Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE HENS Prices were unchanged to 1c lower on light hens Offerings were light in some instances as some growers resist lower pay ing prices, ample and freely offered in others Buying inter est was only fair. Demand for heavy ,hens was fair for light offerings. Few BV 2 -9 lb. buyer selected roasters were prices at 21c. Prices paid at farm: Light Hens 5-6 3 4, mostly s x k -6 V 2, Heavy Hens 14-15 c TURKEYS Offerings of 13-15 lb heavy hens increased Buying activity was on a wait and see basis There were 100 few price nego tiations to icpoit prices. Fogelsville March 28, 1967 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb, except where Secretaiy of Agriculture Or' Hens, Light 6%-10%, mostly ville L F, eeman announced 7, Hens, Heavy 7-21, mostly 12- this week that the second quai -18, Pullets 8-35V2, mostly 20-27, terly estimate of meat imports Roasters 8-29, mostly 23-28, into the United States places Ducks 20-26V2, mostly 24-26V2, the expected total at 900 mil- Drakes 25-36, mostly 32-36, lion pounds during 1967 60 Now, Prevent Baby Pig Anemia the Easy Way Just start feeding your baby pigs Wayne Oral Iron when they’re 3 days old. Feed free choice, IV2 02. per litter every 3 days-for 32 days. And they really like it. Converts readily to serum iron through digestion and even increases helpful bacteria in the intestinal tract. Wayne Oral Iron, used along with Wayne Iron Dextran Injection, gives even greater protection and faster weight gams. Try this New working partner with Wayne Feeds. \ 'I Wayne Ora! Iron 'I HEALTH 1 FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D. 1, Quarryville R. D. 3, Peach Bottom GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown HERSHEY BROS. Reinholds H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer Support your Lane. Turkeys, Hens 25-32, mostly 27V2-30, Rabbits 37-60, mostly 40-48, Guineas 80, Pigeons (per pair) 70-140, mostly 75-80; Jum bo Squab 90. Total coops sold. 613. Eastern Shore Exchange ■WEEKLY SUMMARY Lot-average broiler and fry er live puces averaged 15.35 cents per lb, practically un-‘ changed from last week’s aver age. Prices paid during the week ranged from a high of 16 4 cents per lb on Monday to a lew of 13 0 cents on Thursday Sales for the week weie steady at 982.000 head. Meat Imports Revised Down, Freeman Says WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4. Manheim PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia ROHRER’S MILL R. D. I. Ronks MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Hillersville HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn and Bellaire C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. I>. 1, East Earl DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Steveni Co. Poultry Assoc. million below the estimate an nounced in December. He said that this quantity would not at this time require Presidential action to invoke meat import quotas foi 1967. Public Law 88482, enacted in August 1964, provides that if yearly imports of certain meats primarily beef and veal are estimated to equal or ex ceed 110 peicent of an adjust ed base quota, the President must invoke a quota on meat imports. The adjusted base quota lor 1967 of 904 6 million pounds was announced in Dec ember. The level of estimated imports which would trigger its imposition is 995 0 million pounds Secretary. Freeman said the estimate of imports was revised downward primarily because a survey of major supplying countries made in February in dicated that Australian supplies will be less than had been ex pected, and bacause the spread between U S and European prices will not be as large as had been anticipated He noted that Januaiy imports were com paiatively large But he said that current infoimation points to decreased meat impoits in Februaiy and March The Department is conlinu- night, Apu] 4, at 8 pm, ac mg to maintain vigilance over coiding to agriculture instiuc piesent and piospective im- tor Chailes Ackley is piepared to Member , Wlll plan the edu inove quickly should it become , , „ _ necessaiy, Freeman said. callona * P logiana fo ‘ 1 r sea ' son, which staits in the fall This will be followed by a film P« i i A 4 If. on 3l t 3lfa weevil control, and /\OUil a discussion on new develop i-« - - O ments in aguculture rarmers Plan & _ “ Homemade ice cream, which Fun Session Set Wlll be by the faim ers, plus othci refreshments. A combination “Plan & Fun will be in ample supply, Ack- Night” will be held by Ephrata ley said, adding that recreation for pre-emergence weed control m corn... LOROX ATRAZINE We recommend it I P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. > * y SMOKETOWN, PA. Weekly New York Egg Mkt. WHITE Ex Fey Ilywts Fey. Hywlb Fey. Med. No. 1 Med Pullets Pcewees BROWN Ex. Fey Hywts, Fey Hywts. Fey Med. Pullets Peewees MIXED Fey Hywts. Standaids Checks Tiend Market showing some backup on large piobably in fluenced by lecent break in mediums Adult faimeis next Tuesday plus This combination gives you the best from both. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1.1967 Fiom Monday, Match 271 h to Friday. Match 31st Mon. 33'a 32 I '2 274 26 4 224 334 324 274 224 Piemanenlly Discontinued 30 30 30 28 30‘/ 2 24 Vz 23-24 24 Copyright 1967 by Urner Barry Publications Phone 397-3539 Wed. Tues. 31 >2-32 31 26 ** 31*2-32 31 27 26*2 2612 21*4-22 17 21*2-22 32 31 27 consisting of volleyball or bas ketball will be available to those faimeis inteiested. Mexican jumping beans aie seed of a deseit plant in which the laiva of a moth, moving causes it to jump What Do You Need? A Lancaster Farming Classified Ad Helps Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo ‘Unloaders - Cattle -Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 the PROFIT PULLET DEKALB CHIX are bred to grow fast and start producing high quality eggs early ... to stay strong and lay long giving vou steady year around production, on less feed. That’s why DEK ALB should be YOUR "profit pullet’ 1 Chix, Inc. 40 Donegal Spiings Rtf Mt. Joy DeKalb York Hotchery P. O. Box 265 Hellain Sales & Seivice Elmer Giick Smoketow n Lester B. Good Epinata 3 FrL Thurs. 31 2!) 24*2 241 a 20 20 15 15 32 31 31 30 26 26 >=-c Phone 653 1102 Ph. 255 7741 768 3062 733 7671 joooooc
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