May 26
Dutch oven, brown shanks
slowly in hot shortening. When
well browned, add remaining
ingredients, except lemon
wedges. Cover and simmer foi
about 2 to 2*4 hours or until
meat is fork tender. While
cooking, turn meat occasional
ly and baste, if necessary add
small amount of water Serve
with lemon wedges. 4 6 serv
Farm Wife and Family
Ladies, Have You Heard?. ..
Herbs unpiovo the liavor ot vegetables,
but will oveipovvei lathei Ilian enhance it
not used spnnnglv
Use one tom th to one hall teaspoon oi
most dnocl heibs 01 one tablespoon ol tiesh
chopped heibs lor tom smvmgs oi vegetables
To add heibs heat amount in
melted buttci oi maigannc Then add this
miMuic to cooked vegetables
Bay loaves can add vanety to canols,
potatoes, beets, and tomatoes
Seive tastv peas, potatoes spinach, and
tomatoes b\ adding basil 01 oiegano
A small amount of mustaid can inipioie
the tbuoi of biussels spiouts, squash, aspaia
gus, broccoli, and potatoes
Dill may be used with bioc- essential oils, will be impaaed
cob. canots, peas, potatoes, oi if package lemains open,
caubflowei For Your Information . . .
Add a gounnet touch to cai- Face your homemaking tasks
rots, peas, and spinach with ■ ■
Thyme combines well with
potatoes, tomatoes, and cauots
Tairagon may be used with
asparagus or tomatoes.
Make peas and gieen beans
moie appetizing by adding
sage, rosemaiy, or savory.
Consider color, flavor, and
strength when buying heibs.
The aromatic \alue of
herbs, which depends on fine
ast Husky Joins
ul BOLENS Team!
J „
or t
Bt Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Heibs Give Vegetables Special Taste
Ph. 354-9221
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May (>, 19(j7- -
Pulverized and Gramnar
WORKS For the Farmer
Quality Fertilizers Since 1904
fy- \[ '4; "Hi"' "'i '" :; -
Single machine gives fluffy, palatable swaths or
’windrows. Non-stop, plug free' Adjustable cutting
height. Does all these jobs and more
• Shreds com stalks • Chops weeds
• Clips pastures • Chops straw stubble
« Conditions straw for baling
Chas. J. McComsey ''
& Sons
Hickory Hill, Pa. Longenecker
Allen H. Mats Fa «» Supply
Denver Rheems
, „ r Chet Long
A. B. C. Groflc, Inc. Akron
New Holland
Wilbur H; Graybill A * Herr * Bro *
Lititz, R. D. 2 Quarryville
with .1 positive altitude ito
ft pleased .Hid satisfied with what
Jl vou ( l° bistoad 01 dMuibed by 10111. tins to bo done
\lmoiuU used as a topplin'
Jw (oi tas oiolos enhance Inu
(d~l3 ~,n!)l l( " ! lU ‘. and t oloi ol I lie
disli I’lic aiaa.ndo \. ill toast
jo a eoldon blown il \ou put
Diem on ijo.ii the end o) Iho
bakuip tunc
'm.a and ac.enl liras winch
'an lie* lai ee oi small aie Used
to ip I'lv cGm'isanoii 01 ilui-
lllg .11 CMs
fhtv aie oiieii 1 aliened
slu pcs u uiiai inal oi hee
Joi il
Suiuoih sm lace (looi co\ cr
imes oi wood llooi s ma\ be the
base Jo 1 ihi se m.s
Children N'cvd I’m (mu.u; M’lent
a paicnt ti\ to oniecl
neh jppi aise join child abil
itv Then and even
niMh 11 at le v 01 k up to that
Help \oui child dieam
enough to leah/e what he can
oi can't do
Call Us Now
PB. AC 717 367-1211
Accent Hugs Define
laving Aieas