Rabies On THe Increase In Pa. HARRISBURG Animal ra bies is on the increase in Penn sylvania, the State Department of Agriculture reported Thurs day. To date there have been sev en cases, three more than the state experienced last year at this time. Dr. John C. Shook, director of the Bureau of Animal Indus try, said the seven cases were diagnosed at the Department’s laboratories in Summerdale. Counties reporting rabies - POULTRYMEN - Great News! Don’s Sales & Services is an nouncing dealership for the Essco Co. in Penna. Our service and Installation is highly recommended. And "I," challenge you, to compare our prices with other prices. DROP IN 236 E. Main St. Phone New Holland 354-9745 CUTS AND CONDITIONS IN ONE PASS! NEW IDEA CUT/DITIONER! W fOEA^I n Single machine gives fluffy, palatable swaths or f 'windrows. Non-stop, plug free! Adjustable cutting height. Does all these jobs and more: • Shreds com stalks • Chops weeds • Clips pastures • Chops straw stubble • Conditions straw for baling Wilbur H. Graybill A. L. Herr & Bro, Lititz, E. D. % Quarryville. Chas. J. McComsey Longcnecker & Sons Farm Supply Hickory Hill, Pa. Bheems Allen H. Matz Chet Long Denver 1 " ’ 1 Akron A. B. C. Groff, Jnc. "• 1 M >- - I '- 1 Landis Hi os. New Holland Lancaster were Bedford (cat), Cumber land (dog), Lycoming (fox), Washington (pony & one head of cattle), and Greene (two cattle). Shook said the cattle, being very curious animals, probably investigated a fox or some other wild animal they noticed in pasture. He said the result of their curiosity would be a nip on the nose or leg and rabies if the animal were rabid. He said the big reservoir of rabies is in wildlife. The veterinarians said rabies falls into two types sometimes referred to as furious or dumb. In the furious, the afflicted ani mal will bite or snap at any Crabgrass Easier To Control Now Than Later A perfect lawn grass would combine the persistence of crabgrass v/ith the beauty of bluegrass and the shade toler ance of fescue. No matter how poor the soil is or how hot the thing that moves In the dumb, animals get listless and lapse into scmiconsciousness. Rabies, he said, causes paraly sis in the throat legion of the animal A cow’s moo undergoes a definite tone change as does a dog’s baik, due to affected vocal choids. Because ot the paralysis ra bies causes, animals aie unable to drink and cannot swallow saliva which accumulates Shook sail this leads to a froth ing condition often associated with rabies. TRUDAN The new wonder gross # Fastest thing on roots, has actually grown a measured 4 feet in 22 days. # Leafier plants Trudon is a totally new achievement equally valuable for hay grazing, green chop, hoylage or silage. REIST SEED COMPANY SINCE 1925 MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-4 127 Save time! Save on labor! VaiiDale tf/lfiM' AUTOMATIC BUNK FEEDER GIANT CAPACITY A powerful 9 inch auger it offset within a giant, fully enclosed 12-inch steel hood. This unique design provides a reservoir for silage and feeds the full length of die feeder, greatly increasing the capacity and speed with which feed moves to the livestock. Handles the output of the largest silo unloader with ease. FEEDS ENTIRE HERD AT ONE TIME Feed is angered the full length of the enclosed hood and li then automatically dumped into the feeding bunk, providing equal rations to each head of livestock at the same time. No cattle crowding. No spilled and wasted feeds. When feed is dumped, the hood closes automatically and repeats as often as needed. SILENT, CLOG-PROOF OPERATION ' Powerful 9-inch auger never touches the metal hood; eliminating metal-to-metal friction and providing the right clearance to prevent binding and clogging even when mate rials have high moisture content. Horsepower requirements are greatly reduced too. LET US GIVE YOU COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE AMAZING VAN-DALE S-I7 BUNK FEEDER CALEB M. WENGER R. D. 1 Dmmore Center KI 8-2116 Quarryville, Pa, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 15,1967 — summer, crabgrass thrives—to the dismay of many a home gardener. However, crabgrass can be stopped, and this is the time to do it, according to Dr. William Mitchell, extension agronomist at the University of Delawaie. Treating pesky crabgrass with herbicides now will save your temper and your back later. You can usually apply crab grass preventers anytime after April 1, or before the soil warms up to 60-clegrees. If your lawn—or your neigh bor's—was loaded with crab grass last year, you will un doubtcdly need to apply the heibicide Millions ol seeds fell to the ground, and if you give them a chance, they’ll sprout and cause trouble this year. As soon as the soil warms up, they will gei ruinate and stait to grow wherever there’s a tiny patch of bale soil. Several herbicides on the S-17 minket will kill crabgrass. ac cording to Mitchell. Pre-emerg ence herbicides—those applied before crabgrass seed germin ates in the spiing—arc more effective than post-emergence chemicals. All the approved chemicals are safe for use on lawns; however, be sure yon read and follow the directions on the label on the container. To apply the crabgrass treat ment, mow the grass, then rake and clean the lawn thoroughly. Apply the chemical evenly and don’t disluib the lawn suiface with further raking Watei and mow the lawn as usual. 01 couise, another wav to control ciabgrasa is to keep it fiom showing up at all A thick stand ot glass may even put you out ot the crabgiass busi ness. so get the tmf off to a good stait this spring Using plenty of wa' ” when it’s need ed, applying .dequate feitiluer and mowing fiequently at a two-inch height will encourage a vigouious tuif with veiyfew bare spots Give yoiu lawn half a chance, Mitchell says, and it will cut ciabgiass’ chances. SEED POTATOES BUSS COBBLERS KATAHDINS KENNEBECS Groff’s Hardware New Holland, Pa. WI!VU corrn Texaco Fuel Chief... the finest heating oil money can buy! Texaco Fuel Chief is today’s top-qual ity heating oil. Result of the most exhaustive re search in the heating oil field. You’ll find Texaco Fuel Chief dependable in quality, delivery after de livery. It’s dean burning. And it’s economical gives complete combus tion from every drop. Or der Texaco Fuel Chief to day. We’ll fill y our fuel-oil tank promptly. TuelChiefl HEATING OIL I AVe Give S & H Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fair\ie\v St. 310UXT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 *★*★*★★***★★***★*★**** 17