Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 1967, Image 6

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    6—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 1.1967
Fulton Gronge 66 Plans
Pomona Grange Meet
Fulton Grange =66 hold its
rcmilin mooting March 27 at
the hall in Oakr.Mi Muster Clif
foi (I W Holloway Ji presided
at the business meeting. Plans
weie m.ule to attend the Lan
castei Count' - Pomona Grange
visitation meeting at the White
Hoise Fne Hall as guests of
Sahsbuiv Giange Monday. Ap
ril 3 at 8 pin Fulton Grange
will present the piogram and
Colei am Giange olTicers will
open and close the meeting
Mis A. it bur \V Clnistman,
Bowmanstov'n Carbon County.
Lectmei of the Pennsylvania
Stale Giance. will be the speak
er A mixed octette will sing and
Mis Stanley Stauffer. Jr., will
conduct names This meeting
will be open to the public
The "Coinhuskers” team re
poitecl gains and aie now in
the lead in the membership
contest The next meeting will
be the deadline foi this con
The home economics commit
tee Mrs Jesse Wood chan man.
announced Mans to furnish re
fieshments at the Maui ice
Giegg estate sale Apnl 1 and
foi the Gumge's annual roast
tin key suppei which will be
held at thr Giange Hall April
8 fiom 4 'o 8 pm This com
mittee is sponsonng sewing,
needlewoik and Instoucal sain
plei contests Anjone desiring
to entei is adused to contact
Mis Wood
The Ledmer. Miss Agnes
Spence asked foi entries in
the ait and the coloied photo
s’iaoh contests
Earl Smokei was appointed
ticket chairman for the Hobo
Show' w’hich will be presented
Satin day \pnl 22 The com
mittee in chaige of this enter
tainment is Richard Nye, Miss
Mabel Brabson and Charles Mc-
The program featuied a talk
by Charles McSparran on “Serv
ices Rendered by the Purchas
ing Agent of the Giange” The
Lecturer lead an Eastei poem,
conducted a quiz and a roll
call “What Does Easter Mean
To You ’ Poem “Church On
Easter’ iead by Mrs Theodore
Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always
east to tmd they are not sold on newsstands and
pei haps some of 5 our friends may not be acquainted
with our weekly sen ice
We’ll be glad to send, without charge, several
copies of LANCASTER FAR AUNG to your fi lends or
business associates Just write their names and ad
dresses below (You’ll be doing both them and us a
fat or!)
Street Address & R D,
Street Address & R D
(You are not limited to two names Gso
separate sheet for additional names.)
Your Name
Q CHECK here if you prefer to send ft Year's (52
issues) GIFT subscription for S 2 each (S 3 each out
side of Lancastei County) to your fi tends listed
above If so S • • enclosed, or
□ Bill me later
Please mail tills form to;
P. O. BOX 266
The no':*, meeting. April 10.
will be Youth Night. Young
people ot the Orange will fill
ofliceis’ chairs and present the
program The choir fiom Mt
Sinai A U.M E church will pre
sent musical i.umbcisand How
ard Springer. Fan-mount, will
present a chalk talk.
Lancaster County Pomona
Grange will hold its spring
meeting at the White Horse
Fire Hall Saturday. Apnl 15.
at 8 p m
Fust and Second Degrees
will be conferred at the April
24 meeting and Thud and
Fourth Degrees May 8
Milk Price Hike Urged
By 21 Dairy Co-Ops
Northeast Dairy Cooperathe
Federation announced Tues
day it w-is joining with 20
other cooperative organizations
in New r York. New Jersey and
New England in a petition to
Secretary of Agriculture Free
man to raise farm milk prices
for hard pressed dairy farmers
Robert C. Forsythe, North
east Fcdeiation service divi
sion manager, said the peti
tion was calling for both im
mediate emergency relief
and a hearing for long term
relief extending into 1970.
The emergency relief re
quest he said calls for the Sec
retaiy to suspend the supply
demand section of federal milk
oi del 2 so as to increase the
Class I fluid milk puce by 30
to 35 cents per bundled pounds
for the months cf May, June
and July This, he said, would
mean an increase of 15 to 18
cents per hundred pounds in
the farm pi ice for those
The hearing proposal aimed
at long tcim puce inci eases
asked for ceitain changes in
federal order 2 which would
result in Class I fluid price in
creases for New York-New Jer
sey dairy farmers of about 40
to 45 cents per hundred pounds,
or about one cent per quart
This propsed increase is being
asked to take effect August 1,
1967 and extend through Janu
aiy 1, 1970
The petition also asked that
the New England federal order
fluid milk price be pegged at
RED ROSE DHIA OFFICERS elec'ed recently, seated from left are: Jacob
Houser, Jr., treasurer; Allen K. Risser, secretary; Daniel S. Stoltzfus, president;
and I. Eby Hostetter, vice president. Standing are advisor Victor Plastow, left;
and Wilbur Houser, head supervisor. L. F. Photo
its present rate for the months Landis HoitlCS
of May. June, and July | s Open To All
It also ties the New Ymk- .. „ Tltltzß3 man said !t is located on
Kew Jemy lederal order flmd t 0 adm.ttms ®»“ te 722 oreson -
El t Few lortaMS or
vS, ,h.. P „ g d danoary t “
Grassy Weeds Stealing
Your Corn Profits?
Nothing can steal profits from your corn crop quite like grassv weeds , . .
** \ **
especially giant foxtail and other foxtails Where these pests gr'ow uncon
trolled, com yields are sure to drop. This year, don’t let it happen to you:
Hire a killer . . . Ramrod, the remarkable new pre-emergence herbicide
developed by Monsanto Company to control grassy weeds before they
. without barm to corn, and without chemical carryover in the soil
to wreck your crop rotation plans Ramrod, the careful killer, stops grassy
weeds during the early stage of crop growth when weed competition has
its worst effect on yields Then Ramrod disappears, leaving your fields
clear of weeds and'chemical All you get is more money in your pocket at
harvest. Talk to us today about Ramrod . . . best friend your com ever had!
. < *'% * -*W/ ®
The home is now operating
at capacity of 61 guests. Lea*
* -,vr