—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 1,1967 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review March 31, 1967 March 30, 1967 COWS CATTLE 1000 Slaughter March 29,1967 CATTLE 650 Slaughter s t e ers 25-75 c lower Cows un- Receipts totaling 120 cows, „. min steers weak to 50c lower with even, steady to 50c lower, with 2 bulls, and 4 heifers sold CATTLE 2400 Slaughter 29, 1967 most sales 25-50 c lower Cows m ost ear ] y ga j es Cutter and steady. Forty head of Canadian steers 25-50 lower, instances CATTLE 702 Slaughter weak to 50c lower with most i ow utility steady Bulls most- purebred and grade cows aver* 75r lower on weights over 1200 steers weak to 50c lower, in- decline on Utility. Bulls un- i y 50c lower. Feeder steers aged $502. Fresh Helsteins, 275- 3bs Cows 50-1 00 lower. Bulls stances 75c lower on weights even mostly steady to weak al- strong to 50c higher Supply 786; Guernseys, 150-285; other steady to weak Feeder steers over 1200 lbs Cows 50-1 00 low- though Utility and Commercial included 28% cows. heeds, 150 300. Bulls, 200-300. not fully established. Supply er. Bulls sieaoy to weak. Sup- over 1600 lbs. - strong to 50c c T AirrHmiri? ctvfrc Heifers 265-310 included 65 percent slaughter ply included 70 percent slaugh- higher. Supply included 30% fonn ihcMwoi; and 20 peicent cows and bulls ter steers. cows h h rho ° d'p ° HORSES SLAUGHTER STEERS SLAUGHTER STEERS - SLAUGHTER STEERS - 1100-1325 lbs 25 2^26Chome March 27. 1967 Choice 9504200 1bf?450-25 50 Choice lbs ‘ 24 50-25 50 High Choice and Prime 1050- S-1350 lbs 24-25 35 ffiS The 312 head offered sold couple %*■ * “S Cho!L AmStS lb<i 26*26 25 on Monrlnv High Good to low Choice Choice 26.85-27. Choice'9so-1300 Good 2325-2425 few 1175-1375 ( ' livin st 115-240, killeis, 9-10 Choice i3so Ibs 2410 25 MO-1200 lbs - 24 25-24.85 1200- lbs 24 50-26 Choice and Prime g, 22 25423 StandSld to low cents per la Mules > pairs - 350 ' 50^ tLI oads S 13001475 ,bs 2425 - 2550 High Good 21 50 23 700 singllso-265 Pony mares 1420 lbs. at 25.25 on Monday. *?' ?“?? ?°J SLAUGHTER HEIFERS - geldmgS ’ 15 ‘ 6 °- High Good to low Choice 900- cr 4Tir . 2 ?‘ 2 bvandard to 1 w Good Good and Choice 785-1030 lbs. HOGS ssac J&sr&fssst “ss**** -he™. - ™ mmy ind hi „ h RereiP rr,rs;L g Stand.,.* t o !.w Good 2150- »»•* G»< lb s Gog 60 “ f, “S.VpSw y<S cTttJ 2375 „ 2123 60 individual Prime 2510 19.3520 60 Cutter 17- heavyweights, 19-19 50. whole (Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 10) 1850 Canner and low Cutter sale (US 1-3). 19 50-20.25; 16 25-17 50 sows, 13-15.50 The 30 shoats BULLS Choice 24 25-25 50 ofieied brought 14 50-16 Utility to Good 22 25-24 35, few 1600-2400 lbs Utility and Com mei cial 24-26 35 FEEDER STEERS Good Maine Potatoes ancl Choice 775 860 lbs 23-24, New York 15 head Choice 300-360 lbs 32 FEEDER HEIFERS—Choice 300-350 lbs 26 26 75 CALVES 364 Vealeis un even, Good and Choice steady to strong Cull to Standard 2-3 higher. VEALERS Choice 41-43- 50 Good 37-4150 Standard 35- 39 Utility 30-35 Cull 28-31, 70- 90 lbs Cull 22 50-27 50 SHEEP 8 Insufficient vol ume for a market test SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice and Prime 800-1050 IhS. 22 75 23 75, Good 750-1000 lbs 21 23 COWS Utility and high yielding Cutter 1825-1950, few on Monday 1950-20 50. Cutter 15 60-18 50 Canner and low Cutter 15 50-17 BULLS Choice 2475-2550, Apf ' 6 ‘ Good 23-24 75, Utility and Com- May mercial 22 50-24 50, several 1500- 1800 lbs 24 85 26 FEEDER STEERS Load July Good and Choice 475 lb 29, five loads Choice 1000-1050 lb with Good to low Choice slaughter flesh 24 50-25.40 p ‘ CALVES 575—Vealers steady to 1 00 lower with most decline on Good and Choice. VEALERS Choice 38 50- 42. few 42-44 Good 36-40.Stand aid 32-36 SC, Utility 26-32 Cull mainly 22-26 HOGS 1250 Barrows and gilts 50-100 lower Sows scarce. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 200-250 lb closed the week at 18 50-19 with 15 head US 1 at 19 50 on Monday US 1 hi ought 20 25-21 US 1-3 closed at 18-18 50 couple lots US 3 285-310 lb 17 10 SHEEP 75 Spiing lambs and wooled slaughter lambs about steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 65-75 lb. 26-27 WOOLED SLAUGHTER L'VMBS Utility and Good 60 80 lb 20-21. Six Lancaster County Youths Attending 4«H Leadership Conference Six Lancaster County young people are among 80 leaders trom 13 southeastern Pennsyl vania counties attending a 4-H Loaclei ship Conference at Her shcy this weekend Local youngsters include - Avcrnl Royer, 2025 Oregon Pike Candace Seiverlmg, Lit it/ R 1 Shiiley Buckwalter, Lit it/ R 3 Joseph Wivell, Colum bia Rl. Kenneth Risser, Leola R 1 and Stephen Mitchell, Ref ton Diamg Lie thiee-day session —Fnclay, Saturday, and Sun day these folks are taking pail in discussion groups, rec reation, and will have an op poi ’unity <o hear speakers on the following subjects. Plan ning the Club Piogiam, Work ing with Younger Members, Special 4-H Events and Activi ties, and International Farm Youth Exchange The gioup is scheduled to heai addresses by Dr D L Bicmesdei fer, retued piesident ol Millersville State College, and Dr R°iold O'Brien of Pern MARKET NEWS REPORT Auction Only March 22, 1967 (Closing bids as of Thursday, March 30 1967) Oct. Dec. Feb. '6B 27.42 Mar. Apr. June a-askcd b-bid n-nominal TREND Cattle and potatoes lower, hogs, slightly higher imiiinmiinmitniiriuiimiiiiiiimmuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiliimu | Vintage 5 Bulls, steers, butcher cows, = Hogs, lambs and veal calves = Sold on Commission S Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P,M. 5 For marketing information = 5 Phone Area Code 7X7-442-4181 = s Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 5 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rl. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager 5 HnnnnnnniniiniimnmimnHmmiiiiminiiinnmuHiinnninmim* LOOKING FOR A BETTER PROFIT PICTURE? Do you know! AH of your livestock will find a READY-ACTIVE Market at our MONDAY AUCTION . 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers; bulls, cows and veal, Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. A SAFE PLACE TO MARKET LIVESTOCK New Holland Sales StaUes New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 J. H. GINGRICH, Mgr. FUTURES TRADING Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago 25.20 25.67 26,27’ 26.75 27.30 27.72-b 27.75 Sales Stables, PARADISE, PENNA. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs' sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. Vintage Auction March 28, 1967 Live Hogs Chicago 20.10 ' 2.50 21.85-b 22.50 22.40 22.00 20.90-n J 2 JS4 20.75-n 21.00 Inc. | 2.11 ‘ ■ 3P 1967 W. Virginia FEEDER CATTLE & CALF SALE South Brunch Stockyards, |nc. Mooretield, West Virginia ; n -r FRIDAY, APRIL 14 7:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) ESTIMATED 1250 to 1600 Head TWO YEAR-OLDS, YEARLINGS & CALVES All long haired West Virginia Cottle Sole sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture ahd the South Branch Stockyards, Inc, 2T.67 New Holland Auction CALVES March 27, 1967 One-hundi ed head sold steady Choice and Prime, 38- 43.50, Good and Low Choice, 36-37 50: Standard, 30 - 35.50; Common, 20 29 50. Chicago Cattle CATTLE Receipts 20,100 a c compared with 18,200 last week and 21,800 a year ago. Twelve market supply 153,500 as compared with 146,500 last (Continued on Page'lo)
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