Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 29, 1967, Image 1

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School of r *^ ,rr;
VOL 12 NO. 22
Com Products,
Funk Seed Co.
Merger Planned
An agreement on principle
to join the business and prop
erty of Funk Bros Seed Co.
to Corn Products was an
nounced jointly this week by
representatives of the two com
Speaking for Corn Products
was chairman A. N. McFar
lane, and for Funk’s, company
president E. D Funk They
placed particular emphasis on
two points (1) This joining of
forces will mean expanded op
portunity for service to agri
culture through greater re
search and service benefits to
farmers, (2) the formal join
ing of forces in the United
States is but an expansion of
(Continued on Page 1)
FFA Tractor
Contest Won By.
, Yprk County
Robert Burchett of Red turn
placed first, in'the Futuf e
Farmers of America area trac
tor contest at Garden Spot
High School Thursday with a
score of 320 points. Lancaster
County entries took second and
third placings
Lancaster County vo-ag boys
were outnumbered four to two
by York Countians in the com
petition, but Jay Smoker, Clois
(Continued on Page 5)
Grain Stocks Adequate, Freeman
Says; No Change In *67 Diversion
Secretary of Agriculture Or
ville L Freeman said Tuesday
that no change will be made
in the acreage diversion pro
visions of the 1967 feed gram
He announced continuation
of the program in answer to
inquiries since the intentions
to-plant report and the pro
gram signup reports showed
that Farmers may not plant
as much acreage to feed grains
as had previously been antici
pated, and in response to de
mands by industry representa
tives that feed grain acreage
and supplies be further in
“Recent reports on crop
and moisture conditions,
farmers’ planting intentions,
and stocks of grain on farms
Farm Calendar
April 30-Rural Life Sunday
service, 7.30 pm at Stevens
Hill Church of the Brethren
May 2-7 30 p m., 4-H recrea
tion workshop for S E Pa at
Willow Street Community
Center All teen leaders in
, , -7.30 pm, Kirkwood 4-H
Club-at Bart-Colerain El-em
- school.
May 3-6:30 p.m., Lancaster
County Bankers Assn, spring
meeting at Host* Motel. Spe-
, (Continued on Page 9)
CHECKING POULTS ready for shipment at-the
Ephrata Turkey Farm, Inc., Ephrata Rl, are Earl
Hertzog, left, and Linford Weaver The boys*are employ
ed by the firm as part of a seven-week, agribusiness
training program supervised by Leins Ayers. Ephrata
High. School agriculture teacher. Both are seniors at
the high school. ' L. F Photo
indicated that feed grain pro
duction will be adequate to
(Continued on Page 5)
Farm & Home
Offers Six
One of the objectives of the
Lancaster County Farm and
Home Foundation is to encour
age the 'higher education of
the youth, of Lancaster Coun
ty In this respect, the Founda
tion is announcing the offering
of six scholarship awards in
1967 in the fields of Agricul
ture and Home Economics, ac
cording to M M. Smith, schol
arship committee chairman
Each scholarship award will
(Continued on Page 5)
ES WeafAer
The unseasonal “cold wave”
is expected to be felt in this,
area for at least the next
five days with, temperatures ■
averaging below the normal
range of 70 to 47 degrees.],
Little day-to-day' "change is
Rain at the beginning of the-
week may yield a total of
14 -Vt inch of precipitation.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 29,1967
Seven Local 4-H'ers At
Leadership Workshop
Seven 4-H Teen Leaders from
Lancaster County aie partici-
pating m the second annual
Southeastern Pennsylvania aiea
4-H Leadership Workshop this
weekend at Camp Innabah.
Pugh town Chester County
Approximately 100 young
leaders from Bucks, Montgom
ery, Delaware, Chester. Phila
delphia and Lancaster Coun
ties are taking part in this
(Continued on Page 7)
NEIGHBORS of Clair Kreider, Drumore Center, provided the help Wednesday
teen men and tractors plowed 50 acres in to keep up With his spring field work. Fif
teen men and tractors ployed 50 acres in two-and-a-half-hours as a Church work pro
ject. L. F. Photo
Ephrata Agribusiness Program
Marks Second Successful Year
b> Don Timmons
Eight Ephrata High School
seniors are busy these spring
days getting -valuable on-the-job
experience under the Agi i
business Training Program
launched last year by the high
school agriculture department
Ephrata is finding as the
Garden Spot High School pio
gram did several yeais ago. that
the number ol employers will
ing to cooperate with job train
ing exceeds the number of seni
or agriculture boys available
Agriculture instructor Lewis
Ayers showed real enthusiasm
for the program as he guided
this reporter on visits to sever
al of his woiking students this
“Students enrolled in the pro
gram attend regular school
classes in the morning and af
ter lunch report to their agri
business jobs,” Ayers explain
The program, which began
March 28, will run until May
Neighbors Lend A Hand
With “Spring Plowing”
b> Everett New sw anger.
Staff Reporter
Good, old
-1 a shioned
b r o the rly
kindness pre
vailed in Lan
caster County
again this
week, as fur
row after fur
row opened
and closed on
the farm of
Clair Kreider,
Q u a r ryville
R 1
New sw anger
Neighbors and friends with
15 tractors and 44 plow bot
toms “p u 11 - p u 11 e d” and
“hummed” their way through
50 acres of corn stalks and sod
m two-and-a-half hours Wed-
$2 Per Year
12 The seven weeks spent
in one continuous employment,
but most of the boys interview
ed were gaining a wide variety
of experience bv learning to be
useful at anything their em
ployer needed done
The program has been or
ganized to give senior vocation
al agriculture students the op
poitumty to gam experience in
some type ot agriculture busi
ness before giaduation from
high school
' It is our hope,” Ayers notes,
“that students receiving this
tvpe of training will better un
derstand the organization and
management of an agriculture
business ”
Boys participating in the ag
ribusiness progiam this year,
and their places of employment,
aie Charles Harting, Agway,
Inc , Barry Sensenig. DifEendall
Landscape Service; Earl Hert
(Continued on Page 6)
nesday morning, to help a
friend just out of the hospital
keep up with his spnng field
It all started when James
Kreider, Quarryville HI, presi
dent of the Men’s Work Proj
ect Committee of the Mechan
ics Grove Church Of The
Brethren, ‘"called around” to
get some men with tractors to
gether to plow for Clair. And
plow they did tractors of
various sizes each pulling its
favorite plow Nine hundred
and sixty hoise power in all,
busting the way around the
gently curving contours “Al
most everyone that we called
came,” James said
In discussing this friendly
act of his neighbors, Clair
Kreider said “I certainly do
appreciate all they are doing
(Continued on Page 9>