—Lancaster Forming, Saturday, May 6,1967 ' 10 C£> A_U NEWS PENN MANOR CLUB ELECTS COUNCIL REPS, by Linda Porter, reporter The second meeting of the Penn Manor 4-H Club was held on April 25 at the Ann LeTort Elementary School. The following County Coun cil members were chosen: Lin da Porter, Betty Jane Barley, and Mark Herr. Richard Thom as will serve as alternate. For the program, a mock meeting was conducted to teach members the correct use of parliamentary procedure. The next meeting will be held on May 23 LITITZ-3IANHEIM 4-H CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS by Wendy Fritz, reporter Meeting at the Lilitz Church ot the Brethren on April 15, the Lititz-Manheim 4-H Club CUSTOM SPRAYING MILES W. FRY & SON HIGH PRESSURE WASHING Frysville, Ephrata R 3, Pa. 17522 , 1 Tel. 354-9558 and disinfecting ABc° wers of: a u HYBRID POPLARS o good tree. in all types of poultry houses. PENNGIFT CROWNVETCH o faultless MAYNARD L. BEITZEL ; TZ Pi, n n, ,09 ,227 slope cover with good forage-crop poten wumer, Pa. " Hal- Certified seed and crowns available. mp BE WISER $5 rnP PLANT KRIZERff Guaranteed Seed Com Since 19M Seed Available at all times. Single Cross and 4 Way Cross Contact EUGENE G. HOOVER, Lititz R. D. 3, P»- Phone 569-0756 P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, Pa. elected officers. Chosen president was Janis Keeney: vice president, Carol Rohrcr; secretary. Shirley Buck waiter; treasurer. Deborah Wenger; game leaders, Cindy Balmer and Lucy Hess; song leader, Carol Kettering; coun ty council representatives, Shir ley Buckwalter and Carol Roh rer; reporter, Wendy Fritz. After receiving instructions on their patterns and materials, the members decided to hold their next meeting on May 6th, 2:30 p.m., at the Litltz Com munity Center. NORTHERN HOLSTEIN CLUB HEARS DR. HERR by Eddie Hess, reporter Dr. Donald Herr, veterinari an from Manheim Pike, Lan caster, was the speaker at the April 27th meeting of the Northern Lancaster County 4- H Holstein Club. He spoke to the group gathered at the John Neff School on “Calfhood Dis eases”. A demonstration, “How to present a demonstration”, was given by Averril Royer and Mary Ellen Kettering. The club is planning a trip 397-3539 to Longwood Gardens and New Bolton Center for some Satur day in May. The next meeting will be held on May 25 at the Henry Kettering farm at Lititz R 3, at 7:30 p.m. BROKEN BIT 4-H CLUB TO SPONSOR HORSE SHOW by Debra Gi egory, reporter The Broken Bit 4-H Horse and Pony Club will sponsor an Open Western Horse Show on Sunday, May 7th. The show, to be held at the Mt. Airy Show Grounds, will feature 17 classes of competition, and will begin at noon. Mrs. Charles Risser, club leader, discussed the grooming and showmanship classes with club members at the April 21st meeting held at the Mt. Airy Fire Hall. A film on “The Quar ter Horse” was also shown. A trip to the New Bolton Agricultural Research Center v/ill be pari of the next club meeting on May 19. ROUGH RIDERS HORSE AND PONY CLUB MEETS by Bonnie SJhaub. reporter The Rough Riders 4-H Horse and Pony Club held its monthly meeting at the Quarryville Fire Hall on April 20. President • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) ceipts 158,700 compared with 180,800 last week and 169,600 v year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS Prime 1175-1450 lbs. 25.75-26.25, two loads at latter price on Wednesday, High Choice and Prime 1075-1400 lbs. 25.00-25,75, Choice 900-1400 lbs. 24.00-25.25, Mixed Good and Choice 900-1300 lbs. 23.50-24.25, Good 22.25-23.- 50, Standard and Low Good 21.- 00-22.50. Cathy Morrison called the meet ing to order. Members respond ed to recall by answering the question: “What did you do with your horse the last two weeks?” New member, Jerry Morrison, was admitted. The members dis cussed holding a practice day on May 13 at the home of Mrs. John Henkel. , The time of the regular monthly meetings was changed tc the second Thursday of each month. Mrs. Henkel "showed the group the proper procedure for giving a demonstration. . , The leaders present 'were Pat Shaub and Nancy Henkel. Re freshments were served follow ing the meeting. Household Goods A NECCHI ZIG-ZAG j Sewing Macliine, slightly used, 5 year parts and service guar antee. No attachments neces sary to sew buttons, button holes, fancy designs, or blind hem dresses. UNPAID BALANCE $37.40 pay payments of $4.75 per month. Call Dealer till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341. A 1966 WHITE ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine used, but like new with 10 year guarantee. Does every thing. No attachments needed. UNPAID BALANCE $29.80 pay payments of $4.25 per month. Call Dealer till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341. A SINGER ZIG-ZAG - . Sewing Machine, used approxi mately three months. Will-do fancy designs, make button holes, also blind hems and straight stitches. 3 needle posi tion. 5 yenr parts apd service guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $53.20 pay payments of- $5.50 per me nth. Call Dealer till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341. Moil Box Market For Sale—Purebred' 'Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass championship blood lines. Willow Glen Farm, RD. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Ph. AC 717- 786-2562. For Sale-Allis Chalmers, WD and C tractors with plows and cultivators. David Bradley hay rake, 4 bar on. rubber. Phone 733-8708. For Sale - Good -used riding lawn mower ‘s2o; girls 24” bi cycle $10; a good 7 year old trail horse. Edward F. Smuck er, 656-6644. For Sale-Certified Strawberry plants, Midway, Catskill, Spar kle: J. -Wade Groff, 644 r Beavw Valley Pike, Lancaster, 464-2147 For Sale-4 Yorkshire jGilts due in May. Earl L: Stokes, Coch fanville Rl, Pa. 19330. For Sale - Purebred ■ German Shepherd puppies, 6 weeks old. Call 717-933-4333. . ' ' For Sale-Steel wheels' for W. C. Chalmers tractor. Call 445- 2852. For Sale- Case 950 self-pro pelled Windrower, like new. Ph 354-5848. For Sale-Berkshire -boar. Ph. 786-3059. For Sale - Barley Straw. Ph. Manheup 6654224. Sale Register SAT. MAY 6-Thomas Motors Garage Equipment, Frazer (Route #3O). WED. MAY 10-Farm Equip ment at Martins Sale Barn, Blue Ball, Pa. FRI. MAY 12, Public Auction of Registered and Grade Hol stein Dairy Cattle at dairy barn arena at the Aberdeen Sales Company, located on Md. Rt. 22, 6 mi. east of Bel Air, Md, and 6 mi. west of Aberdeen, Md. in Churehville, Harford County, Md Terms by Aber deen Sales Co. SAT. MAY 13-Liquidation of Contracting Equipment by W. Robert Painter, Inc., Spring City R.D., Pa. - NOTICE FREE. Subscribers I 'to Lancas ter ■ Farming- will* receive l one advertisement each month' in our‘Mail Box Market. Subscrib ers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the follow ing-rules: Limit your advertisement to £ive lines which means not ever 25 Words: All advertisements must be in our-hands by Wed,- nesday noon or same will be held over' for next ’week’s papery No business. advertise ments accepted.