Higher yields, bigger profits, proved year after year by farmers all across the country 1* rex >i * t- ~x, fc,Vr..t }.r ’Si t I s * There’s no doubt about varieties The remarkable yield power of DeKalb XL Com Varieties is shown again in 1966 reports from Eastern farmers in the DeKalb 200-Bushel Club program. The authenticated yields below were mechanically harvested, without gleaning, from carefully measured acreages. All checks were veri fied by responsible witnesses, and yields* were figured in bushels of No. 2 corn per acre. Plant your next corn crop to DeKalb XL Single* Cross and 3-Way Hybrids. Some numbers may be sold out in certain areas, so see your DeKalb dealer today. Name Glen Engle Amos Shipman Round Hill Farm Ralph Roberts, Mgr. William H. Eberspachey Eynck Farms William J. Engla David E Bird leister Brothers George Nabb & Sons Emerson W. Eberspachef lippy Brothers BIG NAME for BIG YIELDS ‘’DEKALB” is a Registered Brand Nam*. “XL” is a Variety Designation., Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 1,1967 — Town State County Cochranville Pa. Chester Jersey Shore Pa. Lycoming Orange Va. Orange Md. Dorchester 142.12 Pa. Berks 161.61 Pa. Chester 151.85 Pa. Columbia 142.48 Md. Carroll 145.51 Md. Dorchester 136.20 Md. Dorchester 139.67 Md. Carroll 135.09 Calculated in bushels of §Z Cora her acr* t Cambridge Yellow House Cochranville Catawissa Hampstead Cambridge Cambridge Hampstead 5 Yield* 162.42 157.2 S 163.74
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers