16 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 22,1967 m e.. Hnar c sions of the Pennsylvania Con (Continued from Piute 1) ! ; ,iU,tio "-. thcy f , avon ; d The Grangcis slated that, nl- done b> amendment inthei though they wcie not against than by a convention, changing sonic of the provi- It was observed in the □ BC3DD YOUR HOIIE AND GARDEN VALUE STORE Just unloaded a carload of 3x4 EM CARTONS Buy 10 coses or more at only $4.25 per case. Limited time onlyl While they lost. Alfalfa-Spray 22 E Leafhopper ASfaifa Weevil Spittlebug Gets them oil without the fear of residues in milk It s the spraj that thousands of Northeastern dairy men used last year Agway Alfalfa Spray 22E is a convenient, ready-to-use liquid formulauon of Du Pont Methoxychlor plus malathion, and is highly recommended for the weevil and other pests. Ask your AGWAY man for 22E again this year and “play it safe / spray it safe’’. We also can apply alfalfa spray with our 4 wheel drive truck. 'laaheim Pike NEW HOLLAND' QUAREYVILLE LANCASTER 334-2146 786-2126 Buy now and SAVE. (%ay) Grange resolution that the move to abolish the role of Alfred Wanner, Jr., who at cost of holding a convention Justice of the Peace in Penn- tended the American Institute would possibly run to three- sylvanla be opposed. of Cooperation held at Colo quarters of a million dollars. It was stated that abolition st “J* V mS a \* e d Talk and that the job of updating of this branch 0 f the minor HvitieJthoJe Mr and the document could be done judiciary would work a hard- w P . h more economically, and as sat- ship on all rural people and **”• Mishaos” isfactorily, by the General As- „n patrolmen operating in ru- skI JL O,I Marital Mishaps . sembly , a i areas .™ e meetir )£ * e . * It was resolved that Grant?- P lcmc at Q«arry\nlle Memorial era* should urge evervone to The spring Program was pre- Park on August 19. at 7 p.m. vote against holding such a sentod by Miss Helen Wanner, Colerain Grange will be host, convention Lecturer. She conducted a Grange centennial candle-light- Any man’s reputation is a RETAIN JP’S mg ceremony with the Pomona mixture of what his friends The Pomona Grange mem- Master. Lecturer and Chaplain, an d his enemies say about him bers also resolved that the Miles Cochran, taking part behind his back. Performance Is The Key To LOW COSTS Performance You’ll Get If You Combine Optimum Performance Feeds and GOOD MANAGEMENT Just Call 717-392-2145 You’ll Get Finest Service Anywhere 'W bw -H " EARLY BIRD with GOOD BIRDS Persona/ Attention And and Miller & Bushong, Inc. ROHRERSTOWN, PA.