Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 15, 1967, Image 10

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    10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 15,1967
OA A-il
by Jesse L. Balmer, reporter
The Lancaster County Guern
sey 4-11 Club met at the home
of' Raymond Wilmer on Wed
nesday evening. April 12 Each
member responded to roll call
by telling about the article he
bi ought tor auction. A County
Council Representative remind
ed the club members about the
4-H play to be held this month.
Everyone was encouraged to
The club elected a Club Con-
Si ess Representative. Rodney
Denhngcr. and an alternate,
Peter Witmer.
The next meeting will be at
Solanco High School at 730
pni May 10
Club membeis weie remind
ed to have their animals icg
isteied in their names by April
30, 1967
Aftei the business meeting,
a demonsti ation was gnen by
Randy O'Connell and Rodney
Denhnger on how to read
DHIA lecoids.
Song leader, Cynthia Balmei
led m a tew songs This yeai
the dub tued something new,
membei s auctioned <ff house
hold items The top mice was
S 5 70 foi an old pictiue The
total income was $46 45
by Lynn Royer, reporter
The Northern and Central
Lancaster County 4-H Tractor
Clubs finished their year with
a tour and a roundup
The tour, held April 4, visit
ed the baler assembly plant at
the~ New Holland Co
Roundup was held at Landis
Bros Farm Machinery store
The four units all had a trou
ble-shooting contest In the
second unit, Lestei Landis
found the most things wrong
with the tiactoi Fust unit
membeis weie asked questions
Thu d and foui th year members
weie asked 12 questions about
the trouble-shooting ti actor
Fnst-vear winners weie 1,
Eddie Leaman, 2051 Butter
Road 2, Dudley Rohrer, Man
heim R 1 3, Bany V/eitzel, Den
ver R 2 and 4 Galen Hackman
Second yeai winnei s were 1,
Lvnn Royer. 2025 Oiegon Pike.
2,' Bill Keens, Lititz, 3, Clark
Ctauffei, Ephiata Rl, and 4
Ricky Pfautz Stecens
Thud and fourth yeai win
nei s were 1, Daniel Rohier,
Manheim Rl 2, Ken Rissei,
Leola Rl 3 James Landis, Lit
itz R 3 4 Jeffrey Rissei Leo
la Rl
Fust puze for each of the
four yeais was an engraved
plaque The other placmgs re
ceived tools
Annual 4-H Play Set
For April 21 and 22
The Lancaster 4-H County
Council will piesent a thiee
act play entitled “Bill’s Night
Out’’ on Friday and Saturday,
Apul 21 and 22 m the Man
henn Twp High School audi
toimm at 8 00 pm
Leads will be played by Mike
Smucker, Ephiata R 1 and Don
na Eshelman, Elizabethtown R 1
Olhei cast members include
Fay Buibakei, Elizabethtown
R 3 June Shiemer, 284 E Main
St, Leola Maltha Fishei Man
heim R 1 Ken Hess, Stiasburg
R 1 Linda Ober, Petoisbmg
Rd Mike Iloslei, ManheimßS.
Jay Fishei, Manheim Rl,
Wayne Denhngei, Goidonville
Rl. Lois Hosier, Elizabethtown
by Susan Allcinan, reporter
The organizational meeting
of the Elizabethtown 4-H Horse
and Pony Club was held March
28, at the home of Mrs Melvin
Rcssler, one of the club’s lead
The following officers were
elected, president, John Kurtz;
vice president, Sue Kauffman;
secretary, Jannell Taylor, treas
urer, Kandace Borry; news re
porter, Susan Alleman. The
R 3, Sandy Eshelman, Elizabeth
town Rl; and Glenda Galebach,
Manheim R 3
The play is directed by Rich
ard Galbreath, Manheim R 3
Tickets will be available at the
Careers "Open
House” Feature
Food Science
Demonstrations of instru-
House to be held Saturday,
ments used to isolate and iden
tify food flavors will be among
the action phases of the Col
lege of Agriculture Open
May 6. at Penn State Univer
sity, it was announced this
club leaders are Mrs Ressler
and Scott Flowers.
It was decided that each club
member should be covered by
The next meeting will be
held Tuesday, April 25 Any in
terested person between the
ages of 10-19 and owns a horse
or pony is welcome to become
a member of the olub.
week by Dr, Willkml L. Burr, ducted to help the consumer
general chairman. purchase the best quality food
, , possible for her shopping dol-
Open House will acquaint i ar
high students, their -f. he open House program
teachers, and guidance counse- will be underway from 8 a,m.
lors with the many career op- t 0 4 p m on the University
portunities in today's modern Park camp us with headquar
agriculture, Barr said. ters in the Hetzel Union Build
“As world food production Students. Parents, and
and processing needs increase hl « h S
due to the expanding popula- an opportunity to meet with
tion, both men and women will College of Agriculture studen
be needed to contribute to the f. nd facult y t 0 answ T^ l ..^ e& *
scientific aspects of food tech- tlo ns on career possibilities.
nology,” the Open House chair
man pointed out.
“Exhibits at the event will A broken chain can mean a
help explain the vital role food pasty spill and even a serious
science and industry plays in injury for the bicycle rider,
our highly-specialized agricul- To prevent this, bike riders
ture ” he added should inspect the chain on
’ their bikes to make certain all
Also demonstrated in the weak spots are repaired. Re
food sciences, Barr said, will member April is Bicycle
be research work being con- Safety Month in Pennsylvania.
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Dacamme weed killer kills the whole weed, roots and alt.
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For weed free pastures and better forage quality,, get
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H. Jacob Hoober