vSft)—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967 New Alfalfa Weevil Control Methods Noted By Entomologists New recommendations for controlling the alfalfa weevil, one of the most troublesome insect pests in this area, have been announced by entomolo gists at til'' University of Dela ware. In a bulletin outlining con trol methods. Donald Mac- Creary and Dr. Dale F. Bray point out that the alfalfa weevil Is a major problem in' alfalfa production. Severe weevil dam age can cause an almost total loss of the crop, but the pest can be safely controlled with proper use of one of the recom mended insecticides Timing is important; effectiveness of the insecticide is reduced greatly if it is applied before weevil laivae appear. The insecticide recommenda tions are based on both the safety and the effectiveness of the chemicals when used pro perly. Don't depend on written recommendations or labels on insecticide containers that are several years old, the authors advise. Theie may have been restrictive changes since tnese were printed It is particularly important for farmers to ob serve the minimum interval between tieatment and harvest because it is the giowers’ res ponsibility to avoid illegal re sidues on the harvested crop. MacCreary notes that weevil control by flaming alfalfa fields, before spring growth be gins, is still in the experimental stage in this area The method offeis piomise, he says, but it MOST ADVANCED HYBRIDS IN CORN-GROWING HISTORY! FOR GRAIN OR SILAGE Contact Your Nearest Hoffman Seed Man FRANK H. BUCHER 2160 Main St., Rothsville, Pa. Lititz 626-6504 LESTER ERB 312 S. Mount Joy St. Elizabethtown, Pa 367-7112 JASON H. MELLINGER R D. 1 Strasburg, Pd, JONATHAN S. SHIRK 366 E. Main St., Bareville, Pa. 656-9302 Leola D. WA iTNE SWEIGART K. D. 3 Elizabethtown, Pa. EDGAR C. UMBLE Pequea Ave. Gap, Pa, A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. Landisville (Lancaster County), Pa. c Hoffman C/ FARM SEEDS ALFALFA • CLOVER • PASTURE OATS • FUNK'S G-HYBRIDS depends on the development and availability of suitable equipment. If growers are in terested in flaming for weevil control, they should try it only on a portion of their acreage. The bulletin, “Delaware’s Recommendations for Alfalfa Weevil Control,” lists the kinds and amounts of insecticides to use, along with suggestions for timing and method of applica tion. Stephens Reappointed State Consv. Comm. HARRISBURG • Donald R. a • , ■ Stephens, of Belle Vernon R 3, Associated WITH Fayette County, has been re- Babcock Hatchery appointed as a member of the _ . „ . State Soil and Water Conserva- Pai 4 as een tion Commission of the Penn- nan ? e £ sales and semce repre sylvania Department of Agri- sentatlye foi Babcock Hatchery, culture The nomination by Gov- * nc and will cover ernor Raymond P. Shafer was southwestern Pennsylvania and approved by the State Senate. Ma i7 land - Stephens was originally ap- t, ll ® comes here from New pointed in June 1964 and is Ha mpshire with 27 years of ex one of three farmer members fenence in the poultry mdus of the Commission. ? e has r ha i expenence in all phases of the business, in cluding farming, laboratories, hatchery and pharmaceuticals His home is at 3 Karyl Lane, York Rl. Have YOU Tried OUR Classified? MILES W. FRY & SON Frysville, Ephrata R 3, Pa. 17522 Tel. 354-9558 Growers of: HYBRID POPLARS —— a good free. PENNGIFT CROWNVETCH a faultless slope cover with good forage-crop poten tial- Certified seed and crowns available. iiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiiiriiiiiimimimiiiiiiniiii GEHL 72 CHOPPER A> I WWW/ |||Nyi GREEN CHOPS NON-STOP! 687-6546 The Gehl FC-72 FUil Chopper breezes through the heaviest green chop cuts a six-foot swath, ram or shine l Compared to grazing, the Gehl 72 can dou ble the usable feed per acre Pro vide your cows with the lush, fresh feed they need for top, con sistent production Downtime repairs 7 No problem l The Gehl 72 is the most trouble-free chop per made Features include: 367-2280 442-4525 1. 39 Reversible Flails (Full six foot cut). 2. Unitized Knives and Fan Blades, Make us Prove if with a Demonstration! N. G. HERSHEY & SON Manheim iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiuiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii 3. Easy Knife Adjustment. Plus . . . Easy-Swing drawbar that gives you four positions (3 offset, 1 transport). Call us today for a free demon stration —or come in and see the FC-72 yourself. Financing available. FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT CO. R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. • Plow Down Com (Continued from Pago 17) in May head for the potato fields. Young corn has a sap poisonous to young borers so they can develop only on a different crop. Unfortunately, by the middle of the season, corn loses its toxic substance, according to Bray. From that time on, it is subject to borer damage. It sounds as though the tox in in corn would offer a good biological method to control corn borers. However, as yet. the toxin costs too much to ex tract from the corn, so it can’t be used. The borer was imported from Europe; unfortunately, the nat ural enemies which help con trol the pest there won’t live in this country. According to Bray, entomologists introduced an excellent natural parasite— a fly resembling the common house fly—but it died out with in two years. Biological control experi ments are continuing, but so far they offer little promise. Cultural practices and chemi cals are the only effective con trol methods available. Plow down all corn stubble by May 1 to destroy as many as possi ble of the overwintering borers. DAIRYMEN CATTLEMEN Here’* the answer to your MANURE PROBLEMS MANURE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Save* Tim*—Saves Fertility Juft Knpe or nib ninun, beddini tub ns fHd Into Eisr Wir holdlni tank When jroo'ro muly, tbi powerful odUtor ud lelf-primlnt chopper Impel!* pump will put the homoienizid mlituri Into Euj VI f Mould field iprudef. No el«— J» n aUnk. For complete information on the EASY WAY DISPOSAL SYSTEM write to: CALEB M. WENGER K. D. 1, Drumore Center KIB-3116, QUARRYVILLE, PA. New Idee Rep. Attends Service Training Sdi. Roy H Buch, representing Chester K. Long, Akron, Avco New Idcn dealer in this area, has just returned from a two day training meeting on serv icing New Idea’s Uni-System line of interchangeable self propelled harvesting equipment. The meeting was one of 100 regional service training ses sions which are being conduct ed by Avco New Idea through May 2, for service personnel from Avco New Idea dealer ships throughout the United States and Canada. Buch was awarded a framed certificate and a “New Idea Trained for Service” Swiss em broidered emblem, which he can display on his slurt, jacket or shop coat. DISEASE-FREE PLANTS CAN BE PRODUCED To pro luce dis a a s e-free plants, start with disease-free or treated seed. Use sterile media or sterilized soil, clean containers, tools, and water. Producing disease-fiee plants requires a good control pro gram, says Allen H. Bauer, ex tension plant pathologist.
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