Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 22, 1967, Image 6

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 22.1967
Atlantic Open House
To Introduce New Sire
The Atlantic B-'ecdei s Co
ope.atne plans to hold at.
open house on Apnl 27 .it Fan
Hili Chc«tcitown. Maiy-
IniKl bleed pi 041 am dnectoi
Ham F Roth announced this
w eek
I he occasion will be to sue
inteicsted bieecleis an oppoi
tuiiitv to see a supcnoi Hoi
stem sac iccenth pm chased
bj \BC liom Edwin Fi., own
ei ol Fan Hill Faint
'lite sue. a fouivearold
bull classified \ei\ good”, is
Fan Hill lean ‘Maic' He is
dome an outstanding job of
ti ansinitting exceptional pio
duction and t\pe Roth notes
Ulantic sue committeemen
dnectois. and technicians are
meed to attend this e\ent, and
to encomage their fi lends and
neighbors to attend, Roth
• Tobacco
(Continued fiom Page 1)
against hail damage. Other
crops in most areas do not
require such a high propor
tion of coveiage.
The lepoit leuews hail in
suiance for crons including
\oluine of coceiage kinds of
ci ops insmed and the peicent
ace ot haivest cocered It lists
pi ennums and indemnities foi
1965 and tabulates compari
sons oi coieiage dating back
some 30 \eais
In all but thiee ceais since
the 1930 s the volune of ciop
hail insuiance has expanded
using to a lecoid high of S 3 1
billion in 1965 Coveiage in
3965 was six peicent above a
jeai eailiei accoiding to the
a epoi t
The Coin Belt accounted foi
moie than half the coverage
of all US ciop-hail insurance
in 1965 because the seveie
though infrequent, hails in the
region often cause heavy dam
age The usk is high to both
pi eduction and value of the
coin crop the report notes
Moved To
New Location
329 West High St.
Manheim, Pa,
will becin at 1 p m
The 175c0w. 1400-acre Fair
slntec MthoiiL'h the nlmned Hill °P el "' tlon ls> located
states Although the planned Marv i alU | r ou i,. 213 two miles
open house is scheduled from ‘‘ V., a i.„hi
11 am to 3 pm. Roth notes nol ' ,h of CheMeitown A ',hl
the paiadc of dauehteis and lunch will be available, both
commcntaiy by he and Fiy said
Silo Guard's Fermentation Control Process I
Gives you
• Most Protein Vitamin A
• More Nutrients
• Improves Flavor
in Hay Crop, Silages, Alfalfa, Oats, Rye
and Barley.
Mfg. by International Stock Food Corp.
Waverly, New York
55 S. Grant St. Manheim, Pa. 17545
Ph. 665-5213 Pat.
Don’t plant
T. M. Reg US. Pat off. ORTHO, on all Chemicals, Read Directions And Cautions Before Use. ,
See us
Crows, blackbirds, pheasants any bird that steals seed won't
come back a second time for seed treated with ORTHO Bird Re-
pellent. They spit it out and fly away
protection for your seed. All you do is pour this repellent right
in with the seed in your planter box.
Actually, you're getting more than bird protection with this prod
uct. The full name is ORTHO Bird Repellent and Seed Protectant.
It also contains an insecticide to control soil insects such as wire-
worms, seed corn maggots and corn rootworm. And a fungicide
for extra protection against diseases like seedling blight, damp-
off, and seed decay,
This is the only bird repellent that combines all these protec-
tions. So this year, don't plant for the birds. When you get your
seed, ask us for ORTHO Bird Repellent.
for the BIRDS!
now for
Ph. Lone. 397-3539
Blower fills tallest silos Don't be fooled by
lower costs Badger quality means long term profits. See us and ask
about convenient Badger financing
R. M. Brubaker & Son
Grumelli Farm Service
ts easy to get this kind of
Isaac W. Hurst
Blue Ball
Arthur C. Heisey
Jonestown, Pa.
* r '