Big Trout For Later Stream Stocking Case-Mama Program THURS. & FRI. AFTERNOON GRAND New Show • Demonstrations _l' * “fc *A. Arthur S. Young Kinzers, Pa. SATURDAY ALL DAY APRIL 20 - 21 - 22 • Big Machinery Display Od J > 1 Miss Lancaster County will be present Saturday, April 22 Company, Inc. OPENING Of Our Room & Parts Center Expert Looks At Fishing In County As “Big Day” Dawns As all Lancaster County an glers know, the Pennsylvania trout season officially opened today at 5 a.m. Truly not many states can boast the trout turn out that the Keystone State can, as wives, children, and a horde of fishermen come out to “wet a line”. The experts call our trout fishing “put - and - take” fishing and I guess this is what it is, since all the fish taken by Com monwealth anglers are stock trout. Maybe this is important to some people but let me tell you a little secret .... I fished hard and long for many a year with flies in streams in this county and counties up state and the luck I had was mostly bad. The first time I fished the vvaters of Canada with flies, I took moie fish than I dreamed was possible .... those Land of-the-Mounties trout wei en’t stock trout and gosh, they were easy to catch. • Movies 442-4186 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 15,1967 — by John Hclter Q Sooo, what does that prove? Maybe not a goshdarn thing ex cept after that trout is in the stream a couple of days he has to be hungry before he’ll feed . . , . and fiiend. it’s pretty tough to catch him until he bites. Lancaster County received 19,500 trout for local sti earns. We didn’t see any of the fish stocked but we heard from a pretty lehable soiuce that most of the fish were “fair” in size. Not quite up to the stockings of last year when 14 and 15 mchers were fairly common. Early fishermen will prob ably do best in the Middle Creek where 960 brook trout were planted, or Seglock Run where 440 brook were planted. It's no secret that brookies are a hungry breed and quick to feed The Hammer Cieek will be a bit slow since the 2040 trout planted there were browmes . . . should we have a day as nice as last Saturday and you can bet your bottom dollar you will take fish anywheie These fellows and some oth er interested sportsmen were haid at woik sorting the fish tor stocking later in the sea son Bob Koch holds a 16-inch er that should go a good two or two and a half pounds In Januaiy. the club stocked 500 legal trout in the upper reaches of the Seglock in an effort to “thin-out” the nursery stock About 1100 fish from 10 inch es to a foot-and-a-ahalf will probably be stocked in north ern end streams throughout the season. This is quite a boon to the state stocking program and an extra special dividend for local anglers Where am I going to fish this yeai? Well, t v t doctor and I had a little talk about that and he says I’m not' Oh, I’ll be out there somewhere . . . less a fishing rod but along about the time the sun gets up nice and warm, you’ie liable to see me pointing a camera at you . . would you please smile and hold up your catch'! • Milk Production Off (Continued from Page 5) U.S. MARCH MILK PRODUCTION DOWN Milk production in the Unit ed States during Maich is es timated at 10 510 million pounds, slightly below the 10,- 537 million pounds produced last March and five percent be low the 1961-65 aveiage for the month Production was the low est for March since 1955 Total production of milk during the January-March period this year was 29,582 million pounds, slightly above the comparable 1966 penod On a daily basis, milk production increased three percent from February to March, compared with an in crease of four percent between these months last year March output provided 171 pounds per person daily, compared with 173 pounds in March 1966. Temperatures for the next five days are expected to average above the normal range of 64-41 degrees. Precipitation in the form of showers may occur at the beginning, and again at the end, of the period. Accumu lation may exceed M> -inch. 9