Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 1967, Image 1

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School of Agriculture
Patterson Bldg. 1P a mj >
University Park, Ps. 7 ;^ 2
VOL. 12 NO. 23
Deadline May 22
For County Dairy
Princess Contest
The deadline for Lancaster
County farm girls to enter the
county contest for Dairy Prin
cess for 1967 is fast approach
ing. According to contest chair
man Mrs Herbert Royer, 2025
Oregon Pike, May 22nd will
be the last call for aspiring
The 4th annual Pageant will
be held at the Host Town Mo
tel, Lancaster, on June 13, Mrs
Royer noted, with judges to be
announced later
Who is eligible’ Any daugh
ter of a producing Lancaster
County dairy farmer; she must
be between .the ages of 17 and
25, and a high school graduate
as of this June. Interested
girls should each submit a head
and shoulders, black and white
photo to Mrs. Royer.
■ The county contest winner,
will' receive a basic wardrobe
and, other, prizes, .the chairman
noted.- All the, girls rompeting,
will- receive; ~compfimeii;tary i
■ iThis; year’s" - County--,® WTry :
Princess is Carol ;
ter of. Mr. and'Mrs. Elvin Hess,,
Jr. of Strasburg. Miss Hess
was also first runnerup for the
1966 State Dairy Princess title.
(Continued on Pige 4)
Expanded NEPPGO Egg Schools
Slated For Penn State & Rutgers
Two schools of high, inter
national reputation will be off
ered again this year by the
Northeastern Poultry Produc
ers Council The NEPPCO Egg
Quality School, in its 36th year,
will be held at Pehn State Uni
versity July 9-13 The 4th NEP
PCO Egg Marketing School is
set tor Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, N J, June 11-14
The* Marketing School will
deal primarily with,'the econo
mics' of eggs processing, pric
ing,- and selling It also will
cover certain procedures in egg
plant management of vital con
cern to anyone in the. egg busi
Featured in the marketing"
curriculum will be addresses by ■
Dr. Lawrence B. Darrahr mar-
Jketmg specialist, Cornell Uni
versity, Gerald Karadbil, form
er egg buyer and now-dairy de-
Farm Calendar
May 8-7 pm, Northern &
Southern Lancaster County
4-H Soil & Water Conseiva
tion Clubs Roundup at- Eph
rata High School
-7 30 p m , Dress Revue meet
ing for any 4-H Leaders, or
1 members, wishing to' attend,
at Penn Manor High School
-8 pm, Lancaster County
, SWCD directors at Ephrata
High School
May 10-7.30 p.m, Lancaster
County 4-H Guernsey Club,
at Solanco High School.
May 11-7:30 p.m., 4-H_ Teen.
'Leader" meeting 'at La'ndis
ville Elementary School.
=s. ■** - r - f" -- rjL -_,
> ..> - >QOI2iECTiNG EQGrS> Musser Poultry
Jferar requires (about -foiir bours'la day. Here Elias Musser
is making- the gathering of the day. Eggs roll out the
rear of the roll-away “nests as-soon as they are laid. Floor
eggs also roll out, due to the slope of the wire floor, and
are gathered at the same time. L. F. Photo
partment specialist for Shop-
Rite Food Stores; L S, Heem
stra, well-known egg marketer
from Cleveland
(Continued on Page 5)
Slaton To Be Featured
At 4-H Conservation
Club Roundup May Bth
The roundup of the ,noi th
em and southern Lancaster
County '4-H conservation clubs,
will be held Monday mght, May'
8, in conjunction with the reg-'
■ular meeting -of the Lancaster
County Soil & .Water Conser
vation District directors
Exhibits will be judged by
Charles Slaton, SCS public in
(Contmued on Page 8)
Charles Slaton
agricultural and
biological sciences library.
1 51957
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6, 1967
Alfalfa Weevil, Hay
Crop Enemy No. 1
The alfalfa weevil continues
to be the number one insect
pest in farm crops, says Lan
caster County associate agri
cultural agent Arnold G Lu
eck He anticipates that infes
tation and feeding injury of
, the weevil will be similar this
year to experiences in recent
' years
However, two additional in
secticides have been approved
for use against the weevil this
year, Lueck notes These are
methyl parathion and carbaryl.
A major consideration in
getting effective control relies
on the tuning of the spray ap-
Lueck advises
“When weevil feeding is evi
dent in 50-75 percent of the
tips, you will either have to
spray or harvest the first cut
ting,” he stated “Removal of
the first cutting in the bud
stage is recommended where
at all possible, then spray the
stubble ” the agent adds
(Continued on Page 4)
El We# ffar
The temperature range for
these parts may get back to
somewhere near normal for
the next five days; normal
for the period is a range of
72 to 48 degrees. Although
it will be cool over the week
end, temperatures will mod
erate thereafter, sajs the
However, he also expects
rain over the. weekend, and
again about Wednesday, with
total precipitation measuring
greater than %-inch.
Small Integrated Operation
Run By County Poultryman
b> Don Timmons
Take 50 acios of corn grown
on jour own farm, run it
through jour own feed mill,
feed it to > our own. chickens
process the eggs through jour
own plant market the product
yourself and jou have a fairly
well integrated operation
This is somewhat the pattern
being followed by Irvin R Mus
ser of Mount Joy R 1 Although
he doesnt raise enough corn
to meet his total feed needs,
and actually buys most of the
eggs he sells, his could be
broadly defined as an owner
integrated setup. \
Nearly everything Musser is
doing in his operation reflects
an active imagination looking
for new solutions to old prob
lems This is evident from the
unusual kind of laying house
he chose; from the modifica
tions "he has made in. the de
sign of the house; and. from
the various methods of e«g
marketing in whicfr'Jie 'ts* en
The laying house Musser
chose, after considering sever
al different types, was basical
ly the Penn State-Glenn Bress-
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IRVIN R. MUSSER shows how this mix mill grinds
and blends his feed ingredients which are stored in over
head bulk bins. Finished feed flows from the mixer to
the automatic feeder as the latter signals for it.
$2 Per Yea:
ler, slant-floor model It is the
first house of this design in
the area
Although Bressler’s original
house had wire floors slanted
toward a central egg gathering
area, Musser reversed that,
slanting Ins floors to the out
side with a slope of IV2 inch
es per foot He estimates his
costs for the building and
equipment not including the
feed mixing equipment or the
(Continued on Jt*age 6)
Meats Judging
Area Contest To
York Countian
A York County Future Farm
er from Dali ast own captured
the area F&A meats judging
contest held Tuesday at Kunz-.
ler and Co., Inc.
Dean, Godfrey won over 32
■otheß'gontesta i nt&--with, asoohe
of 49&-of-a .possible
Godfrey missed'a perfect scone
by a wrong choice on one cut
of meat.
Runnerup, with 406.9 points,
(Continued on Pa@e 4)
L F. Photo