PULTON GRANGE NOTES April 10. Chester A. Todd. Jr. GRANGE WEEK APR. 17-23 presided nt the business meet ing, and the young people Fulton Grange #66 held its filled ail officers’ chairs. bi-monthly meeting at Onkryn The Home Economics Com- it Eby's Mill Lititz, Pa. Leroy M. Sensenig L. J. Denlinger Co. Hinkletown, Pa. Paradise, Pa. Ross H. Roll re r & Sons Quarryville, Pa. RMr; HOG RAISER— l- : of this selection of fine household clocks. We can give you absolutely free any of the above clocks with your purchase of Ful-O-Pep Hog Feeds, for April, 1967 delivery, as listed below. K 2 tons in any combination: Gro-Pig Pre-Starter , Gro-Pig Supp. Sow Supp. Gro-Pig Starter Bracer Gro-Pork Supp. Hog Supp. Gro-Pig Grower _Gro-Pork Bracer Hog Cone. (40%) Sow Ration Pork Ration See us Today Offer is for a limited time only GRUBB H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witm'^r 3c 15c 3*5 :?s •*’ > * < ?? jar LAKES Ihe new low reatest dairy absorbency iss of water r ough liquid .ses content for proper Master Mix today!!! Hempfieid Mills East Petersburg, Pa. TAKE YOUR CHOICE \ a® r 5 tons in any combination: Gro-Pork 280 K Hog Finisher Gro-Pork Finisher Worming Mix SUPPLY COMPANY Elizabethtown Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens mittcc reported having served 495 turkey suppers April 8. The Hobo Show has been post poned until fall, it was an nounced. Fulton Grange observed "Grange Week" April 20 by holding n special meeting to receive membership applica tions. Both teams made new gains, the "Peapickers" team being in the lead again. There will also be degree rehearsal for all the officers. 2*l sV 4 5 : \ s Mrs. Stanley StauiTer, Jr.. Youth Lecturer, presented the program: Mrs. Richard Hollo way read Governor Raymond P. Shafer’s Proclamation of Grange Week for April 17-23. The Mt. Sinaii African United Methodist - Episcopal Church choir of Arcadia sang several numbers accompanied by Mrs Paul Cevis. Henry Springer, Fairmount, gave an interest ing chalk talk entitled “Be Prepared” and sang a solo ac companied by Mrs. Herman Welch Mrs. Jesse Wood gave a reading “A Deck of Cauls”, and Mrs. Stanley Stauffer, Jr conducted a stunt. «s*o § vO n First and Second Degrees will be conferred at the next regular meeting of Fulton Grange April 24 and Third and Fourth Degrees will be con ferred May 8. There will also be a scrap drive at that meet ing for the benefit of Scout Troop #330. • River Basin (Continued from Page 1) needs for agriculture includ ing irrigation, livestock water ing, food processing, and needs for domestic use in rural areas Identification of all sites feasible for storing water for agricultural and rural use, and for flood prevention. If you must kick at least kick toward a goal. ", n ' Xf '/ Harold H. Good Terre Hill Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 22.1967 for pre-emergence weed control in corn. LOROX plus ATRAZINE 7ift/s combination gives you the best from both. We recommend it I P. I. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA. ' ! ' , ' in Pasture Lands Dacamine weed killer kills the whole weed rco's and all That s because Dacamine works slowly, penetrates deep for comple'e kill Gives glasses a chance to grow and thr.vc re sulting in better pasture land Best of ail nearby ciops ate safer because Dacamine is non-volatile —gees to wor* v here •'ou out it Fcr weed-freo pastuies and bettor foiage qual.ty get D camino heibicide now k _ . j; Dtamcnd Che ralc,s.lo NIAGARA CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE Intercourse. Pa READING BONE FERTILIZER CO. Reading. Pa. 215-375-4454 LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER CO. Quarryvilie, Pa. 717-786-2547 H. Jacob Hoober 13 Phone 397-3539 717-7(18-,. 131