—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8,1967 8 Lancaster Farming Ads Pay! for pre-emergence weed control in corn... LOROX plus ATRAZINE This combination gives you the best from both. We recommend it! SMOKETOWN, PA. Phone 397*3539 Rural Real Estate real estate values, and assess damnation; effects of changes property values for condemna- in resources on land values; Workshop Set At PSU tion, sales, and estate settle- appraisal of farm property; ap . „ . ments, according to Director praisal of property under con- A Rural Real Estate Apprais- 0 £ short Courses Fred C. Sny- demnation; and appraisal of ru ers Workshop will be offered uer. ral areas undergoing urban de- al Penn State University May Among the topics to be dis- velopment. The classroom ses -8 to 12. This program will be cussed are: allocation of state sions will be supplemented by of particular interest to people revenue, based on real estate trips to various locations and who make loans on real es- value: land value as influenced actual application of the ap tate, assess and levy taxes on by type of soil; damages in con-praisal principles involved. THINKING CAGES? P™l y FLAT DECK \ SINGLE TIER FULL STAIR STEF 3-TIER MODIFIES Agway SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT jy vof* 0 oJ>" V* Direct From Manufacturer... To Us... To You = BEE-LINE 3 Thus Tremendous Savings! Try us! You'll Be Glad You Did. ~ o/t*? *