Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 15, 1967, Image 12

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    32—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 15,1967
NEPPCO Maps Long Range Plans;
H’bg. To Stay Show Site Thru 70
A new long-i ange program of
industry aids and member ser
vices will be submitted to the
NEI’PCO IJoaid of Directors
when it meets in Montreal on
Mav 16 The piogram is con
tained in a repoit drafted by
the Council's Executive Com
mittee when it met recently in
Washington. D C
Included, according to
NEPPCO president James C
Weisel. will be projects con
cerning poultry waste disposal
01 utilization, conti ol of odors
and air pollution, compiling a
libiary of local ordinances and
slate laws aimed at poultry
farms caught in suburban
sprawl, developing a public re
lations program to interest
joung high school and college
graduates m poultry industry
careers; the improvements of
quality standards used in the
deteimination of egg prices: the
establishment of arbitration
mles and proceduies for settl
ing disputes and grievances
ovei contracts -and a revamping
of many of NEPPCO’s tradition
al activities and member sei
Two years ago, Wexsel said
the boaid commissioned the
NEPPCO staff to make an m
depth study ot the piobable
ti ends and de\elopments in the
poultiy industiy m the Noith
cast over the next ten yeais and
diaft a series of leeommenda
tions regaiding the course
i\EPPCO should take to best
seive the industry and its mem
beis during that period The
study was completed last fall
and presented to the board
which, in turn, directed the exe
cutive committee to develop a
progiam based on the study’s
i ecommendations.
The committee also received
a report of a recent survey of
in ms that had exhibited at
last yeai’s NEPPCO Exposition
To implement the survey’s re
sults, it approved a continuation
of the Exposition in the Farm
Show Building in Harnsburg,
thiough 1970 and appioved a
new schedule of exhibit hours
ioi the 1967 show The new ex
hibit hours will be Tuesday and
Wednesday, Octobei 10 and 11,
10 a m to 5 30 p m , and Thurs
day Octobei 12, 10 a m to 1 30
p m
A pielimmaiy draft of the
audit of NEPPCO’s books for
the calendar yeai 1966 by Lee
E Doyei & Company, certified
Improperly adjusted bicycle
seats may result in serious ac
cidents if the rider cannot reach
the pedals adequately Make
sure the bike that jour child
rides is adjusted to fit him It
could save his life
0 || 1 jjp J
Fur top producing corn,
sorghum, FD 100 alfalfa—Call.
Hei shey
Willow Street
public accountants of Harris
burg, received enthusiastic ap
proval as the committee noted a
substantial improvement in
NEPPCO’S overall financial
position A final draft of the
audit was ordered for submis
sion to the Board of Duectois
at its May meeting
Upon i ecommendation of
NEPPCO’s counsel. Henry C.
Schragger, Esq, the committee
directed that an amendment to
iVEPPCO’s By-Laws indemnify
ing its officers and directois
against peisonal responsibility
l°,\-c, th L C nvJ™f WINNING DAIRY PRODUCTS JUDGES in Monday’s contest at Ephrata High
sion to the membership at the School are all members of 'the Cloister FFA Chapter and all freshmen. By placing
next annual meeting among the top four contestants, these boys all become eligible for state competition
ACTION ON 5.109 m June. From left they are: 1, Luke Martin; 2, Lowell Sensenig; 3, Jeffrey Pfautz;
TABLED and 4 Eugene Nolt. L- F. Photo
On the legislative front, the ——— 0 Cloister FFA culture teachers Lewis Ayers
Committee studied 5.109, “The interpretation of the key pro- , ~ ~ and Charles Ackley attributed
Agricultural Producers Market- visions of the bill, the commit- (Continued irom page i) team > s success to a strenu
mg Act or 1967”. introduced by tee decided to postpone a deci- enth; Barry Alexander, Grass- ous DreDarati on schedule esti-
Scnator George Aiken of Version until the Justice Depart- . , pi . ... Aho Pl . w Ppn _ ous Preparation scneauie, es
mont and some 30 other Sena- ment and Federal Trade Com- land ’ ei = ntn ’ ADe sae ’ , enn mated at two periods a day for
tors and Congiessmen In view mission give their reports to Manor ’ ninth, and Robert Mid- eight days,
of the controveisy that has de- the House Agriculture Commit- dowson. Solanco, tenth
veloped in the industry over tee. Ephrata High School
Don’t plant
T M. Reg U.S. Pat off.. ORTHO, on all Chemicals. Read. Directions And‘Cautions,'3efote Use.
See us
Crows, blockbirds, pheasants any bird that steals seed won't
come back a second time for seed treated with ORTHO Bird Re-
pellent. They spit it out and fly away. It's easy to get this kind of
protection for your seed. All you do is pour this repellent!right
in with the seed in your planter box
Actually, you're getting more than bird protection with this prod
uct. The full name is ORTHO Bird Repellent and Seed Protectant.
It also contains an insecticide to control soil insects such as wire
worms, seed corn maggots and com rootworm. And a fungicide
for extra protection against diseases like seedling blight; cfampr
off, and seed decay.
This is the only bird repellent that combines all these protec
tions. So this year, don't plant for the birds. When' you. get your
seed, ask us far ORTHO Bird Repellent.
for the BIRDS!
now for ortho •
Ph. Lane. 397-3539
agn- .
> i