t’s Not Give All The e redit To The Feed! Performance and Excellent Breeding, Housing of a good healthy pullet, Top flight management on the part of the producer, and A feeding program fitted to get Optimum Performance from the birds. Feed alone won’t do it, but . . . your chances are better with THE EARLY BIRD LINE. kre's Proof: Among the eleven producers in our delivery area recently honored by a notional organization for outstanding egg production. /E are users of Early Bird Feeds and Service, UR competing feeds shared honors with the remainder. I mong the Five Fatly Bird Users: Production for 14 twenty-eight day periods ranged from 242 to 278 eggs per hen housed. 9 Livability ranged from a low of 84.4% to a high of 94.6%. Conversions ranged from 3.69 ibs. eggs in cages to 3.78 lbs. on slats. producer kept his hens beyond the 14 periods and had 318.6 eggs per hen housed 15 days of production. You'll like the results you get from Eorly Bird Feeds. v\lll/,/ Low Cost Egg Production RESULTS FROM A COMBINATION OF Miller 6? Bushong, Inc. FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE Rohrerstown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 (Area Code 717) of feed per dozen NEWS I ll NORTHERN CONSV. CLUB HEARS TALK by Curtis Horst, reporter The tilth meeting of the Not them I ancastei County 411 Soil and Water Conservation Club was held at the home of Aaron Stauffer, Ephrata Rl, on March 23 Phillip Zimmeiman. Ephrata Rl, gave a talk on “How Soils Absorb Water” DONEGAL-E’TOWN CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS by Frances Bixler, reporter On March 14, tne club met at Donegal High School. The following officers were elect ed: president, Jeff Witman; vice president, Joe Wivell. sec retary, ~ Yimgmgei, as sistant secretary, Kathy Ney; treasurer, Faye Bi übaker. song leader, Lois Hosslei. game leaders, Floience Bixler and Toni Wivell and news repoit ers, Donna Hossler and Fran ces Bixler Baseball captain, Barry Hossler, and county coun cil representative, Jeff Witman. The club leaders are Chnst Miller, strawberries, Kenneth Borry, field com and pigs, Paul Hess, capons, Mis John Heu, flowers and vegetables, Willis Hackman, tobacco: and Victor Plastow, eountv extension lead er Meetings will be held the sec ond Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be Api it 11, at the Donegal High School. 4-H COMMUNITY CLUB REORGANIZES AT LINCOLN by Barry Weitzel, reporter The Lincoln 4-H Community Club was leoigamzed onMaich 21 at the Mount Any FneHall. The following officei s wei e elected piesident, David Lem inger; vice president, Eugene Bollinger, seeietaiy, Phillip Le imnger, tieasuiei, Deboi all Weitzel, news icpoitei, Bany Weitzel, game leadeis, Joyce Weaver and Timothy Edwaids; song leader Debbie Schantz, and county council repiesenta tive, David Lemmgei Associate county agent Vic tor Plastow discussed some of the projects that can be taken by the irembeis such as, corn, tobacco, sweetcoi n, sti aw bernes, ve g e table gai dening, fioweis, rabbits, pigs, and ca pons Anyone between the ages of 9 and 19 who is interested in joining the club is invited to attend the next meeting to be held at the Mt Any Fne Hall on April IS, at 7 30 pm • Lancaster Auction (Continued fioin Page 2) COWS Utility and high yielding Cutter 18 25 19 35, lew 19 50-19 85 Cuttei 16 50-18 50. Canner and low Cuttei 15 50-17. BULLS Good and Choice 23-2450, couple Choice 2510- 25 25. Utilitv and Commercial 22 50-24 50, couple 1530-1740 lbs. 24 85-25.50 CALVES 180 Vealeis slow steady to S 2 lowei, most de cline on Good and Choice VEALERS Choice 38 50- 42 50, 3 head at 42-42 50 Good 36-39 Standard 33-36 50 Util ity 28 50 32 50 Cull 22 25 50 HOGS 338 Banows and Gilts 75-1 25 lowei BARROWS 4.ND GILTS US 1 & ? 200-250 lbs 18 50- 19, 15 head US 1 215 lbs 19 50 1-3 195-250 lbs 18-18 50 US 3 285-310 lbs 17 10 and one lot mixed weight 1 & 2 a\eragmg
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