12—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 29. 1967 Crop Roundup ALI. I*A. CSKVIN STOCKS TOTAL 33' < UNDER 196 G Slocks of .ill '.".nns in the Key stone State, on Apiil 1. weie 33 peiccnt less than n year earlier, according to the Pennsylvania Ciop Repelling Service The stocks of corn at 20.9 million bushels, were pii marily responsible for this de cline being 39 percent less than a year ago Wheat stocks declined by 21 percent from last year. OtT-farm stocks de clined by 31 peiccnt, contrast ed with an increase of nine peiccnt for wheat on farms Oat stocks were 28 peiccnt be low a year earlier, due pri mal ily to a decline in the on farm stocks Barley stocks showed a net mciease of 10 percent SOYBEAN STOCKS LARGER; FEED GRAINS OFF 10U Stocks of the four feed grains in the United States on April 1 1967 totaled 103 million tons —lO pei cent less than a year eailiei and 19 peicent below aveiage Recoid high April 1 soybean stocks were 22 per cent more than on last Apnl 1 and moie than one-thiid abo\e aceiage Stocks of wheat were 23 peicent below' a yeai eailiei Duium holdings down 45 peicent Although down two peicent from Apnl 1. 1966 ive stocks weie the second largest since Apnl 1. 1944 Stocks of flaxseed weie down 29 percent fiom a year eaili ei but 11 percent above a\er age WHEAT Ail wheat in storage on Ap nl 1 totaled 703 million bush els, 23 percent less than a year earlier and the smallest for the date since 1952 Off faim holdings w'ere 462 mil lion bushels 30 peicent below last yeai and faun holdings of 241 million bushels were 6 per cent less Disappeai ance fiom all positions duung the Janu aiy-Maich quaitei is indicated at 346 million bushels com paied with 419 million bush els a yeai eailiei CORN Coin stocks ot 2 704 million bushels in all positions on Apr il 1 weie 6 pei cent less than a yeai eailiei and 17 percent below aveiage Cuiient hold ings indicate a disappeaiance of 959 million bushels duung the Januaiy-Maich quaiter compaied with iccoid high ot 1,178 million bushels foi the yeai-eaiher quaiter OAT Oat stocks of 441 million bushels in all positions on Ap ril 1 were 18 peicent below a yeai earlier and 12 percent below aceiage Faim holdings ot 354 million bushels were 21 peicent below a yeai eaili ei and equaled 80 peicent of total Apnl 1 stocks Offlaim stocks, at 88 million bushels, were up slightly from a year eailiei Disappeaiance duung the JanuaiyMatch quaiter of 219 million bushels compared with 227 million bushels a \ear eai liei BVRLEY Bdilej slot ec? in all -posit'ons on Apul 1 totaled 206 million bushels, about seven peicent moie than a veai eailiei but eight peicent below aveiage Offfaim stocks at 92 million bushels, were slightlj below Apnl 1 1966 Faim stocks of 114 million buahels me about 15 peicent above a jeai earli ei Disappeai ance dunng the Janu ai v Mr ich qu ai ter was 86 Let’s Not Give All The Credit To The Feed! Performance and Excellent Breeding, Housing of a good healthy pullet,. Top flight management on the part of the producer, and A feeding program fitted to get Optimum Performance from the birds. Feed alone won’t do it, but - . . your chances are better with THE EARLY BIRD LINE. Here's Proof: Among the eleven producers in our delivery area recently honored by a national organization for outstanding egg production. FIVE are users of Early Bird Feeds and Service, FOUR competing feeds shared honors with the remainder. Among the Five Early Bird Users: • Production for 14 twenty-eight day periods ranged from 242 to 278 eggs per hen housed. • Livability ranged from a low of 84.4% to a high of 94.6%. • Conversions ranged from 3.69 lbs. eggs in cages to 3.78 lbs. on slats. One producer kept his hens beyond the 14 periods and had 318.6 eggs per hen housed in 485 days of production. -H " 'i v,r*r|" Low Cost Egg Production RESULTS FROM A COMBINATION OF You'll like the results you get from Early Bird Feeds. Miller & Bushong, Inc. Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 (Area Code 717) FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE of feed per dozen Rohrerstown, Pa.